Starlight's Dream

Outside Ponyville, an hour after midnight.

"... ♪ and it sang and jumped ♫, ♪ over the moon ♫, ♪ a cow ♫, that went MOO!, MOO!, MOO! MOO! MOOOOOOOO!" sang Trixie cheerfully but off-key.

"MOOOOOOOOOO!" Starlight chimed in beside her, radiating fun.

"HAHAHAHA!" The friends laughed, hugging each other as they walked home through the pleasant night. DJ Pony trotted behind them with her characteristic rhythm.

Trixie's trailer, parked next to the Friendship School's organic garden, was already in sight.

The party at Maud's house had been the liveliest in recent memory. Many guests had arrived, including teachers, friends, and acquaintances, all of them trustworthy ponies. Of course, Maud (the hostess) wasn't a fan of this type of party and immediately withdrew with her boyfriend Mudbriar as soon as he arrived, shortly before midnight. Aside from this dramatic moment, there were no further interruptions at the party, which continued with dancing, karaoke, drinking competitions, and more.

So, leaving behind a party that kept intensifying, Starlight and Trixie decided to withdraw before getting caught up in a whirlwind of entertainment from which they might hardly emerge unscathed.

With a wobbly step, the two friends reached Trixie's trailer.

"Give me a moment, will you?" Starlight said to DJ Pony as she guided Trixie to her trailer. After a brief struggle with the keys, the two friends entered the vehicle.

The interior of the trailer was as chaotic as ever, a mix of cramped and dusty, but, most importantly, a tremendously familiar place. The lights turned on. Without wasting a second, Trixie stripped off her characteristic outfit and headed for her "bed," making her way through her performance packages and other junk scattered around.

Though Trixie called her resting place a 'bed,' calling it an "improvised hammock" would be more appropriate.

With a perfect leap, Trixie settled into her hammock-bed and stretched like a cat before surrendering to a restful sleep.

"Aaaauu, oh, dear Starlight, this party has been truly magical... I really gave my all on stage, I can barely feel my hooves," exclaimed Trixie as she rubbed her front hooves with a cream she kept in one of her boxes.

"That's what you get for trying so hard during the competitions. You know karaoke is about singing and not stomping, right?"

"The Great and Powerful Trixie expresses herself best through her body," Trixie stated proudly, setting the cream aside and settling a blanket and pillow in her resting place.

"It's a shame the judges didn't agree."

"You were one of the judges," Trixie protested, pointing a hoof at her, clearly exhausted.

"Yes, and that's precisely why I must be as fair as possible with my greatest and most powerful friend."

"Oh, then is it possible that I'm receiving special treatment from the impeccable and righteous headmistress Starlight?" Trixie asked, raising an eyebrow and giving her a mischievous look.

"Probably..." murmured Starlight with a knowing smile.

"What an honor! hahaha Hic," Trixie let out an embarrassing hiccup and immediately proceeded to drink a glass of water she conjured with her magic.

Starlight laughed and began to browse through the other disorganized belongings in Trixie's trailer.

Wizard hats in a whole range of colors, but with a very familiar design. "Enchanted" wands that weren't actually enchanted with magic but emitted a dazzling flash of light capable of distracting the audience during a performance. Bear-bee traps? That was truly dangerous, even if they weren't active. Additionally, there were many boxes labeled with danger warnings...

Starlight examined all these curious objects with a mix of amazement and amusement, but an unsettling feeling began to grow inside her.

Then something else caught her attention. Several "Mare of the Year" magazines were stacked in a corner. Starlight felt uneasy and looked away from them, fearing what she might find. But... why did Trixie have so many of those magazines? And why did she have so many wildlife care manuals? Starlight frowned as she noticed a bulky pile of books that seemed to bear the Friendship School's library stamp.

Suddenly, a suspicion sprouted in Starlight's mind, displacing the fatigue that was invading her.

"I see you have a lot of 'Mare of the Year' magazines. I hope it's not for..." Starlight began to say before being interrupted by a deep snore.

Trixie had fallen asleep. The sleeping unicorn wore a sweet smile, her breathing was slow, and she was perfectly snug under her blanket, surrounded by a subtle scent of freshly served cider.

For a few seconds, Starlight widened her eyes, incredulous at the snub. But then, she shook her head, resigned, and smiled. Using her horn, she took a stuffed animal from one of the boxes and placed it near Trixie, who immediately hugged it lovingly.

"Rest, Trixie... tomorrow will be a great day," murmured Starlight as she turned off the trailer's lights and prepared to leave.

With great care, Starlight left Trixie's trailer without disturbing her friend's sweet slumber.


DJ Pony gave a brief farewell and walked down the path leading to Ponyville.

Starlight responded in kind and took the other path that led into a small forest. She had too many things on her mind to go home immediately. She needed to trot a bit first, clear her mind, and then...

Then what?

Starlight looked up in the middle of the path and was amazed to see the glowing fireflies flitting through the forest. The tree canopies, as well as much of the foliage, had been decorated with lights, and numerous luminescent crystals adorned the clearings. This decoration had been placed the day before by the villagers and was a gift from Princess Cadance, given after the severe disaster that had occurred weeks earlier.

Absorbed, the unicorn continued to observe her surroundings. The gentle night breeze carried the murmur of the stream flowing not far away. The glow of the crystals added a touch of magic that was truly a delight to the eyes. The tranquility and beauty of the place made Starlight's heart consider the idea of staying there until midday the next day.

But she couldn't do that.

A bitter discomfort took over her previously calm face. A question that had been bothering her began to flit around her mind again.

"Why am I the headmistress of a school?" Starlight murmured to the sky. If she had asked her past self the same question, before meeting Twilight, she would probably be questioning if it was really herself or if she had been enchanted.

Starlight didn't hate her job. She didn't find it overwhelming either, at least not at the moment. But... was she really in the right place?

The position of headmistress of the School of Friendship had been given to her by Twilight herself. Her friend, the princess, had full confidence in her abilities to perform such an important role, and, of course, her judgment was sound.

However, this was not the future Starlight had chosen. She had not fought to obtain the position she now held.

Many might think Twilight had abused her position by giving her the school. Starlight herself shared that idea, but she accepted it because she knew it was a position of great importance and that there were good intentions behind Twilight's decision.

But that was then... time had passed, and Starlight felt... that she could do more...


A year ago...

Starlight had been invited to a meeting of directors sponsored by the Equestrian Education Association, or EEA, to share management experiences and projects within the educational community. The meeting, chaired by Chancellor Neighsay, turned out to be much more pleasant than Starlight had initially expected. So much so that Starlight had no trouble making friends and meeting potential new colleagues during the intervals between presentations and debates.

It was then that she became aware of something she had ignored until that moment.

All the ponies present were older than her; many were twice her age. In comparison, Chancellor Neighsay also seemed one of the youngest at the meeting.

After talking with them and with the Chancellor, Starlight began to understand that they were not only older than her in age but also surpassed her in experience and skills. They had all been teachers previously and had carried out personal projects related to education before assuming their roles as directors. They had completed advanced courses and were highly respected in the cities where they worked.

In other words, their positions were fully justified, and precisely because of the experience they carried with them, they had every right to hold the roles of directors.

("What have I been doing until now?") Starlight thought deeply to herself.

After the meeting, Starlight began to feel unwell. She mentioned it to Trixie, but she only said that those were the standards of the Equestrian Education Association and that a pony's age didn't matter, only what they were capable of doing. She also pointed out that the School of Friendship had its own standards as a unique entity separate from other schools. Starlight agreed with her friend's advice and put the matter behind her, but the discomfort remained like a thorn in her thoughts.

Shortly after...

Starlight received a notification of withdrawal from one of the new students. The colt in question was leaving the school because it had been discovered that his parents had pressured him to enroll in the school and befriend only the teachers or classmates adept at magic.

Being a unicorn talented in magic, the colt had wanted to enroll in the School of Magic. However, due to certain limitations at home and prerequisites, he couldn't do so. Instead, his parents had forced him to enroll in the School of Friendship.

When the colt's parents came to take him away, a little filly stayed behind, following them all the way. She was his childhood friend, who had encouraged him to accept his parents' decision to enroll in the school, even though it went against the rules.

The distressed filly presented herself at the academic counseling office the next day and explained her case to Trixie, who then brought the matter to Starlight.

After meeting with the filly and explaining to her that it was not possible for her friend to return, the young pony left her office with a look of disappointment that pierced Starlight's soul.

Days later, the young filly also left the school.

The next day, Starlight apologized to Sunburst, telling him she had a cold and that he should take over her duties as headmistress. That day, she spent all her time drinking cider and eating oatmeal ice cream alone in her room. During the night, she had a dream in which she was standing in front of a mirror, and her younger self from the past looked at her with disdain before turning away. She woke up in the middle of the night drenched in cold sweat under the accusing light of the moon and couldn't fall asleep for the rest of the night. She barely managed to get back into the rhythm of her work for the rest of that week.

("Aren't I supposed to be a better pony now? Aren't I supposed to have grown enough to handle situations like this?") Starlight scolded herself in the darkness.

The days passed, and the conflict within Starlight began to fade. She regained her rhythm at work and continued her days as usual, always with a smile on her face. However, during the nights, when she lay down, the reflection in her mirror returned a wary gaze, and at times, her mane seemed to regain a silhouette she had left behind long ago... long ago...

Finally, a few months ago...

Starlight's workload had increased, as had her popularity. In both cases, external factors were responsible for this trend. It was in this context that she had an unexpected meeting with Chancellor Neighsay, who made her a proposal that seemed like the predestined answer to all the conflicts she had been trying to hide until then.

"A new teaching model?" Starlight repeated, surprised.

"That's right, Headmistress Starlight. The recent innovations in the use of enchanted crystals, carried out by the great wizard Star Swirl the Bearded and his companion Stygian, now allow for scenarios where information can be shared over long distances through secure channels at very low cost. Truly, many of my colleagues are very excited about the possibilities of this development and, above all, how it could change education as we know it," said Chancellor Neighsay in a very good mood, sharing a thick folio of documentation with her.

Starlight eagerly reviewed it; the project's documentation was impeccable, which was no surprise coming from Chancellor Neighsay. Moreover, the foundations, timelines, and scope of the project were even more solid.

"This... is very surprising. I can understand why the EEA would want to implement a new teaching model to avoid falling behind with the application of this technology, but..." The doubt that Starlight had at the beginning of the meeting could no longer be hidden. "Why are you telling me?"

"I want you, Headmistress Starlight Glimmer, to lead the implementation of this project," Chancellor Neighsay replied without hesitation.

Starlight was stunned for a moment, drank some water, and responded.

"It is an honor for you to ask me something like this, but I..."

"I have many reasons to believe that you are the right pony for this job. May I share some of them with you?"

"Of course, I'm listening."

"First, I would like to remind you that this is not the first time an attempt has been made to implement a new teaching model in Equestria. In the past, there were many attempts that failed due to project costs, lack of leadership, and, above all, distrust in new technologies. I'm sad to say it, but there are members of the EEA who do not give new tools a chance and end up obstructing their implementation. Moreover, there are always debates about whether the use of these tools does or does not promote better education. That is why I think someone younger and with a more current vision could help my colleagues accept these changes. You, Headmistress Starlight, are very young and have unique social skills that would help build the necessary bridges to keep all the ponies united in this project," Chancellor Neighsay finished his speech in a severe but gentle tone.

Starlight could barely accept what was in front of her and what it implied, such as the fact that she would have to leave her position as headmistress if she fully took on this project.

"Is there any other reason?" Starlight asked, making a great effort to hide her emotions.

"You are very close to Princess Twilight; having you lead the team would help gain her approval of the project and accelerate the acceptance of changes that might arise along the way," the Chancellor immediately replied.

"Do you not have her approval yet?" Starlight asked, puzzled.

"We've had some differences..." Chancellor Neighsay responded, for the first time appearing somewhat cautious with his words.

Although the EEA had great independence in its organizational decisions, there were still some cases where the Princess's approval was required, particularly in reforms of such magnitude as the one the Chancellor was proposing. If Twilight had not accepted it yet, it might be because there were aspects that required better understanding or debate... Or the Chancellor might be hiding certain important details of the project that were not to Twilight's liking.

"I can't make a decision on this matter right now. I need to study this project in more detail and then inform you of my decision," Starlight said, more calmly.

"I completely understand. Take all the time you need, but I would also like you to think about the great opportunity this project represents and the good it could bring to ponies if it is implemented correctly throughout Equestria," commented Chancellor Neighsay.

"I will keep that in mind, Chancellor Neighsay," Starlight replied, making a gesture of acceptance.

After discussing other matters about the school and the teachers, Chancellor Neighsay left.

In her headmistress chair, Starlight looked at the large project folio. On the cover, there was an image of two colts in two different places holding hooves, sharing their words through a crystal. Seeing this image, Starlight remembered her childhood friend Sunburst and how she had been separated from him when he entered the school of magic. She remembered the days when she would have wished for at least a brief moment with her friend to chat and spend time together. She also recalled the painful and dark path her life took at that time, the days of loneliness and helplessness... the days when she sought to gain the power to change everything...

The forgotten ashes of her past self began to ignite within her.


In the present...

Starlight's determined gaze was fixed on Ponyville, especially towards Twilight's castle in the distance.

"Sorry, Trixie, we'll have to leave the chat for another time," Starlight said with a smile to the wind. The breeze made her mane regain the old shape it had before she became headmistress, before she met Trixie, before she met the Princess of Friendship...

Starlight's eyes shone with the glow of the forest lights, reflecting the wild spirit that had awakened within her.

She had made a decision.

Starlight had a mission, more precisely a dream, a dream that had grown within her over the past few weeks.

"I will bring every pony in Equestria the opportunity to know the true meaning of friendship."

With these words, which almost sounded like a vow, Starlight had resolved to make the vision she had proposed a reality. She would never again stand by idly while a friendship was destroyed by the barriers of distance. She would put everything she had into Chancellor Neighsay's project and do whatever it took to achieve its success, even if it didn't end up pleasing Twilight.

Every pony deserved this opportunity to communicate without fearing distance. She would be the one to initiate this change throughout Equestria.

Without a doubt, it would be so.

Thus, with her head held high and ready to face whatever crossed her path, Starlight began to walk down the path towards her home. She had had enough distractions for that day.


Starlight was trotting towards Ponyville in the middle of the night when she noticed someone standing in the middle of the path. It was a young mare with sky blue and white fur, a fluffy white mane resembling cotton, and striking sky blue streaks. She wore a travel cap and had some luggage.

"A tourist? At this hour?" Starlight wondered, but immediately put her suspicions aside. It was the day of the Festival of the Two Sisters, and many ponies tended to wander at that time, going from party to party or simply enjoying the night without sleeping.

After a short walk, she reached the lost mare.

"Hello, excuse me, do you know where the Castle of the Two Sisters is? I think I'm a bit lost," the tourist pony asked.

"It's a bit late for sightseeing, and right now the paths to the Everfree Forest are closed due to a pest infestation," Starlight replied. "It's best if you wait until tomorrow if you want to take a balloon trip there."

"Oh, stars! Really? That's terrible! I don't have that much time; my transport leaves very early tomorrow. I don't think I'll have time for a balloon trip...", the disappointed pony responded while checking a crumpled map. "Do you happen to know where Twilight's castle is?"

"Yes, I know it very well, I live there," Starlight replied indifferently.

"Wait! Whaaaaaaaaaaat! Then you are Starlight Glimmer! Hiiiiiiii!" exclaimed the sky-blue pony excitedly.

"I'm the same as always," Starlight replied, somewhat embarrassed, adjusting her mane. "Have you heard of me?"

"Yes, you're the headmistress of the School of Friendship. Everyone talks about you. Hiiii!" neighed the pony even more excitedly.

Starlight blushed a little but contained herself.

"Can you sign an autograph for me?" the pony continued excitedly, handing her the map.

"Okay, and what name should I put?" Starlight asked in good humor.

"Summermoon!" the pony replied enthusiastically with a bright smile in the middle of the night...