Party at Maud's house

The intricate underground caves that extend beneath the Everfree Forest are the last place one would imagine finding a pony taking a stroll late at night. Still, at that moment, there was indeed a pony there, more precisely, a unicorn, though she was not exactly strolling in that dark underground adorned with precious crystals.

Illuminating the way with the light from her horn, Starlight Glimmer looked somewhat disoriented at the two forks in the tunnel before her. She didn't feel scared or lost; unlike other ponies, she was a unicorn quite capable of fending for herself. One could even say you had to be very careful not to make her angry, given her great skill in magic.

Starlight was strong; however, she found herself in a bit of a predicament.

"I don't remember this part," Starlight said out loud after searching her memories for the possible correct route.

It wasn't the first time she had traversed those tunnels. In fact, she knew the way to her destination quite well. She had an exceptional memory, so it was contradictory to find herself at a fork that shouldn't exist. Even the directions the tunnels took seemed strange to her.

The tunnel to the right delved deeper into the earth, while the tunnel to the left seemed to ascend zigzagging towards the surface. Both the floor and the walls of the tunnels were in a perfectly natural and preserved state, giving the impression that they had always been there.

Was she lost? She could backtrack and find the point where she had deviated from the route, but that would take time, and she was in a hurry. She had no choice but to continue...

"Uhm... Okay... which one is supposed to be the right path?" Starlight wondered aloud, pensively.

("When in doubt about the path, just follow your nose, hahaha. That's what Rarity taught me"), joked an old memory of her mentor Twilight when they had both done a small exploration in that place together.

Trusting the words of her friend's memory, Starlight made up her mind.

After a quick sniff, she perceived that the air in the tunnel on the left was fresher than in the other tunnel. Without further thought, she continued.

After several zigzags, the tunnel that had ascended the entire way suddenly began to descend, and soon she found herself in a wider area, that great space was covered with bright orange stones.

Starlight smiled; this was a part of the caves she did remember.

Sure of the path she needed to take now, she hurried towards her destination.

It was the eve of the Festival of the Two Sisters. Starlight had promised everyone that she would attend the celebration at Maud Pie's home this year. Although she greatly appreciated her rock-loving friend, it wasn't just friendship that motivated her to be present on this occasion.

She didn't want to break her word once again. She had already missed too many parties to which she was invited by friends. The demanding workload as headmistress of the School of Friendship had increased alarmingly over the past year. The arrival of new students from the allied kingdoms of Equestria and the consequent administrative problems, such as managing the travel of the new students, handling parents' complaints, presiding over welcome ceremonies, occasional friendship problems, and a long etcetera, had further reduced Starlight's already scarce free time.


She didn't mind the extra work. She handled it very well, but she had less and less time for her friendships.

In particular, she had less time for one friend, a great friend she couldn't simply say "sorry" to.

"May the sky crush me if I don't make it on time this time," Starlight scolded herself as she trotted. The unicorn had already started to run out of impatience on her way to Maud's house.

As if the universe had heard her words, an unexpected lump appeared out of nowhere and crushed her.

"Augh, what the hay?" exclaimed an annoyed Starlight, who immediately stood up, using her magic to take hold of the lump on top of her.

The lump was not a lump.

"Ugh, don't eat me! I don't taste good!" responded an alarmed unicorn wearing a wizard hat and cape.

"TRIXIE!" exclaimed a shocked Starlight.

"Starlight?" replied a now surprised Trixie, putting aside a club she had conjured with her magic.

Starlight immediately released Trixie from her magical grip, and the two friends hugged.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" asked the worried lavender-maned unicorn, stepping back to check on her friend.

"All good. Just a little dizzy. I've had worse falls," replied Trixie, taking off her hat and shaking her mane to remove the rocks that had stuck to her hair.

"But how did you get here? You came out of nowhere," said Starlight, looking up at the ceiling for the hole Trixie must have fallen through.

"Don't be so surprised. I just showcased my great and powerful magic. I used teleportation," replied Trixie proudly, while dusting off her hat.

"Underground?" Starlight responded skeptically. It was common knowledge that teleportation didn't usually work well underground, especially considering the Everfree Forest above them. One could say Trixie's decision had been very reckless.

"I've got it covered. Besides, I did it because I planned to surprise our friends with an impressive and unexpected entrance in the middle of the party, so this accident counts only as a simple rehearsal."

"Of course... you really do plan your entrances," Starlight said, pointing at her with her hoof, not quite convinced by her friend's words.

"It's my signature, dear," replied Trixie, finishing adjusting her hat and ready for action.

Both friends broke into short but cheerful laughter. It was clear that each knew what the other was thinking. Their friendship had grown enough to understand each other to that extent. Without further interruptions, they continued their journey to Maud's house.

// ------------------------

"You really should have been there. The majestic gardens of Babilopony are a true wonder of the ancient world!" exclaimed Trixie excitedly as they made their way to Maud's house.

"Yeah, I can imagine," responded a somewhat bored and uncomfortable Starlight beside her.

They were close to arriving at Maud's house, and Starlight could be glad about that. Their conversation had varied in topics, from school matters and changes in the student body to Trixie's latest expedition through the great desert. At first, Starlight had been happy to hear about the great discoveries her friend had made, or rather, the alternative tourism she had done. However, the passion with which she recounted these stories had started to scratch the guilt Starlight was hiding.

Starlight had really wanted to accompany her, but a serious accident with the school's biogarden ended up delaying her trip, and in the end, she had no choice but to cancel it.

Trixie set off accompanied by Hoo'Far towards Babilopony on an expedition she herself had planned and charted. While her friend was discovering the secrets of an ancient world wonder, Starlight had to deal with an out-of-control infestation of Brain-Eating Octopus Orchids.

"By the way, Trixie, I know you just got back a few days ago from your trip, but... do you have any idea how the school's biogarden got infected with Octopus Orchids?" Starlight interrupted Trixie's monologue.

"I have no idea," the unicorn replied immediately.

Starlight frowned. That immediate response was not what she wanted to hear. According to the testimony of several students, someone had been entering the biogarden at night weeks before the incident. The key to enter was in the custody of the teacher on duty, in this case, Trixie.

Besides this, there was Hoo'Far's intriguing comment about how happy her friend had been throughout the trip.

Starlight knew Trixie well and didn't believe she would have sabotaged the trip to prevent her from going, but it could be the case that she 'accidentally' had been conducting some unauthorized experiments in the biogarden.

Starlight knew about Trixie's personal projects and how she had used school resources to carry them out in the past.

Using her position as headmistress, she had covered for her back then with the promise that she wouldn't do it again. But that promise seemed not to have aged well.

"You know, I've been thinking about closing the biogarden..." Starlight said casually.

"NO WAY!" Trixie exploded, but quickly calmed down upon seeing her friend's inquisitive look.

"I mean... as student counselor, I think it would be very detrimental to the school. The biogarden is a very important environment for the students' development," she continued in a more academic tone.

"Yes, I know, that's why I'm thinking of closing it to make some renovations that will make it a more inclusive place for everyone."

"Oh, I see... When will you do that?" Trixie asked, looking towards the wall.

"Probably at the end of next month, after the student graduation ceremony."

"Oh, right, the ceremony," replied Trixie, who, on the other hand, was using her magic to jot down in her notebook what Starlight had just told her.

Starlight had a very pronounced frown as she looked at Trixie.

"Uhmm, that reminds me. Starlight, how's the schedule for our vacation next year going?" Trixie asked, turning to see her friend.

A knot formed in Starlight's throat at that moment. A great worry she had been trying to hide returned to her like a cold shower. Not knowing what to say, she nervously looked ahead, searching for a way to divert the question.

"I... well..."

She soon found the solution.

"Hey, look, we've arrived at Maud's house. Let's hurry!" Starlight said suddenly, pointing ahead. Without warning, she began to run toward Maud's house, which was only a few dozen meters away.

"Wait, don't change the subject. I asked you how the schedule for our vacation is going. Wait!" Trixie shouted as she ran, trying to catch up to Starlight, who seemed intent on avoiding the conversation.

But Starlight was much faster, and soon a great distance arose between them. Realizing she wouldn't catch up, Trixie decided to play her trump card.

In a quick flash of her horn, Trixie teleported in front of her friend, right in front of the curtain-door that served as the entrance to Maud's house.

Starlight stopped abruptly, her path blocked by Trixie.

"Ha, yes, about that... can we talk about it later?" she finally replied, with hesitation in her voice.

Now it was Trixie's turn to frown.

"If I recall, you promised you would make a great effort to find the right temporary headmaster so we could take our very incredible and long-overdue vacation we've been planning for the last three years!" Trixie exclaimed almost in a shout, giving Starlight an indignant look. The sharp unicorn had already sensed something was off in her friend's responses.

"It's not about that..." Starlight bit her lip.

Trixie raised an eyebrow, noticing the unexpected tension in Starlight. There was definitely something important she wanted to say. But if it was another excuse, like so many times before, she wouldn't let it go this time.

Finally, Starlight sighed tiredly and decided to drop the bombshell.

"I'm not looking for someone who can take over temporarily right now, but rather someone for the permanent position. I'm thinking of stepping down as headmistress of the School of Friendship," Starlight said at last, with a completely serious look.

Starlight had already imagined Trixie's possible reactions to this news. The great doubts and mental tribulations her friend might think of. She herself was still not convinced of her own judgment, but if anyone could give her a better point of analysis to help clear her thoughts, it would be her great friend...

"THAT'S WONDERFUL! HIIIIIIIIIIII!" Trixie exploded with enthusiasm, giving Starlight a big hug. "YOU FINALLY GOT RID OF THAT HORRIBLE JOB!"

"Eh... wait, that's not what you think! This isn't... wait, WHAT?!" Starlight could barely respond. A whirlwind of emotions had arisen in her head, fueled by Trixie's excessive effusiveness, who was now jumping for joy around her.

("What happened to the 'YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL JOB AS HEADMISTRESS' and 'I GIVE YOU ALL MY SUPPORT' that you always say?") Starlight lamented indignantly to herself, barely holding back.

"Now we can spend more time together and embark on adventures all over the place. WE'LL BE THE FIRST PONY FRIENDS TO TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD! YES, I CAN ALREADY SEE IT, 'THE GREAT AND INCREDIBLE EQUINE TOUR OF TRIXIE AND STARLIGHT AROUND THE WORLD'!" Trixie exclaimed in the middle of her jumps toward an imaginary audience in the cave, completely excited.

Starlight knew she had to intervene; she was losing control of the conversation.

Without thinking much, Starlight lit her horn and caught Trixie with her magic, who was still jumping in her own world of happiness.


"It's okay, it's okay... I understand. I know you're confused, but we have to embrace changes when they come," Trixie responded, patting Starlight's cheeks.

Starlight didn't know how to respond to those words.

Without further thought, Starlight sat down with a mute and distressed expression. The conversation was not going at all as she had expected. A part of her really... wanted to cry.

Trixie suddenly halted her joy, catching the distress in her friend.

"What's wrong, Starlight? You don't seem very happy about this news."

"Do you hear yourself? I'm not happy about this. You're not supposed to be this happy about it either. I haven't even made a final decision yet!" Starlight shouted in frustration, with some tears welling up in her eyes.

"Sorry... I guess I got a little carried away..." Trixie replied, putting aside all her selfish joy. "Though you should have mentioned that from the beginning. Uhmm, now that I think about it, you haven't told me why you want to stop being headmistress either."

"Isn't that exactly what you should have asked me from the start?!" Starlight exploded angrily, rubbing her eyes.

"Okay... I'm sorry... So tell me, my friend, why do you want to stop being headmistress?" Trixie asked more seriously, sitting down next to Starlight.

"Well... I..."

"Is it a medical issue?" Trixie interrupted, concerned.

"No," Starlight replied immediately.

"Uhm... Wait! Did Twilight order you to?" Trixie asked with a sharp, suspicious look, standing up.

"NO, NO."

"Uhm... Then..." Trixie was now confused.

"It's... complicated," Starlight replied, defeated, looking away.

A silence stretched between the two friends. Starlight no longer wished to continue that conversation with Trixie. At least not for now. Now she doubted if telling her how she really felt would help her be more certain about her decision. She had to admit it, she had been wrong.

"This was a mistake. I think I was wrong to tell you like this," Starlight said, standing up.

"What do you mean? If it's something important, you can trust me and tell me," Trixie said, now worried, placing her hoof on her friend's shoulder.

"No, let's leave the subject for now. Don't worry, it's not serious... I'll be free tomorrow afternoon at Twilight's castle. I'll tell you everything then. Is that okay?" Starlight replied with a steely look, now sure of her decision.

"Uhmm, well, alright..." Trixie replied somewhat annoyed; this kind of drama didn't suit her. She preferred important conversations to be direct and without delays.

But if it was Starlight, she was willing to accept it. A little.

"But at least tell me what's going on. Is it because of your job as headmistress or because of me?" Trixie continued.

"It's something very personal," Starlight stated firmly, making it clear she no longer wanted to continue the conversation.

Trixie had no idea what Starlight could be referring to. She was quite close to her, so this behavior from her friend was very surprising. Starlight had long since left behind the mistakes she had made in her past, had learned to trust others and herself again. Now she was recognized as a great pony. In many ways, she had excelled, so much so that even Trixie had come to feel jealous of her. But, putting aside the great workload that weighed on her friend as headmistress of the School of Friendship, what could be happening now?

Honestly, Trixie wanted to continue the conversation.

At that moment, without warning, the curtain-door opened.

"Hello...(awkward silence)...come in," Maud Pie said with her characteristic indifferent demeanor before returning inside her home, leaving the curtain-door open for her friends.

Both Trixie and Starlight, surprised by the sudden reception, looked at each other, wondering if Maud had heard their entire conversation. Glancing inside the party, they noticed that most of the guests had already arrived. So it was assumed that they were the last to arrive.

With the previous discussion behind them, the relationship between the two friends continued as usual.

"Wow, Maud seemed a bit... anxious, do you think Mudbriar hasn't come yet?" Starlight asked, somewhat inquisitively, watching Maud walk away.

"You think?" Trixie asked, who hadn't noticed anything different in the cold rock-studying pony.

It was common knowledge that Maud and Mudbriar were a perfect couple. However, it had been rumored months ago that they had a fight and had distanced themselves a bit since then. Given how reserved that pair of ponies were, there was no way to confirm those rumors, but it was a fact that it was no longer as common to see them strolling together as before.

In a corner of the room full of guests, a solitary Maud sat near a table, sipping a drink while petting Boulder.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go in already!" Starlight said, noticing they had been looking at the party from outside for quite a while. Her good mood was now back.

"After you, my great and powerful friend," Trixie replied with a confident look.

Both friends entered the party smiling, only to be immediately greeted by an explosion of confetti from Pinkie Pie.