Dragon Qin Douluo

Qian Renxue stared at Ru Shenqi. "What makes you think you have the power to defeat me? I'm the Angel Goddess!"

"Not anymore from what I heard. You burned your inheritance to try and kill Sect Leader," Ru Shenqi sneered.

Qian Renxue hmphed. "I've almost regained my Godhood. You still don't have the qualifications to defeat me!"

"Oh really? I'm the Goddess of Nine Stars!"

Stunned, the former Angel Goddess eyed her opponent a bit closer. But she was also smart; she knew that she couldn't go against Tang San and this new Goddess of Nine Stars, whose spirit ring configuration she still didn't know. Hmphing, her Angel Sword disappeared.

"Fine. I'll leave this time. But rest assured, Spirit Empire will unite the Continent!"

She disappeared in an instant. Tang San, Ru Shenqi, and Gu Xingyun all let out a breath of relief. She turned to look at her beloved.

"Xingyun, are you alright? Qian Renxue didn't hurt you, did she?"

He shook his head. "I'm alright."

"That's good."

"Xiao Shen."

"Yes, Sect Leader?" Ru Shenqi faced Tang San.

"Go now, while Qian Renxue is momentarily at a setback. The sooner you come back, the sooner we can launch a preemptive attack against their troops."

She nodded. "I understand. Xingyun, are you going to come with us?"

"Where are we going?"

"Icebound Forest... to hunt for Yong's ninth spirit ring."

 "Yeah. The Shrek Seven Tyrants stick together."

A bright smile lit on her face. Tang San chuckled to himself.

Sometimes, I forget Xiao Shen is only twenty. Still just a youth.

The two Tyrants bowed respectfully to him and exited the tent. They met up with their friends, and all seven quickly sped away from the joint camp. With Ru Shenqi in the lead, as the only one of the seven who had been there before, they made their way towards Icebound Forest.


When the Shrek Seven Tyrants arrived at their destination, six faces gaped at the snow and ice all around. Ru Shenqi stepped forward and cleared her throat.

"The last time I was here, I was seven. So many things have changed since then."

"Xiao Shen," Bai Shanxin began as she walked up and rested a hand on her friend's shoulders. "Where should we go to find the oldest spirit beasts?"

"In this forest, it's not exactly the oldest we want. Of course, it has to be within the right age range, but it more depends on the quality and the skill the spirit beast's ring can provide. A ninth ring is a normal spirit master's last. But for Yong, he'll get Divine God Rings in the future. So, this ring has to pave the way for those."

"Ohhh," the others breathed in understanding.

Ming Yong blushed. "I'll trust you, Xiao Shen."

She nodded and hummed in agreement. Ru Shenqi led them deeper into the forest. Thanks to her Divine Aura, many of the low ranking spirit beasts stayed clear of them. The first spirit beast they crossed was one of fifty five thousand year cultivation. But all they had to do was release their spirits, and it scared the spirit beast away. So, the group trekked further. As they neared the innermost part of Icebound Forest, Ru Shenqi's Clear Crystal Eyes caught on something.


The others stopped behind her. Shu Jiaxiang frowned.

"Xiao Shen, what is it?"

"There's something near here. I can sense it."

Just then, Fang Youyou yelped. He fell backwards and started getting pulled by his foot. "Xiao Shen!"

She used her White Wolf Emperor left leg bone to speed over to him. Her Jester Tarsier King right arm bone emerged, and she launched Jester Hands, cutting the icy vine that was dragging her friend away. Once Fang Youyou was free, Shu Jiaxiang attacked a few that were coming for her. Gu Xingyun launched his second and fourth spirit skills, enhancing his attributes while cutting at some icy vines that were surging towards him. Bai Shanxin lifted into the air, and Fang Youyou launched his eighth spirit skill, allowing Ming Yong, Gu Xingyun, and himself to fly. Liao Suyin's Demon Eyed Tarantula right leg bone emerged, and she lifted into the air. Shu Jiaxiang released her Six Purple Light Wings external spirit bone and flew up also. Ru Shenqi's eyes narrowed.

"What is this?" Ming Yong wondered.

"It's a Frost Vine. As for its cultivation... it seems to be around eighty five thousand years."

"Is it suitable for me?"

"Very. But, do you not want to try for a century millennium year spirit beast?"

"You said the age didn't really matter. If this spirit beast suits me best, I'm satisfied, even if it ends up only being a decade millennium year spirit ring."

But Ru Shenqi felt bad. Her gaze softened. "Yong, we can wait. I'm sure we can find a century millennium year spirit beast that also suits you."

He smiled gratefully. "I appreciate the thought, but if this Frost Vine is best, then I'll take it."

She wavered. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. Sighing, she finally acquiesced.

"Alright, We need to find the body of the Frost Vine, only then can you kill it and get its ring."

He agreed, and the Shrek Seven Tyrants headed towards where the Frost Vine had come from. When they came upon the main body of the spirit beast, Ru Shenqi summoned her Golden Scepter. She used her spirit power to restrain it before turning towards Ming Yong.

"You can kill it now."

His fingers danced across the seven strings of his qin. His fourth spirit ring lit up, and Dragon Qin Feathers was launched. Strips of his strings shot out like feathers and attacked the Frost Vine. Not too long after, the body of the spirit beast faded away to particles. Its spirit ring materialized. And, it was black.

Ming Yong walked towards it. Ru Shenqi suddenly stepped forward and stopped him. "It's still not too late. Are you sure you want this spirit ring?"

"I'm satisfied with this, Xiao Shen. I'm not you; I never imagined that I'd be able to have one century millennium year spirit ring, let alone the possibility of three. Even though this ring is only black, its qualities and skill should match my spirit well. That's what matters more."

She sighed and stepped back. "I'll make sure nothing goes wrong."

He nodded and reached towards the spirit ring. It floated over to him, and he sat down to begin absorbing it. Ru Shenqi released the Power of the Ocean and the Power of Haishen Hall to protect him. Meanwhile, the other Tyrants made camp and started a fire.

A few hours later, Gu Xingyun came up beside Ru Shenqi. "I can't believe he's taking a decade millennium year spirit ring. I would've waited for a century millennium year one, even if it is much harder to find."

"Yong has always been like this though. When he finished speaking with the God of Music, he even asked me if he should accept the Inheritance or not. Yong has never been conceited nor selfish. He's lucky to be a ninetieth ranked spirit master at twenty five, but he's also worked hard. He's never sought power, hence why he was hesitant to journey on the road to becoming a God. And why he's satisfied with a decade millennium year spirit ring. Because he doesn't have a throne to fight for. He doesn't have siblings to prove himself against. Your worries are not his."

"Maybe that's why I'm jealous of him. He has everything I don't. The freedom, the talent, and the pure heart."

She frowned. "You just carry a heavier burden. How can you say you don't have talent? You're a ninety sixth ranked Titled Douluo at twenty six. That's called talent to me. And what's this about not having a pure heart? You fight for righteousness and know right from wrong."

"But I have jealousy and hatred that brew in my heart, Xiao Shen. I'm jealous that Ming Yong gets to become a God. I'm jealous whenever I see you close to him, and you're alone. I hate Spirit Empire. I hate that we have to fight in the war, and I can't marry you just yet."

Ru Shenqi looked down and wrung her hands nervously. "Xingyun... there's something I need to tell you."



"Xiao Shen, you might wanna read this!" Bai Shanxin called out suddenly.

She turned around and watched as her friend ran up to them. A piece of paper was shoved into her hands. She uncrumpled it, eyes quickly scanning the message. When she was done reading, her slaughter intent surged.

"They dare..." she growled.

"What happened?" Gu Xingyun asked.

"Spirit Empire made a move. The Heaven Dou Army, Star Luo Army, and Tang's Army are fighting them now. Our Seniors have ordered for us to stay in Icebound Forest for a while. Them, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan, and the people from the School of Four Elements are holding Spirit Empire off. Apparently, some disciples from the Clear Sky Clan are coming tomorrow to provide reinforcements."

"Is my family alright?"

Bai Shanxin nodded. "As far as I've heard, yes."

He breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good."

"So, now what?" Liao Suyin asked.

"We wait," Ru Shenqi replied simply. "There's nothing else we can do."


The next day, around midmorning, Ming Yong finally came out of meditation. He stood, and the others crowded around him. Ru Shenqi smiled.


His black decade millennium spirit ring lit up. "Ninth spirit skill, Dragon Qin Nirvana."

This spirit skill granted a twenty five percent increase in his qin's musical power. As the music played, the small animals nearby felt no pain and no suffering before swiftly losing their life to the melodious music that sucked away their lifeforce. The six other Tyrants were stunned.

"Woahhh!" Fang Youyou gasped.

"A- are they dead?" Shu Jiaxiang wondered.

Ming Yong nodded. "Quick and painless."

"Now what's your spirit power at?" Ru Shenqi asked.

"I'm a ninety third ranked Titled Douluo, Dragon Qin Douluo."

She nodded in satisfaction. "Well done."

Just then, Ming Yong heard the God of Music's voice ring in his mind. You are really befitting my Inheritor. You seek no power nor lofty title. As such, I will grant you this one gift. Don't let me down.

Divine power suddenly beamed down from the skies and surrounded Ming Yong. Ru Shenqi's eyes widened.

"Yong, hurry and sit! The God of Music is helping you. Start cultivating!"


She smiled brightly. "Just do it! Who knows what will come of this blessing. Don't waste it!"

He nodded and sat down. Closing his eyes, he began to cultivate under the God of Music's divine power. Ru Shenqi spread her own Divine Aura out so that the spirit beasts wouldn't disturb them.

When the moon and stars were shining brightly in the night sky, Ming Yong finally finished cultivating. The divine light disappeared from around him, and he stood. Everyone turned towards him.

"How is it?" Fang Youyou asked. "What did you gain from the God of Music?"

Ming Yong grinned. As his Seven String Dragon Qin materialized, so too did his spirit rings. Five pairs of eyes widened upon seeing the last ring. Only Ru Shenqi had been able to guess the God of Music's intent from the beginning; she knew he would upgrade his spirit ring, just like how hers had upgraded a second time after completing the Eighth Trial on Haishen Island. So seeing his ninth ring glow red wasn't surprising to her.

"Since it's a century millennium year spirit ring now, my ninth spirit skill enhances my musical power by fifty percent instead of twenty five, and it can even affect inanimate objects now. If I play it, I can crush rocks into dust and obliterate metal with no trouble at all."

Everyone's jaw dropped. Even Ru Shenqi was stunned.

"Such a powerful skill!" Bai Shanxin breathed in astonishment.

A dark flicker of jealousy crossed Gu Xingyun's face. He remained silent. Ru Shenqi side-eyed him and knew that Qian Renxue must've said something to him.

Xingyun, is everything okay?

Yeah, Xiao Shen. I was just thinking that Yong is quite lucky. He not only gets chosen to be the Inheritor for the God of Music but also gets blessings from him just for turning down power? What kind of biased God does that?

It's not bias, Xingyun. It's a reward for not seeking out more power than one deserves.

Gu Xingyun hmphed. He turned and walked away. Liao Suyin frowned and started after him, but Ru Shenqi used the Golden Scepter to block her. Her friend turned around, and everyone gazed at her with a confused look in their eyes. She sighed sadly and shook her head.

"Let him be. He's a Titled Douluo and can protect himself. Plus, my Divine Aura is covering a radius of twenty li. As long as he doesn't go beyond that, he'll be safe. He's upset, so let's let him cool off first."

Ming Yong hung his head. "Is it because of my spirit ring upgrade?"

Her eyes slid over to him before she nodded slowly. "Yeah."

"I don't understand," Shu Jiaxiang began. "Why is he so upset?"

"Because he's jealous," Fang Youyou said. "He doesn't like that other surpass him when he's worked just as hard or even harder."

Ming Yong elbowed him. "Youyou, don't say it out loud. Let him save some face, huh?"


Liao Suyin murmured, "Isn't he also jealous that Yong likes Xiao Shen?"

Silence fell over the six Tyrants. Ru Shenqi lowered her head.

Bai Shanxin quickly hushed Liao Suyin before changing the subject, "Yong, has your spirit enhanced?"

He shook his head. "No, the God of Music won't do it for me. I still need to find a way to complete my Second Trial."