Angel Goddess Qian Renxue

"Do you think Qian Renxue will act?"

"Senior knows her better. But she's the only other one who reached Godhood on Douluo Continent in the recent years. If she makes a move… who's to say Xingyun's jealousy won't lead him down the wrong path?"

"She's probably still in Spirit City. I don't sense her power anywhere near here," Tang San said after having closed his eyes for a few moments.

"I don't either… but a God's powers are Heaven's mystery. What if she reaches him in a roundabout way?"

"What do you mean, Xiao Shen?"

"On Haishen Island, I had a dream where Sea God Douluo spoke to me. Could the former Angel Goddess do that to Xingyun?"

"I doubt it. The Angel spoke to her just as the Sea God and Asura God spoke to me and the Music God spoke to Yong. I don't think she'd be able to reach Xingyun."

Ru Shenqi let out a sigh of relief and nodded. "That's good then."

I just have to hope Xingyun won't hold it against Yong. If the Shrek Seven Tyrants break up because of this… at this critical moment, Supreme Pontiff Hu Liena will just laugh. I won't end up like my parents. I will rise from the ashes of my past and defeat Spirit Empire once and for all. And if the former Angel Goddess Qian Renxue shows up, I'll kill her like Senior Tang San killed her mother, Bibi Dong.


Later that night, Ru Shenqi pulled aside the flap to Gu Xingyun's tent and entered. He looked up after finished cultivating.

"Xiao Shen? What is it?"

"Are you really not upset by what happened earlier today?"

He sighed, and his shoulders slumped. She walked over and sat down next to him on the bed. Enveloping one of her hand in his, he looked right into her deep blue eyes.

"Yong and I have always been close in spirit ranks. I thought I finally had him this time, becoming a Titled Douluo before him. But he's been chosen to inherit a God Seat as a Spirit Douluo. You know, after so many years of competing, it hurts my pride. Just a bit. I'm not the Crown Prince of Guang Kingdom for nothing; I have one of the best beast spirits a spirit master can have. But I still lost to a free spirit master of the spirit system."

"Not everything has to be a competition, Xingyun. You know that."

He lowered his head and nodded. "Yeah, I know. It's just… so ingrained I guess."

"Will this affect the Shrek Seven Tyrants?"

He shook his head quickly. "Of course not! No matter who's at what rank or what's a God or not, we'll always be the Shrek Seven Tyrants who shocked the Continent!"

A relieved smile pulled on her lips. She rested her free hand on his shoulder. "I'm glad. I could never ask for a better family."

Gu Xingyun nodded. "I'm so glad I met you when we were in Slaughter City, Xiao Shen. You pushed me to be better and to survive that hellhole. Without you, I don't know if I'd be where I am today."

"It's not all me. You've worked hard to get where you are. Don't belittle yourself. You've still managed to become a Titled Douluo at twenty six."

"But you, you little God, are a Third Class God at twenty years old."

Ru Shenqi smirked, "I'm just lucky."

"Is luck all of it?"

"My mother made me into a God. I had no choice in the matter. But if it can help us defeat Spirit Empire once and for all, then I'm willing to give it my all."

"Senior Tang San has already promised the Sea God and Asura God to eventually ascend to the Douluo Divine Realm and take a seat in the Divine Realm Council. Xiao Shen, are you going to have to leave us too?"

Pain flickered in her eyes as she nodded slowly. "Yes."

Gu Xingyun sighed, and his shoulders slumped. "Then, Yong will one day join you in the Douluo Divine Realm?"

She nodded again. "At some point, all Gods will have to leave their home realms. The Seven Sacred Pillar Guardians explained this to me back on Haishen Island. Since Seniors Oscar and Ning Rongrong have also been chosen by Gods to inherit their God Seats, once they fulfil the requirements and take the Test of Inheritance, they will also become Gods who must leave Douluo Continent."

"If even the Shrek Seven Devils will be separated like this, how can the Shrek Seven Tyrants withstand it?"

"It's painful to think about, I know. But this is where our fates have led us. How can we argue with the Heavens?"

"Xiao Shen, don't tell me you actually believe in Fate?"

She shrugged. "Why wouldn't I?"

A perturbed look crossed his face. "I thought you would've been one to not believe that others have your life in their hands. You've become a God!"

"Thanks to my mother. Becoming a God was always my fate. I couldn't change that."

"But you could've. You could've rejected the God powers."

"Xingyun, you don't know how this works. But I think I know what is and isn't possible regarding my life." Ru Shenqi stood and summoned the Golden Scepter. Holding it grandly, she turned her head slightly to address him again. "My life... has never been my own."

Then, she exited his tent. She made her way over to the edge of the camp without looking back. She already knew he wouldn't run after her. As her figure approached the small group that stood on the cliffside overlooking Liuying Gorge, one person ran up to her.

"Xiao Shen, is everything okay?"

She gave a wan smile and shook her head. "Xingyun and I got into a fight over something. It'll pass."

Ming Yong frowned with worry. "Was it serious?"

She shook her head again. "Just Fate. Anyways, what are you all doing here?"

The other Tyrants walked up to them. Liao Suyin explained, "Yong got notified for his Second Test of the Music God."

Ru Shenqi raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh? What is it?"

"Enhance the Spirit."


Fang Youyou murmured dejectedly, "We don't know what it means either."

"Yong, what if we asked Grandmaster or Senior Tang San? They might know."

"It's worth a shot. Xiao Shen, can you see where they are?"

She nodded and released her spirit. Searching through the tents, she finally found them. "Come on, this way!"

They ran over to a large tent in the north of the camp. Just outside, Ming Yong cleared his throat. "Senior, Grandmaster, we have a question. Have we come at a bad time?"

"Not at all," Yu Xiaogang's voice floated out. "Come in."

The Shrek Six Tyrants entered the tent. Tang San, Xiao Wu, and the Golden Iron Triangle turned towards them.

"Yong, what is it?" Flender asked.

"My Second Test of the Music God requires me to "Enhance the Spirit" but I don't know what that means. And the God of Music didn't elaborate."

Yu Xiaogang and Tang San shared a look. Finally, Tang San said, "As of right now, you've just become a Titled Douluo and don't even have your ninth spirit ring yet. So your Seven String Dragon Qin is still the spirit of a mortal. If you want to become a God, you must become the Divine. Not just your body but your spirit too. Enhance the Spirit means you need to make your spirit Divine."

The Shrek Six Tyrants all stood there, stunned. Ru Shenqi recovered first.

"My spirit underwent three evolutions while I was taking the Challenges of the Sea God. I wonder if that refined my Clear Crystal Eyes to the Divine Level?"

"Probably," Yu Xiaogang surmised.

"Then, how do I get my spirit to undergo evolutions and become a Divine Spirit?"

Tang San stepped forward and gripped his shoulders. "Whatever you do, don't force it. How about you go hunt for your ninth spirit ring? Let's see if a suitable spirit beast can bring about an evolution?"

"Wouldn't the spirit beast have to be about a million years old? A spirit beast that's close to becoming a God?"

Xiao Wu shook her head. "Not exactly. It is definitely helpful but not a set requirement. I suppose your best chance of finding a spirit beast like that is either the open ocean or Icebound Forest."

"Icebound Forest is close to here," Liu Erlong cut in. "If you go now, we can hold Spirit Empire off since they haven't attacked yet."

Suddenly, Tang San frowned. His eyes narrowed, and his Sea God Armor emerged on his body. Ru Shenqi noticed the unwanted presence at the same time. Her eyes flashed silver-white, and her spirit rings descended.

"Eh, Xiao San, Xiao Shen, what is it?" Flender wondered.

Tang San began, "Head Flamen..."

"Qian Renxue!" Ru Shenqi finished with a snarl.

The two Gods shot out of the tent and towards the Holy Aura. When Ru Shenqi realized where the presence was coming from, she seethed.

Sect Leader, she's gone for Xingyun.

I'm sorry, Xiao Shen. I miscalculated Qian Renxue's move. I didn't think she'd get involved as Spirit Empire's Head Flamen. She's not supposed to be concerned with worldly affairs, just like her grandfather, Qian Daoliu, wasn't.

They barged into the tent to see Qian Renxue standing beside a standing Gu Xingyun. Her Angel Sword was pointed directly at his heart.

"Tang San!" Qian Renxue cried. "I haven't avenged Bibi Dong and Spirit Empire yet. You think you can attack Liuying Gorge like you attacked Jialing Pass? Think again!"

"Qian Renxue, you've always advocated for fair battles. Is threatening us with the life of a Junior fair?"

At that moment, the former Angel Goddess' eyes slid over to the young woman beside Tang San. "Who are you?"

Ru Shenqi kept a calm demeanor. The Golden Scepter appeared in her hand as she said regally, "The new Head Flamen of Haishen Island."

"Oh? It seems I really have been cut off in Spirit Temple. Then tell me, if you were worthy enough of becoming Haishen Island's new Head Flamen, surely you're a prodigy spirit master like the one next to you?"

"I'm nothing special, just Clear Crystal Douluo from Vast Sea City in Heaven Dou Empire."

"A Titled Douluo? It seems I've let Spirit Empire down. Both Star Luo Empire and Heaven Dou Empire have gained new Titled Douluos. But that will change today."

Ru Shenqi's eyes narrowed. I won't let you hurt my friends. Third spirit skill, Clear Crystal Armor.

After protecting Tang San and Gu Xingyun, she waved her Golden Scepter. Her oppressive force suddenly bored down onto Qian Renxue. But she quickly broke free and pushed Gu Xingyun away.

"Who are you?! How can you actually suppress me?!"

The Sea God's Trident appeared in Tang San's hand. He held it out at the former Angel Goddess. The Golden Scepter disappeared from sight and was replaced by the Nine Stars Whip.

"Me?" Ru Shenqi asked innocently. "I'm a Junior of Sect Leader, and the Captain of the Shrek Seven Tyrants. My name is Ru. Ru Shenqi."

"Then are you related to Ru Zuanshi at all?"

An icy cold tone filled her voice as she responded, "She was my mother. And Spirit Empire is responsible for her death. Head Flamen Qian Renxue, I will kill you and destroy your Spirit Empire completely in retribution for my parents' death."