Chapter 19

Once the school dance ended, Leonardo did go to sleep, only he didn't realize that he would fully enter the deep sleep for so long. Which made time escape him quickly as when he was sluggishly awakened. He found Clark, looking at a black leather jacket and an almost shining class ring on his finger. Realizing that Clark also seemed more confident and clearly trying to delve into his desire to solve his materialism desire.

Leonardo took control of Clark's body much to his anger and only purchased the jacket and returned to the farm house. After taking off the ring it made him desire to go find some excitement and pretty girls. Leonardo wrote down a small note for Jonathan and Clark about the school ring. Before he yawned and went back to sleep.

A slumber that took hold for another few months where he woke up and found Clark grieving for a naked woman. The woman had tan dark skin, brunette hair and brown eyes as she laid on the forest floor. Her stomach was bleeding heavily as it was sliced open.

Knowing that Clark is unsure what to do. Leonardo took control of Clark's body once more and approached the woman and x-ray her body, noticing that she sliced open her stomach and was bleeding to death. So, using immense focus, he used his heat vision to seal off the wounds so she wouldn't bleed to death, before picking her up and rushed to the hospital. Where Leonardo went back to sleep.

A sleep that lasted through the winter until he woke up in a sleep deprived state and dizziness. Stumbling slightly as sweat covered his body and his head spinning terribly. His body aches and makes him wonder what in the world Clark had done, but it seems Clark is out of commission.

"Clark, what are you doing?" Jonathan rushed over from the kitchen.

"Not…Clark." Leonardo wheezed out. "It feels like…kryptonite in…the system…needs to sweat it…out."

"Leonardo? You're awake?" Jonathan asked, surprised. "It's been nearly a year."

"Can't help it…humans aren't…meant for…kryptonian abilities…mentally or physically." Leonardo struggled. "What is…happening."

"Martha fell ill and we were told it was an unknown disease." Jonathan told him truthfully. "Clark collapsed about half an hour ago."

"Ok," Leonardo nodded slowly. "We need to…get to the ship with…the key…it can help…neutralize the…kryptonite."

"Great, just one problem. We don't know where the key is." Jonathan said.

"Not a problem…bring me to…the ship." Leonardo held out an arm.

Jonathan didn't know what to do, but did as he was asked and grabbed the outstretched arm. Where they made their way out the door and to the truck. Where the ride felt like forever as Jonthan asked Pete to meet him at the hospital as they were storing the ship temporarily in the back of his truck due to DCA searching the farm.

Upon arriving, Pete, who Clark seemed to have told his secret to, came out and helped Jonathan support Leonardo to the ship. Once touching the ship, Leonardo placed his hand on it and softly asked Jor-El to summon the key, otherwise the chance of Clark dying were quite high. A few seconds later, a small octangular disk appeared before him where he gave it a small toss to the ship. Soon the kryptonite in his system was neutralized as a wave that spread out miles invisible to the naked eye engulfed him and the hospital nearby.

"Well, the doctors will question why so many patients are healed, however this problem is solved. Tell Clark to be more careful and don't leave the key out for others." Leonardo yawned.

Then much to Pete and Jonathan's shock, Leonardo went to sleep standing there. The soft snores filled their ears as they watched in disbelief.

"Did Clark just go to sleep on us?" Pete asked.

"It wasn't Clark, that was Leonardo." Jonathan sighed. "Help me get him in the truck. We need to get out of here quickly."


Finally a few weeks later, Leonardo finally truly woke up just to find himself in a cave full of paintings. Not to mention a brain full of another language that almost overrides his English as it took a few minutes to sort out the information. Looking around, he found the key half embedded in the wall and footsteps coming close.

Quickly grabbing the key as well plans to grill Clark on his carelessness of leaving technology that doesn't belong to humans in the open. He left quickly before he was seen by others and ran back to the farm. Where he found Jonathan reading the papers.

"Hello Son."

"Not Clark. Can you explain why I woke up on a cave floor and the key half bedded in the wall?" Leonardo asked, holding up the key. "I thought I asked you to tell him not to leave kryptonian or alien things not meant for the current humans out in the open."

"I did, but what do you mean you woke up on the cave floor?" Jonathan sat down his paper with an annoyed expression.

"Just as it sounds, I woke up on a cave floor, somehow mastered the Kryptonian language, and the key half embedded into the cave wall. Anyways, I heard footsteps and someone talking so I grabbed the key and came here." Leonardo explained. "Judging by your expression, Clark did this stunt without telling or preparing."

Jonathan rubbed his forehead. "Recently, Clark was sleepwalking or flying as the same dream kept calling him to put the key into the Kawatche Cave wall. We were worried since we didn't know what was going to happen, but Clark wanted to know more about his heritage."

"So he went and did it." Leonardo sighed. "Tell him to be careful, but it seems while sleeping he did the complete opposite."

Jonathan nodded, "He seemed to enter a slump because of his crush on Lana Lang again. Anyways, any idea why the key kept calling out for him to insert it into the cave wall?"

"Jor-El is preparing Clark to begin his studies or training if you want to call it that." Leonardo shrugged. "Right now it was just preparation so Clark could actually understand and read kryptonian, otherwise it is kind of hard to study when you are illiterate."

"So it is not to take Clark away?" Jonathan asked.

Leonardo just shrugged, since most versions have Clark leaving for a few years before he returns and becomes Superman. However, he knew the Smallville version he didn't and this universe seems to be closely related to it. Hence he was unsure about it.

"Well, maybe to send him to travel for a while to understand the world outside of Smallville." Leonardo finally said. "It could also maybe knock some of his naivety and his idolism for humans down a peg or two. You have to admit, Clark tends to put humans on a pedestal while ignoring their faults while he is at it."

"I taught my son to see the best in others." Jonathan said.

"Yes, but he tends to overlook the evil humans can do as he believes humans are noble beings. Humans can be great people who do the greatest things if they choose too, but they can also accomplish the greatest evil. Just like kryptonians and various other races throughout the universe." Leonardo said.

"I guess you're right, but he is just a teenager." Jonathan sadly said.

"Like it or not, but Clark's might need to face the hardship to mature a bit. If his recent actions with the cave are to go by over the course of last year." Leonardo stated.

Jonathan didn't say much as he tilted his head back and forth. He clearly didn't like the idea of letting Clark out to experience the world for some time. Not that Leonardo wanted this too, but this Clark if he's anything like the Smallville television Clark lacks the brains of his other counterparts.

Unlike the other live action or comic version of Clark Kent or Superman, this Clark Kent seems incapable of learning from his mistakes. The only time he learns is when something tragic happens like when he chose to destroy his ship and caused his mother to lose the unborn child. The next where he tried to defy fate and mess with time by saving Lana Lang just to turn around to lose his father. Finally, he listened to Choe whose brain was on the fritz and attempted to save Davis by separating him from Doomsday, only for Henry Olsen to die.