
Gu Xingyun kicked at snow as he tramped through Icebound Forest. Although he didn't know where he was going, he just knew that he had to get away from the others before he lost control of his temper and heinous spirit. Above all, he didn't want to accidentally hurt any one of them. So he wandered.

Eventually, he came to an icy cliffside and sat down on the edge. A puff of warm air left his lips as he sighed. His shoulders slumped.

"I've worked just as hard as Yong. How come I don't get such rewards either?"

Only the chilly whistling breeze answered him. He closed his eyes and laid back in the snow. Soon, the black scenery of sleep changed. All of a sudden, Gu Xingyun was standing in a swirling purple vortex. He turned around in a circle, eyebrows furrowing.

Where am I? What is this place? What's going on? How did I get here, and how do I get back to Icebound Forest?

Just then, a deep and booming voice echoed, "Welcome to my realm, Crown Prince of Guang Kingdom."

"You know who I am?" Gu Xingyun called out.

"Even more than that. I know the secrets hidden deep in your heart. I know your darkest thoughts. I know your greatest desires."

"Who are you?"

"I am the only one who can make your dreams come true."

"What do you mean?"

"I can help you be the strongest person in the world. I can make you… a God."


Back at the camp, the Shrek Six Tyrants sat and cultivated. Fang Youyou and the Triple Beauties were nearing the eighty fifth rank. Ming Yong's spirit power had gained another level after the God of Music's blessing, so he was at the ninety fourth rank and could feel that the ninety fifth was still a long ways away. Ru Shenqi had increased in one level since leaving Haishen Island and was now halfway to the one hundred and seventh rank.

When morning dawned, they all ended their cultivation. Ming Yong walked over to Ru Shenqi and asked, "Should we go look for Xingyun?"

She hesitated, biting her bottom lip. "I want to give him time to cool down, but I also know the dangers that Icebound Forest present. If he goes beyond the radius of my Divine Aura, he could be in grave danger. There are certain places where even veteran Titled Douluo do not dare to step. If he winds up in one of them, he could lose his life."

"Then, let's go find him," Bai Shanxin cut in.

"I'd much rather he hate me than see him die," Ming Yong said. "Xiao Shen, can your Divine Aura sense where he went?"

She nodded and closed her eyes. When she picked up on his trace, her Clear Crystal Eyes flashed. She started walking immediately.

"This way."

The other five followed her obediently, leaving their camp behind. They trekked through the snow and over fallen tree trunks that had iced over. As they drew closer, Ru Shenqi suddenly stopped. Fang Youyou, Liao Suyin, Shu Jiaxiang, Bai Shanxin, and Ming Yong all came up beside her.

"Xiao Shen, what is it?" Shu Jiaxiang wondered. "Is Xingyun somewhere around here?"

Ru Shenqi shook her head. "No. I sense another power. Someone else is here. Someone I had forgotten about."

"Who?" Liao Suyin asked in confusion.

"I told Sect Leader of my fear that the former Angel Goddess Qian Renxue would sway Xingyun against us. But I failed to consider the influence of someone else. That's my mistake. And it's a grave one."

"What do you mean?" Fang Youyou frowned.

She shuddered. "If it's who I think it is… the Shrek Seven Tyrants will never be complete again."

The other five gaped at her. They had no idea who could scare their youngest member to much. Ru Shenqi silently prayed that Gu Xingyun was alright. And that he hadn't made a choice he'd regret.

Just then, a shadow appeared. Ru Shenqi quickly launched her third spirit skill to protect herself and her friends. Fang Youyou boosted them all. With their guards up, they were prepare to fight whoever came. A few moments later, they prepared to attack before Ru Shenqi saw who it was. Her eyes widened, and she ran forward, ending her spirit skill.


She barreled into him, nearly knocking him over, and embraced him in a tight hug. But he seemed to be in a trance and didn't move nor speak. His usually bright yellow eyes were a mix of purplish black.

Ming Yong suddenly started forward. "XIAO SHEN! WATCH OUT!"

A long icicle suddenly plunged into her chest. Jaw dropping in shock, she stumbled backwards. Ming Yong caught her and ripped the icicle out. A lotus petal flew over in an instant. Fang Youyou's second spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Eternity launched to save her life. Once her wound had fully healed, she slowly stood.

"First Divine Skill, Ice Goddess."

She trapped her beloved in a cage of ice. The Shrek Seven Tyrants slowly circled him.

"What happened to Xingyun?" Bai Shanxin breathed. "There's no way he'd consciously hurt you, Xiao Shen. He loves you so much."

"This is exactly what I feared before. I shouldn't have let him walk off yesterday. Maybe then, this wouldn't have happened."

"But why did he stab you?" Liao Suyin wondered. "I don't understand."

"Because he's not conscious," Ming Yong answered. "Something's controlling him."

Ru Shenqi sighed sadly, "It's his bad intentions and grudges. "


"There's only one person in the world who can control these evil thoughts."

"Who?" Shu Jiaxiang asked.

"A First Class God from the Douluo Divine Realm."

"Ahh?" the other five cried. "Xingyun being controlled by a First Class God?"

"Not so much controlled as tempted. But yes. And I'm not strong enough yet to be compared to this God."

"Xiao Shen…" Ming Yong began hesitantly. "Which God is it?"

She lowered her head and swallowed hard. "It's-"

Just then, the ice cage shattered. Ru Shenqi used the power of Haishen Hall to protect her friends. They all stared at their Vice-Captain. Divine power surged from him. He turned his gaze on Ru Shenqi, and tilted his head. She knew in an instant and used her Divine Aura to send the other five a safe distance away. Squaring off against Gu Xingyun, she let all ten of her spirit rings descend. All nine of his appeared, and he lunged for her. Their battle had begun.

His Spirit Avatar released, and he attacked in a frenzy. Ru Shenqi launched her seventh spirit skill, body becoming crystalline. Protected from all physical and mental attacks, she kept dodging him. A few minutes later, she used Clear Crystal Annihilation to stun him. But, he had apparently used Midnight Demon Cat right leg bone's Midnight Clone skill without her knowledge. Her attack dissipated the clone in an instant. Shocked, she spun around trying to find him. But she didn't see him anywhere.

How could he just disappear into thin air? He doesn't have an invisibility skill.

As her back was turned, he shot Electric Heavenly Lion straight towards her. Ming Yong saw it first and dashed forward, desperately hoping to beat out Gu Xingyun's tyrannical ninth spirit skill.

Xingyun would never forgive himself if he knew he had killed Xiao Shen.

His Divine Amber Seagull left arm bone emerged, and Seagull's Blockade launched. Reaching Ru Shenqi, he pushed her to the side as the ninth spirit skill of Golden Lion Douluo crashed into his shield. She spun around and saw him fly backwards. Blood spewed from his lips. Horror filled her eyes.

The other Tyrants came running over. Ru Shenqi knelt and pulled Ming Yong into her lap. "YOUYOU!"

"X- Xiao Shen."

"Shh, don't speak, Yong. Youyou will heal you."

But Gu Xingyun used his eighth spirit skill, Royal Heavenly Lion, and his fifth spirit skill, Heavenly Lion Red Atmosphere, to suppress the others. Only Ru Shenqi, as a Third Class God, was unaffected.

Ming Yong coughed, and more blood bubbled from his lips. Ru Shenqi blinked back tears. "Why? Why did you try blocking his attack?"

"H- he could've killed you."

She shook her head. "A human can't kill a God so easily. Yong, you shouldn't have interfered."

"I just c- couldn't stand to see the person I like g- get hurt."

Tears welled in her eyes. She could feel his pulse slowing down.

"Please stay with me. I can't lose anyone else," she began to cry.

He fought Gu Xingyun's suppression skills and reached up towards her face. The other Tyrants cried, "Yong!"

"I hope we can meet again in the next life. Xiao Shen, thank you for everything. I'm so glad I met you."

Seconds later, his hand fell from her face. Ru Shenqi stared blankly for a second before breaking down crying. She screamed, and her Divine Aura exploded. The suppression ended instantly, and everyone was thrown over a li away. When the other Tyrants returned, they saw her heinous spirit surging around her.

Although, they, too, were deeply saddened, one thought crossed all of their minds: Xiao Shen has suffered too much.