Ming Yong, God of Music

Just then, a portal appeared. Ming Yong frowned in confusion.

Tang San explained, "This portal should take you to the God of Music's home world. Since he's not from Douluo Continent, the Head Flamen needed for you to complete your Inheritance must be in the God of Music's home world. Don't worry, once you complete your Ninth Trial, you will return here as the God of Music."

Ming Yong nodded solemnly and turned towards the portal.

Four voices roses to say, "Jiayou !"

As he crossed through the portal, it closed behind him. The four youths turned to look at Tang San who reassured them, "He'll be alright."


Over in Liuying Fortress, Hu Liena sat behind her disciple, transferring spirit power to her. After having gotten the best physician and the best medicines, Ru Shenqi had been healed as much as she physically could be. But it was her internal injuries that were much more severe.

Ten days and ten nights passed. On the eleventh morning, Ru Shenqi finally woke up.

"Xiao Shen!"

"Laoshi." Ru Shenqi turned around slowly to face Hu Liena. "Did you get rid of your obsessions?"

The Supreme Pontiff nodded. "Yes. My Second Trial seems to be called Unity of Stars."

"You must unite all of your spirit bones. Laoshi, how many do you have?"

"I have my Sacred Thought Skull Bone(1), my Fox Tail external spirit bone, Luo Cha Torso Bone(2), and both of Laoshi 's leg bones. I've been meaning to absorb her two arm bones also but haven't had the chance to yet."

"Then absorb the two arm bones. Once you do, they'll unite to create the Nine Stars Armor."

"Xiao Shen, you don't have all six spirit bones. You're lacking a torso, left arm, and right leg bone. How did you become a God without the Nine Stars Armor?"

"My mother's love acted as armor for me. So I didn't have to get the Nine Stars Armor. But you will have to."

"I'll send Yan to fetch Laoshi 's spirit bones from Supreme Pontiff Palace in Spirit City then."

Ru Shenqi nodded. "That's good."

Suddenly, a light flashed from outside. Hu Liena raced to the balcony and saw a divine figure descending. Her eyes widened.

"Laoshi, what is it?"

Hu Liena walked over and helped her disciple to the balcony. When Ru Shenqi activated her spirit to see who the divine figure was, she breathed a sigh of relief.

He's done it. Yong is the God of Music!

Indeed, for the one who had appeared was none other than Ming Yong. After the Head Flamen in the God of Music's home world sacrificed his life, Ming Yong had been transported to the Douluo Divine Realm. From there, he had broken out and returned to Douluo Continent as a God.

Cheers abounded from the two empires' armies. Hu Liena frowned. Ru Shenqi lowered her head.

"Yong has become a God. And Xingyun has accepted the God of Storms' Inheritance. The Shrek Tyrants are getting stronger."

"Xiao Shen, how do you know all of this?"

"They contacted me. I had to pretend I was still truly on their side in order to garner information from them. They have no idea that I feel nothing towards them anymore."

"You are even trickier than Tang San."

Just then, Xie Yue and Yan burst into Hu Liena's room. "Nana!"

She turned and said, "I already know. Xiao Shen has explained it all. Yan, I need you to go retrieve Laoshi 's two arm bones from Supreme Pontiff Palace. To become a Limit Douluo and have a complete set of spirit bones, I must absorb them. Since the two empires have gained another God, I must become stronger."

Yan bowed respectfully and said, "Yes, Nana. I'll get going now then."

He turned and left. Xie Yue approached the two women.

"Nana, Holy Maiden, what's going on?"

And so, they filled him in. When they had finished, he sighed. "It seems we are disadvantaged. We only have one God on our side while they have three, soon to be four."

Finally Hu Liena revealed, "Xiao Shen has chosen for me to succeed her as Goddess of Nine Stars. She hopes that she can please another God and gain their God seat, so we will have two Gods."

"That's great!"

"That's why I needed Yan to retrieve the spirit bones. It's my Second Trial to gather a full set of spirit bones."

Xie Yue nodded slowly in understanding. "I see. Nana, focus on becoming a God then. The Flamens, Elders, Holy Maiden, and I can handle things."


Ming Yong descended to the ground where his friends, Seniors, and Teachers were waiting.


"You've done it!"

"Yong, you've finally become the God of Music!"

He nodded sadly and turned to look at Liuying Fortress. "Do we have any word on Xiao Shen? Is she alright?"

Sighs echoed around the group. "We haven't heard anything."

He hung his head. Xiao Shen, please be alright.

Yu Xiaogang rested a hand on his shoulder. "Xiao Shen is a Second Class God. We have to believe in her."

Just then, a scout from the Speed Hall of Tang Sect flew over and reported, "Sect Leader, we just saw Elder Yan leaving Liuying Fortress with a group of elite spirit masters. They seems to be headed in the direction of Spirit City."

Tang San's eyes narrowed. "Just what exactly is Hu Liena up to?"

Xiao Wu clutched his arm. "Ge, what if Hu Liena is trying for a complete set of spirit bones? She's only a ninety-third ranked Titled Douluo. If Spirit Empire is to stand any chance against us when we have three Gods on our side, she must increase her power."

He frowned. "Xiao Wu is probably right. We need to send people to stop Yan at all costs."

Soon, Shui Bing'er and other members of the Tian Shui Branch of the School of Four Elements came walking over. "Tang San, we can counter Yan's Flame Lord. Let us go and try to stop him."

After pondering it for a moment, he finally nodded. "Go, but be careful."

The Tian Shui spirit masters bowed respectfully and departed. A few minutes later, Gu Xingyun entered, beaming.

"Guys, my father's agreed to let me absorb the family spirit bones."

Ming Yong smiled and clapped him on the shoulder. "Good. Then let's go to Guang Kingdom."

The other Tyrants nodded in agreement. Lotus petals flew out, landing on the three guys. The girls activated their spirits or spirit bones. Bidding goodbye to their Seniors and Teachers, the Shrek Six Tyrants and Xun Yunji took off from the camp, heading southeast.

Not too long after they had left, a figure teleported into the middle of their camp. Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian were just coming over when they saw who had appeared. The Golden Iron Triangle and the Shrek Seven Devils were pleasantly surprised.

Huo Wu instantly released her spirit. "You traitor! How dare you! Gege and Zhi-jie would be so disappointed in you!"

The silver-highlighted head of white hair turned as azure blue eyes fell on her. "Aunt, do you really think I care?"

Huo Wu exploded in anger. This time, even Feng Xiaotian couldn't hold her back. She flew forward, fire burning brighter and hotter than ever before. But Ru Shenqi launched her Ultimate Darkness Straight Line, knocking her aunt backwards. Xiao Wu ran up to her.

"Xiao Shen, what are you doing here?"

Ru Shenqi turned towards her. "Soft-Boned Douluo, I came for Ming Yong. Elder Xie Yue and the others don't know I'm here."

Pain flickered in Xiao Wu's eyes. "Xiao Shen..."

The young one knew exactly what the older one was thinking. Not wanting to address the matter, she sent out her Divine Aura instead and frowned. "He's not here?"

Tang San stepped forward. "They've just left. The King of Guang Kingdom allowed Xingyun to absorb the family's spirit bones. His First Trial is to become a Limit Douluo. So, they went to help Xingyun complete his First Trial."

Then, I must slow Hu Liena's progress. Xingyun must become a God before she does.

Ru Shenqi nodded slowly. "I got it. I'll be leaving then."

As she turned to go, Yu Xiaogang cleared his throat. "Xiao Shen, no matter why you've pledged allegiance to Spirit Empire, promise us one thing."


"Never use Bibi Dong's spirit skills ever again."

She tipped her head. "You have my word."

I'm sorry, Grandmaster. I will be breaking this promise.

With that, she teleported away. When she returned to Liuying Fortress, she walked into the main hall. Standing in front of the Supreme Pontiff throne, she called for a meeting of the Elders and Flamens. A few minutes later, everyone had gathered.

"Her Majesty is focusing on finishing the Nine God Trials. As such, she gave me the power to command Spirit Empire. I've just learned that the Shrek Six Tyrants have left the camp. This is the most opportune time to attack since the Clear Sky Clan isn't here yet. Today, let us strategize. Tomorrow, let us show the world the power of Spirit Empire."

The Elders and Flamens bowed in obedience. Ru Shenqi had finally gained their trust and loyalty. An unwavering determination blazed in her eyes. But this determination was not for winning the war but for her plan.

Once Xingyun becomes a God, the final piece of my plan can fall into place.


A week later, the Shrek Six Tyrants arrived in the capital of Guang Kingdom. Both armies at Liuying Gorge suffered heavy losses. Yan and the elite spirit master team returned successful. Some Tian Shui branch spirit masters returned with Shui Bing'er, heavily injured; most didn't return at all.

Hu Liena absorbed the spirit bones. Ru Shenqi stood over her, protecting her with the Goddess of Nine Stars Domain. When she had finished absorbing Bibi Dong's two Death Spider Emperor arm bones, her Second Trial ended. And because she had absorbed both spirit bones together, her spirit power had risen from the ninety third to the ninety eighth rank. The spirit bones united to create the Nine Stars Armor, thus prompting her Third Trial, Nine Stars Evolution, to begin.


1. Hu Liena's skull bone is never named in canon, but for my purposes, I have named it

2. Also technically unnamed, but the skill begins with Luo Cha