Gilded Strings - Part 2

After Liao Suyin and Xun Yunji(1) talked, he offered to accompany them back to Liuying Gorge. She agreed, and they met up with the other Tyrants. Seeing them together, Shu Jiaxiang frowned.


"Xun Yunji will be coming with us. He just needs to inform his father of his departure, and then we can go."

Gu Xingyun nodded. "Another spirit master to help us fight Spirit Empire is a good thing. And Young Master Xun, you're a sixty ninth ranked Spirit Emperor, right?"

Xun Yunji nodded. "Yes. I'm at the rank seventy bottleneck. Perhaps my journeying with you all can push me over the edge."

"Well, we have to go through Star Dou Great Forest to get back to Liuying Gorge. Maybe by then, you'll have crossed over and we can help you hunt for a spirit beast," Ming Yong suggested.

Xun Yunji tipped his head in gratitude. "Thank you. I know we've all just met, but I have a feel we're all going to get along very well."

He departed to go see his father, and the others headed for the eastern gate where they'd meet back up with him. Bai Shanxin nudged Liao Suyin.

"Soooo, is your fiancé not as bad as you had imagined?"

"No, he's actually very nice. I'm glad we had this chance encounter."

About an hour later, Xun Yunji ran up to the Shrek Six Tyrants. "I'm all set. My father's agreed to let me go."

The others nodded, and they set out on their way.


Back at Liuying Fortress, Ru Shenqi had to attend a meeting with the Golden Generation and the new Judgement Elder. They discussed the newest plans of attacking the joint camp.

"We still have to be wary of the Coexistence of Two Gods spirit fusion skill," Hu Liena said. "It's what killed Laoshi and led the previous Judgement Elder to burn her Inheritance, thus making Spirit Empire lose its last God."

"Laoshi, don't worry. You have me now. The Goddess of Nine Stars has returned."

"Yes, Xiao Shen, you will be instrumental in our next attack."

"What do you need me to do?"

"I want you to completely crush their army's spirit. Do whatever means necessary."

She bowed her head. "Yes, Laoshi."

Hu Liena watched her carefully, looking for any sign that her newest disciple was treasonous. But not finding any, she sighed. It's a good thing I didn't kill her back then. She's come to Spirit Empire of her own accord and can help us to win this war once and for all.

Tears nearly welled in Ru Shenqi's eyes. Mom, Dad, if you both saw me now, what would you think? You'd really hate me, wouldn't you? Well, I hate myself now. I hate that I cannot be with the one I love and that I must die in order for him to live.

"Laoshi, I'll go prepare."

With that, she bowed and exited the main hall. Back in her room, Ru Shenqi sat down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. "Now that my life's come to this, I must play my part well. I cannot show any sympathy for Heaven Dou Empire or Star Luo Empire. I have to truly forsake all those who genuinely care about me. Maybe one day, Xingyun will realize all that I've done for him."

A single tear slid down her cheek. She wrung her hands nervously and sighed sadly. I hope he won't miss me too much after I'm gone. Maybe the Five Flavors Soup of Oblivion really will work for the rest of his life. In that case, I won't have any regrets. He has the potential to become a God. I just couldn't let him become the Rakshasa God. Speaking of Gods, I must find a successor.

She stood and left her room. Gliding through the corridors, every spirit master or soldier that she passed all bowed to her respectfully. "Holy Maiden."

Ru Shenqi just kept on walking. When she finally approached the throne room where she knew a certain someone would be, she cleared her throat and called out, "Laoshi, I have something to discuss with you."

"Come in, Xiao Shen."

As she entered, she immediately noticed that Hu Liena was sitting on the throne, alone in the big room. She walked forward and knelt down on one knee respectfully.

"Laoshi, the two empires have many powerful spirit masters. With their numbers, not even I as a Second Class God may be able to defeat them on my own."

"What are you getting at?"

She stood and said, "Xiao Shen knows Laoshi has longed for a God's Inheritance for a while now. So, Xiao Shen will choose Laoshi. If Laoshi is willing, Xiao Shen will pass the Goddess of Nine Stars God seat to Laoshi."

Hu Liena's eyes widened. "You'd give me your God seat?"

"I've never wanted to be a God. All I've ever wanted is a family. But my parents died because of Storm Douluo and Spirit Empire. The Shrek Seven Tyrants were once my family, but because of the threat of the Rakshasa God, I cannot call them my family any longer. Since I'll never be able to achieve my dream, what is the use of all the power in the world? So, I'm willing to make you my Inheritor."

The fox stood. "Are you sure about this, Xiao Shen?"

Ru Shenqi nodded. "If you accept, then we can begin."

Hu Liena thought it over for a moment before taking a deep breath. "I accept."

The young one held out her hand, and bright white light shot down from the skies. Basked in it, the Supreme Pontiff closed her eyes. Through spiritual communication, she heard Ru Shenqi say, Goddess of Nine Stars Inheritance Trials, accepted. First Trial, Inner Starlight, commenced. Time limit, six months.

Hu Liena's eyes opened, and she frowned. "What's Inner Starlight?"

"Being the Goddess of Nine Stars means that you need to let go of earthly attachments. Inner Starlight means you must overcome your Earthly obsessions. It seems that you have three. Your first one being Bibi Dong; you need to let go of your attachment to your Laoshi. Your second one seems to be Tang San, whom you once called Tang Yin. I don't think I need to explain that one to you. And your third one is Elder Xie Yue. Laoshi, focus on passing this First Trial. Leave the empires' armies to me, Arcana Douluo, Elder Xie Yue, Elder Yan, and Judgement Elder."

The Supreme Pontiff nodded slowly. "Very well, I'll go into closed-door cultivation then. As Holy Maiden, your word is to be treated the same as mine. Lead Spirit Empire's troops well, Xiao Shen."

"Yes, Laoshi. Don't worry, I won't disappoint you."

Hu Liena nodded and handed over the Supreme Pontiff Staff and walked towards the doors. Once she was gone, Ru Shenqi sunk to the floor.

"If Mom only knew that I'm passing on the Goddess of Nine Stars God seat to Hu Liena... she'd be so disappointed in me."


When the Shrek Six Tyrants and Xun Yunji arrived in Liuying Gorge about a week later, they arrived in the middle of a battle. Everyone was going all out. All spirit fusions skills were launched. Ning Rongrong was in her spirit avatar form, supporting everyone from the empires' armies. But one figure in particular caught five pairs of eyes.

A young woman in white and gold floated in the air. She pointed with the Supreme Pontiff staff, commanding the troops. All of Spirit Empire's remaining Titled Douluos rushed out, launching their amplifications skills before using their most powerful attacks. The young woman's eyes narrowed.

"Spirit Empire, let's make Her Majesty proud!"

Cheers rose up as their morale lifted. Seeing this, five of the Tyrants' faces blanched. Gu Xingyun growled, and Xun Yunji watched on, confused. Just then, Ru Shenqi's second divine God ring lit up. Second divine skill, Spiritual Duplication, launched.

"Eighth spirit skill of the Obsidian Flute, Nightmare Lullaby!"

A pitch-black flute appeared in her hands, and she raised it to her lips. She had copied the spirit of an Elder of Spirit Empire from back when Bibi Dong was still young and naïve. Having scoured the records in Liuying Gorge, she had learned the skills of many spirit masters in order to bring chaos to the troops. As she began to play the song, a discordant melody rang out. Soldiers and spirit masters alike all clutched at their heads in pain.

Ming Yong's eyes widened. "And I thought my qin was tyrannical enough. But this Obsidian Flute can also launch spiritual attacks."

Indeed, for this Nightmare Lullaby caused its listeners to fall into a dream state where they'd be slowly devoured by their obsessions. Soon, soldiers and the weaker spirit masters fell prey to this tyrannical spirit skill. Seeing this, Tang San and Xiao Wu launched a powerful dual-attack. The Asura Sword and the Sea God's Trident spun around each other as they flew towards Ru Shenqi. She, obviously, had to stop playing to be able to defend herself and used her Nine Stars Whip to knocked the two weapons off course. They, instead, barreled right into Liuying Fortress.

"You dare-!" she screeched. "Sixth spirit skill, Clear Crystal Pack Hunt!"

She drew on spirit power from every Elder, Flamen, and spirit master at the Spirit Saint level or above. Condensed it all into one large ball of pure spirit power, her gaze set on the Golden Saint Dragon Luo San Pao. As much as she didn't want to attack her teachers, she also knew that this would force Tang San into a defensive position.

"Pack Howl!"

And she was right, the moment Tang San and Xiao Wu realized who she was aiming for, they broke apart and used the Invincible Golden Body to protect the Golden Iron Triangle. As such, the condensed spirit power, which was equal to that of a First Class God, was enough to injure both of them. When the other Shrek Devils saw them spit blood, they knew they had greatly underestimated this Little God.

"Sixth Spirit Skill, Myriad Sword Returning Tribe!"

"Third spirit skill, Clear Crystal Armor!"

Despite having renounced her position as Head Flamen of Haishen Island, Ru Shenqi still wielded the Power of Haishen Hall. So, she used it in combination with her third spirit skill to protect all of Liuying Fortress and Spirit Empire's troops. When the swords ran into her shield, Chen Xin had no choice but to recall them. Ning Rongrong accurately boosted everyone that she could at this time.

It was also at this moment that the Shrek Six Tyrants couldn't stand by any longer. Using Fang Youyou's flowers or their spirits or spirit bones, they took to the sky. Seeing them rise between her and the two empires' troops, sadness filled Ru Shenqi's heart.

I wish I didn't have to fight you all, but since it's come down to this, I can't be lenient.

Liao Suyin called out, "Xiao Shen, don't do this, please. You're going to regret it if you actually hurt us, Teachers, or Seniors."

I'm so sorry, Suyin, but I can't afford to regret it.

The white-haired youth shook her head. She steeled her features before saying, "No, I won't."

Her second divine God ring lit up again. Her hands shook slightly as her voice wavered, "Sixth spirit skill of the Death Spider Emperor: Bloodsucking Spider Thorns!"

Countless purple thorns appeared and flew at her friends. Gu Xingyun instantly launched his Heavenly Lion Pride, protecting them under his shield. But the thorns kept coming. They finally broke through the shield, sending the six flying backwards. Tears nearly welled in her eyes.

Guys, I'm so sorry.

"Second divine skill, Spiritual Duplication! Second spirit skill of the Soul Devouring Spider Emperor: Jade Sickle Cut!"

Two large sickles appeared and slashed out at her friends. Unable to defend against them, Dai Mubai launched forward and used sixth spirit skill, White Tiger Annihilation Kill to counter the sickles. Having duplicated Bibi Dong's twin spirits, she sent a chill through all those from both empires.

Yu Xiaogang murmured, "She can use Bibi Dong's spirits. She can use anyone's spirits. We have no way of defending against a spirit master who can change spirit skills on a whim. Xiao Shen really has studied her skills and others' to the extreme."

"Xiaogang," Flender began. "Even if we could bear to, how can we kill a God who can use whatever spirit necessary to protect herself?"

"This battle against Spirit Empire has just become five times harder."

Meanwhile, the Shrek Seven Devils launched their Seven-In-One spirit skill fusion ability, and the Shrek Six Tyrants launched their Six-In-One spirit fusion ability. Faced with two high-powered attacks, Ru Shenqi knew she probably would not win.

But for Xingyun to become a God, I must live now to fight another day.

Her seventh spirit ring lit up. Clear Crystal Eyes Spirit Avatar, launched.

After protecting herself from all attacks physically and mentally, her first divine God ring lit up. "First divine skill, Ice Goddess!"

Normally, this skill froze others, preventing them from attacking. But she knew she had no chance of stopping these fusion skills. So, she covered herself in ice instead. Her third spirit ring then lit up as her Clear Crystal Armor created another layer that their attacks would have to pass through in order to injure her. When both hit, her shield was shattered instantly, the ice crumbled, and she was knocked out of her Spirit Avatar state before being sent flying backwards. Her body smashed into Liuying Fortress.

"Your Highness!" the Flamens and Elders cried.

They rushed to save her. After collecting her body from the deep gaping hole in the stone, they descended to the wide balcony. Her body was bruised and bloodied, and her eyes were closed. When five of the six Tyrants saw just how seriously injured she was, their hands began to shake.

"Xiao Shen..."

Suddenly, a bright white light exploded from inside Liuying Fortress. Hu Liena came racing out onto the balcony and stared down at the Little God that she had nurtured. She dropped to her knees.

"Xiao Shen!"

Looking up, she saw the two generations of Shrek monsters. "Shrek Academy! You'll pay for this!"

She picked up her disciple's limp body and headed inside. Xie Yue and Yan recalled their troops and spirit masters, retreating inside the fortress as well. The armies of Heaven Dou and Star Luo Empire cheered, celebrating their victory, but many hearts were not at ease. Inside a large tent, the Golden Iron Triangle met with the Shrek Seven Devils, Ming Yong, Bai Shanxin, Shu Jiaxiang, Fang Youyou, and Liao Suyin. Gu Xingyun had gone to ask his father about the inherited spirit bones.

Ming Yong stepped forward and asked, "Will Xiao Shen be alright?"

Tang San sighed sadly. "I'm not sure. The last time us Devils used the Seven-In-One spirit skill fusion ability, it was to break out of Senior Bo Saixi's vortex. We were either Spirit Saints or Spirit Douluos at the time. But now that we're all Titled Douluos or Gods, our fusion has gotten much stronger. And you all are Titled Douluos or Spirit Douluos. Despite her defenses, both attacks caused serious harm to Xiao Shen."

Liao Suyin's bottom lip quivered as tears welled in her eyes. "Gods can be killed. We all know that Bibi Dong is proof of that. If Xiao Shen dies, would any of us be able to live with that weight on our shoulders and her blood on our hands?"

Silence fell over the members in the room. Finally, Liu Erlong said, "Xiao Shen is strong. I don't think she'd die so easily. Her spirit skills and divine skills are powerful. They blocked the fusion attacks enough so that she wouldn't be killed."

Not really wanting to change the subject, but knowing that he had to, Ming Yong turned towards Tang San. "Senior, I need your Light of the God of the Ocean."

"Oh? What for?"

"Xiao Shen said that my Eighth Trial, Merger, would require me to merge the Gilded Strings with my qin. She also said that it'd be very painful and I would need the Light of the God of the Ocean to help me succeed."

"If she guessed it accurately, then she's not wrong. Alright. I'll give you the Light."

Tang San summoned the Trident and the Light of the God of the Ocean. Ming Yong turned his palm up, and the Gilded Strings appeared. He sat down and summoned his spirit, beginning the merger.


After seven arduous days, the merger was finally completed. Ming Yong's qin now glowed with the Gilded Strings. He slowly stood and heard the voice in his head.

Eighth Trial, Merger, complete. Reward: Valor Anthem. Ninth Trial, Inheritance, begun.


1. 荀云及 - given name meaning "Cloud Reaching" or "To Reach for the Clouds"