
In the far south of the world, at the antipodes of what we know as Equestria, there are unknown islands, isolated from any inhabited continent or landmass. These mysterious lands are the remnants of what was once the great continent of Eulfalia. The islands, devoid of mountains, rivers, or forests, are a desolate and bewildering wasteland that stretches for kilometers under a scorching sun, with the horizon abruptly ending in cliffs battered by the violent waves of the turbulent sea that surrounds them. Each year, a portion of these cliffs succumbs to the fury of the waves and falls into the ocean, reducing the size of the islands.

Despite lacking coastlines and being practically inaccessible by boat or vessel, these islands are not uninhabited. They are home to a strange reptilian race who call themselves the Silurians.

The Silurians are very different from their reptilian counterparts. They have no teeth or claws, and their skin is similar to that of bony fish, with large scales. Their bodies, adapted for long sea voyages, are extremely robust and of short stature, with strong limbs that allow them to climb cliffs and have great swimming abilities, enabling them to spend long hours in the sea.

These unique characteristics of the species are vital for their survival, as they allow them to reach the large seaweed that emerges from the depths of the dark waters surrounding these islands. These seaweeds are the only vegetation in that desolate region and also their sole source of sustenance.

Despite the hostile environment around them, their unfriendly appearance, and their primitive culture, the Silurians live in peaceful and organized communities, led by the elders of their race. They rarely resort to violence and have great respect for nature. The wind, the sea, and the earth are elements to which they make constant offerings in the hope of being allowed to live in peace in this forgotten corner of the world.

The Silurians have compelling reasons to make these offerings because the oral memory of their people dates back to ancient times that no one else remembers. To forgotten days, days when a tree covered the entire sky, days when the sea was possessed by a red fury, days when the sun and the moon exchanged their sunsets, days when a dark dragon flew across the sky and took away all the stars.

The Silurians continue to remember those shadows of the past, from the oldest to the youngest, they know it to be true. They don't need books to remind them; they can see those same shadows every morning.

Deep within the largest island, six black pyramids rise in the middle of the desert, like drops of pure tar on a blank canvas. These abnormal constructions challenge the land, the wind, and the sea. They are a true eerie work that defies nature, where the environment seems lifeless, and an unsettling silence prevails.

The Silurians fear these pyramids. They did not build them, nor did the ancient and gentle inhabitants of these lands. They were not there before; one day they appeared with a celestial thunder accompanied by a diabolical laughter.

These pyramids are the home of an ancient and dark being, a terrible being, a herald of darkness.

The Silurians beseech the elements to protect them from that darkness.

And on that same day, the longest day, the master of the pyramids returned to his home.


"DAMMMNN!" A deep, rage-filled scream that tore through the stillness of the entire desert.

A grand portico preceded the entrance of the largest of all the pyramids that rose in that desert. It was constructed from the same material as the nearby colossal structures, a completely black stone similar to granite. The walls of the somber building were adorned with reliefs of beasts and figures exuding malice, revealing the evil that resided in that place.

On the steps of the portico, two unsettling figures confronted each other.

On the lower level of the steps, a true shadow cloaked in a fuchsia hood and toga, adorned with a green scarf and an arcane shimmer, gazed angrily at the detestable creature that had welcomed her.

"Hey, don't say that. Aren't you glad to see a friend after so long?" replied a sweet and mocking voice from the upper level of the portico's steps.

There lay a small creature of intoxicating beauty, an adorable, plump pony.

But in the eyes of Dhona Oleg-Nar Dhazer, this being was his equal. No, considering everything he had recently discovered, it could be said that she was even more than him.

Dhona gritted his teeth.

"YOU DARE TO COME TO THE GRAND SANCTUARY OF MY BELOVED LADY, PROFANE MY OFFERINGS, AND ADDRESS ME IN THIS... REPULSIVE FORM! YOU! YOU ARE A BLASPHEMER!" Dhona spoke with a threatening and sepulchral voice, pointing one of his claws at his disagreeable guest.

The beautiful pony with sky-blue and white fur rolled her eyes with indifference.

"Look, it's your fault. You don't answer my calls, you don't receive the messages I leave you, you ignore me every time we meet. Honestly, I don't know what else to do! Coming to your home seems to be the only way I can find you," responded the childish pony, pouting.

"AND YOU HAD TO COME HERE TODAY AND DEVOUR MY SACRIFICES! IT'S UNACCEPTABLE!" Dhona spat out even more angrily, with a body that seemed like it would explode at any moment.

In the midst of the portico's steps, several salt statues of creatures resembling small bears were arranged in positions that reflected the intent to flee from that place. The expressions of panic and fear on these sculptures conveyed the last dreadful emotions they had felt in life.

"Well... forgive me for the last part. But they looked so delicious and tender! I couldn't resist!" the small pony responded with delight, recalling the snacks she had sampled minutes earlier. "If it makes you feel better, I assure you they were of very high quality offerings."

Dhona didn't respond. He had released some of his anger, and now his mind was starting to calm.

The tense atmosphere that had filled the place dissipated. Now, a cold air began to rise.

Sensing Dhona's change in mood, the little pony opened her colorful saddlebag and pulled out some pastries. "I know it's not a great apology, but I'd like you to have these snacks. They were for my sisters, but I think you deserve them more," the little pony finished, with a warm smile.

Dhona had had enough.

Without saying a word, the hooded shadow raised one of his clawed paws to the sky. A tremor began to be felt throughout the desert, accompanied by a howl that emanated from the depths of the earth.

"I am apologizing. You don't have to get so worked up," the pony said, somewhat nervously.

The sky began to darken. The noonday sun lost its brightness, and the stars began to appear. In the desert, fires were lit like pathways leading to the pyramids.

"Hey, that's enough! I'm serious!" the pony said, frowning.

The wind blew fiercely over the pyramids. The sky rotated, revealing unknown stars and unseen worlds. The ground started to darken.

On the cliffs, the Silurians began to pray desperately to the elements.

"JUST CALM DOWN ALREADY! I DIDN'T COME HERE TO FIGHT WITH YOU!" the little pony shouted, standing up with a voice that didn't match her adorable appearance. There was no trace of the conceited behavior she had displayed until recently.

The wind stopped, the signs in the sky and on the earth froze.

"WHAT HAVE YOU COME FOR THEN?" Dhona responded with a frigid voice, not lowering his claw.

"I've come with a message for you from my great lord," the little pony responded in her previous tone, now more calm but serious.


"Can we discuss it in a more appropriate place? Here is too..."

"WHAT IS IT?" Dhona repeated, now also preparing his other claw.

"BY THE ABYSS! WHY ARE YOU SO INSUFFERABLE?" the little pony exclaimed to the sky with a tired voice, then turned her gaze to Dhona. "IT'S AN ALLIANCE! ARE YOU HAPPY? My lord wants an alliance with you."

Dhona narrowed his eyes, then lowered his claws. All the ominous signs began to disappear. After a few minutes of silence, the atmosphere had returned to what it was before.

The little pony thought Dhona had closed his eyes, as she saw no trace of emerald gleam on his shadowy face. So, before he could say anything more, Dhona finally spoke.

"WHAT DOES HE SEEK?" he exclaimed, clearly confused.

He wasn't the only one. The messenger pony was equally puzzled by this proposal.

"I don't know. It's not within my abilities to question my master's decisions. Perhaps, if you ask my sisters, you might get a better answer," the pony responded, looking to the side.

Dhona clicked his tongue. He could barely tolerate the youngest of the sisters. The others would only give him more headaches.

"There are more details involved. Let me come inside your house, and I'll explain..."

"I refuse," Dhona replied, now calm and showing no signs of anger or threat.

"I'll behave myself. I won't do anything wrong in your house. I promise!" the pony said, placing a hoof on her chest.

"I refuse to accept an alliance with your lord. You don't need to explain further," Dhona declared.

Now it was the little pony who appeared upset, as if she had a strange bug in front of her, but it was a fleeting expression. She quickly returned to her cheerful demeanor.

"Always the same, aren't you? I already figured you'd respond like that. Nothing can be done. Umpf!" the pony said with a dissatisfied expression.

Then, the pony started descending the stairs and continued her leisurely trot until she stopped next to Dhona.

"You know, I had thought of giving you a gift to celebrate if you accepted, but since it's not going to happen... I really don't care to give it to you anyway." The pony pulled a red-labeled glass bottle with black bubbling liquid from her saddlebag.

Dhona immediately took it with his magic. After examining it with his magic for a few seconds, he was surprised.

"Is it from another world?" Dhona asked as he opened it and brought it to his face to smell the contents.

"Yes," the pony replied unemotionally.

"It's not magical. It has many refined compounds inside... but they are too heterogeneous and unstable to be nutritious. Is it carbonated? Or does it react like this with the air due to the change in environment?"

"Hahaha, no, no, silly. The monkeys who make it do it like that because they like the sensation of the gas when they drink it. Come on, try it."

Dhona was a bit skeptical, but it had been a long time since he had been in another world and tried something different. He also didn't feel that the beverage was dangerous.

Without further thought, he raised the bottle to his mouth and drank all the contents in one gulp.

"Hahaha," the pony laughed as she watched Dhona shudder after finishing the drink.

"Uff, it's quite a poison. Do creatures really drink this?"

"Yes, they call it 'soda' in their world of origin, and despite how poisonous it is, the inhabitants of that world allow even children to drink it. Haha!"

"Madness. Creatures like those are nothing more than fodder for darkness."

"Yes, they're also very silly and adorable when they hurt each other. I wish my sisters would let me have one as a pet. Boohoo!"

Both of them burst into sinister laughter.

There was a dark and intriguing history between the two of them. This was the reason for the trust and closeness between this pair of beings who could well be considered walking disasters and embodiments of evil. Although this anomalous behavior should be seen more as common interests than as friendship.

Dhona was in a good mood after finishing laughing.

"What do you call yourself now?" he suddenly asked.

"Summermoon," the pony coquettishly replied, flicking her adorable tail.

"Why do you look like a pony?"

"It's part of a current mission."

"What's it about?"

"Will you let me in?" Summermoon replied with a mischievous look.

Dhona pondered for a few seconds. He understood very well why she was so interested in entering his domain. It could be very costly to allow her in and have her 'accidentally' eat his pets. But if he could obtain some information about her master's intentions, the risk might well be worth it.

"Yes," Dhona replied, wearily.

"Yeeeep. You're the best," exclaimed Summermoon, at the same time as she bounded up the stairs, prancing and playfully kicking the salt statues around her.

The noonday of the longest day hung expectantly over the pyramids.