Race to Become Gods

"Xiao Shen, what's Nine Stars Evolution?"

"Your spirit is still a mortal spirit. You need to make it divine."


Ru Shenqi shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. Normally, pressure or the threat of death can bring out one's potential."

"Then, what do you suggest?"

"Fight the Coexistence of Two Gods. Alone."

Hu Liena's eyes bugged. "Xiao Shen, are you trying to kill me?!"

"Laoshi, that's not it," Ru Shenqi said as she shook her head. "To become a God, one must undergo Trials that constantly put the Inheritor at the brink of death. Tang San went through it. Former Judgement Elder Qian Renxue went through it. Former Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong went through it. My... former friend, Yong, went through it to become the God of Music. This is normal."

"Then, did you?"

"My mother passed me the God seat, and I don't remember taking any trials. But I once had to fight to survive on the streets of Vast Sea City. I have faced death as well."

Seeming to believe her, Hu Liena nodded slowly. "I can try that then."

"I'll send them a message, asking them to meet me down in the gorge tonight. But instead of me, it'll be you. Know this though, Laoshi, I cannot help you. You must deal with them on your own. If it can bring about an evolution of your spirit, then that's good."

"Alright. I give you my permission to let them know."

Ru Shenqi bowed her head and teleported away. She reappeared outside of the tent where the Shrek Seven Devils were speaking with the Golden Iron Triangle, Xue Beng, and Ning Fengzhi. Brushing the tent flap aside, she strolled in. Eyes widened.

"Xiao Shen."

She glanced at the Sect Leader of Tang Sect and his wife. "Lord Sea God, Soft-Boned Douluo, I have some news for you."

Xiao Wu danced forward. "Xiao Shen, what is it?"

But Ru Shenqi shook her head. "I cannot stay long now. You two, meet me at the bottom of Liuying Gorge at nine tonight. I can slip out better then."

Tang San nodded. "Alright. We'll be there."

Satisfied, Ru Shenqi teleported away. When she returned to Hu Liena's side, she bowed her head.

"Laoshi, it's done. They've agreed to meet at nine tonight."

"Are you sure about this, Xiao Shen?"

"The Coexistence of Two Gods spirit fusion skill was powerful enough to kill Bibi Dong and force Qian Renxue to burn her Godhood. It should give you the pressure and threat of death needed for your spirit to become divine."

"Very well. I suppose we'll find out tonight."


In Fuji City, the Shrek Six Tyrants and Xun Yunji headed for the Gu Palace. Once there, the Royal Guards bowed upon seeing their Crown Prince. The group entered and made their way over to the Royal Treasury. At the double doors, Gu Xingyun and the others paused.

Fang Youyou frowned. "How do we get inside?"

"These doors can only be opened by a Heavenly Golden Lion spirit. From what my father told me, it tests the spirit master trying to enter. We have to use our strongest skill and prove our worthiness of entering."

"That's kind of like the Sea God's Challenges."

Gu Xingyun nodded and squared off against the doors. He used his Electric Heavenly Lion skill to activate them to open. When there was enough room, everyone slipped inside. Gu Xingyun walked over to where his family kept the inherited spirit bones.

He already had a left arm, right leg, and skull bone. The Gu Royal family had a set of three spirit bones that were passed down from generation-to-generation. Coincidentally, they were a right arm, left leg, and torso bone. Exactly what Gu Xingyun was missing. He sat down and began to absorb the right arm bone first.

After three hours, his eyes opened. Everyone looked at him expectantly. A wide grin spread across his lips. "I'm a ninety-eighth ranked Titled Douluo!"

Bai Shanxin smiled. "That's good. The next spirit bone should be able to raise you to Limit Douluo. And after that, if your Second Trial requires you to complete the set, we're already here."

He nodded, and Liao Suyin brought the next spirit bone over. His eyes closed, and he began to absorb the left leg bone. After five hours, for this spirit bone was from an older spirit beast, his eyes opened again.

"I've done it! I'm a Limit Douluo!"

Bai Shanxin, Shu Jiaxiang, Liao Suyin, Fang Youyou, Ming Yong, and Xun Yunji congratulated him. But one person crossed five minds.

Xiao Shen... if you knew that Xingyun has become a Limit Douluo, would you finally be at peace?

At that moment, Gu Xingyun heard, First Trial, Become a Limit Douluo, completed. Second Trial, Gather All Spirit Bones, begun.

"Shanxin, you must be psychic. My next Trial really is to complete the set of spirit bones."

"Then, what are you waiting for?" Ming Yong asked. "Hurry and absorb the torso bone!"


That night, Ru Shenqi watched from her room with a water mirror as Tang San and Xiao Wu waited at the bottom of Liuying Gorge.

Seniors, I'm sorry. But the Goddess of Nine Stars position is too powerful. No one should have this much dominating strength. Not even me.

Xiao Wu frowned. "Ge, what do you think is delaying Xiao Shen?"

"Maybe she's in a meeting. Let's wait a little while longer."

His beloved nodded. A few moments later, they sensed a powerful presence approaching. Assuming it was Xiao Shen, they didn't have time to put their guards up before Hu Liena attacked.

"Sixth spirit skill, Psychedelic Charm!"

Although she still didn't compare to two Gods, her powers now that she was a Limit Douluo were much stronger. This sixth spirit skill of hers, Psychedelic Charm, could put targets in hallucinations that would slowly drain their soul and bring about their deaths. But against Tang San whose Purple God Light had reached the Boundless Phase and who had already been subjected to such skills by the Sea Fantasy Douluo, her skill was useless.

"Xiao Wu!"

I need to prevent them from conjoining.

Hu Liena's Fox Tail sprouted, and she sent a slash of spirit power with it, aimed at breaking the lovers apart. But Xiao Wu simply teleported to her husband's arms. They merged and created the Coexistence of Two Gods. Dread filled Hu Liena's heart.

They both have charm resistance. Trying to survive under their combined attacks will be anything but easy.

Ru Shenqi sighed. But then, she remembered how the Sea God had helped Tang San while he was still taking his Trials. At the same time, she also knew that she could not give her aid until Hu Liena had passed the test.

She watched as the battle played out. Against the Sea God and the Asura God, even Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue had trouble, let alone a mortal Limit Douluo. Hu Liena was soon at a disadvantage.

Tang San and Xiao Wu's blended voices asked, "Where's Xiao Shen?"

"That Little God really has you all wrapped around her finger. Don't you know? She's been helping me all along."

Hu Liena launched her seventh spirit skill, entering her Spirit Avatar state. As a Limit Douluo, all of her skills were enhanced by one hundred percent, and her charm abilities wouldn't be able to be defended against by Spirit Douluos or lower. Finally, Tang San realized.

"You've become a Limit Douluo. How?"

"I absorbed Laoshi 's last two spirit bones. I'm sure you wondered why I gave away her skull bone and external spirit bone at the Advanced Spirit Master Grand Competition all those years ago. That's because I had no use for them, and they didn't suit Gege or Yan. I had hoped they'd go to our Platinum Generation but alas... they wound up with your Shrek Seven- no, Six Tyrants."

Ru Shenqi closed her eyes and gave her friends a silent apology. As she opened them, she saw Tang San summon the Sea God's Trident and begin his Golden Thirteen Halberds skill. Under the divine pressure, Hu Liena could feel the strain on her spirit bones. Sure enough, they began to evolve. Her Charm Fox spirit began to glow brighter and brighter. She broke out of the first move of the Golden Thirteen Halberds skill and lifted into the air. A wispy pink mist danced around her as her beauty seemed to finally rival Xiao Wu's.

Her singular fox tail shook before bursting completely. Hu Liena screamed in pain. Tang San stopped mid-attack, waiting to see what would happen. Ru Shenqi nodded slowly.

"She's done it."

Not too long after, her tail grew back. But not just one. Thanks to the divine pressure and Divine Aura from the Coexistence of Two Gods and the Sea God's Trident, Hu Liena had become a Three-Tailed Charm Fox. Seeing this, Xiao Wu's jaw dropped. Tang San wasn't as shocked.

"You've finally been chosen by a God, haven't you?" he asked.

Hu Liena raised an eyebrow. "So what if I have? My spirit power now surges like an ocean inside of me, and all of my charm abilities can now affect anyone of my rank or lower. My spirit has undergone its evolution."

A bright white light beamed down, enveloping her. In her mind, she heard Ru Shenqi's voice praise, Well done. For never giving up and achieving a better than expected spirit evolution, your Third Trial and Fourth Trials have been automatically passed since your power has far exceeded the qualifications. You've also earned the clearance to use the nine-pointed stars. Your Fifth Trial, Starry Defense, has started. Good luck.

Hu Liena frowned. What's Starry Defense?

But Tang San didn't give her long to ponder it. "Hu Liena, you cannot be allowed to become a God. Today, I must interfere in your Trials to stop you from advancing."

Just as he was about to throw the Asura Sword, Hu Liena switched places with Xiao Wu. His eyes widened and froze. The Hu Liena next to him murmured, "Ge."

He looked at her and looked at the Xiao Wu across from him. At that moment, Ru Shenqi descended upon the scene. She stared Tang San right in the eye.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be taking my Laoshi back with me."

She grabbed the real Hu Liena's hand and teleported away.

Now, Tang San's Purple God Light could usually see through all illusions. But, Xiao Wu was his one weakness. Without wanting to hurt her, he hadn't acted in time. Ru Shenqi had played this fact to her advantage, having used her second spirit skill to change the two women's appearances.

Once they were safely back in Liuying Fortress and in Ru Shenqi's room, she removed the imitation spell. Back to her usual appearance, Hu Liena nodded in thanks.

"Xiao Shen, what is Starry Defense?"

"You must hold out for half an hour in a battle."

"Oh, that's not too bad. Who's my opponent?"

Ru Shenqi's eyes sharpened as she replied in a monotone, "Me."

Hu Liena choked. Elder Ru Zuanshi was a Limit Douluo who became the Goddess of Nine Stars. Xiao Shen is a God amongst Gods with tyrannical divine skills and Nine Stars. How am I supposed to defend against her for half an hour?


By midnight, Gu Xingyun had finished absorbing the torso bone. He opened his eyes and stood. In his mind, he heard the God of Storms.

Second Trial, Gather All Spirit Bones, completed. Third Trial, Test of Endurance, begun.

All of a sudden, an immense pressure bored down on him. He immediately dropped to one knee. The others took a concerned step forward.

"Xingyun, what's wrong?"

"My Third Trial is Endurance. I have to endure half an hour's worth of this divine power. But this pressure is even more overbearing than the Light of the God of the Ocean on the steps up to Haishen Hall!"