Chapter 20

When Clark finally woke up inside his head, he found himself watching Leonardo attempting to make a cask barrel in an attempt to make some grape wine. If the documents explaining the process and how to do so were to go by. Though, he doubts if he is making it for himself to drink, since Leonardo dislikes alcohol.

Not far away, he found his father helping out as he was measuring an iron sheet. The two clearly have a light conversation about his adventures over the last year. Many of which were Leonardo sighing at some parts either due to Clark brain numbing actions. However, the part about Ryan hit hard, especially for Clark as it taught him a lesson. That no matter how great his abilities are, some things are just out of reach for him and that everyone's time is limited.

"So what happened to the pretty naked woman that I had to use heat vision to save? Is she Clark's girlfriend?" Leonardo asked. "If so, he improved if he chose her over Lana."

"Her name is Kyla Willowbrook, and she is currently serving time for accidental manslaughter." Jonathan replied after a moment of thinking.

"Oh, shame because she was really pretty." Leonardo sighed.

"I agree, but from what I know Clark did date her for a few days." Jonathan nodded. "Just don't tell Clark this, but I don't think it would have lasted long. Kyla is a nice girl, but while she could support him greatly, I don't think she would be able to stand together with him. He needs someone with a firm will, and she is a bit too lax with him since she believes him to be from her tribe legend."

Leonardo opened his mouth, but clamped it tight as he felt Clark's immense stir of emotion appear. Since Clark seemed to be on the verge of an emotional outbreak and clearly wanted to refute Jonathan's words.

"Well, you just told him yourself since sleepyhead finally woke up." Leonardo said. "He also seemed to regress into being really moody again."

"What do you mean, needs a firm will." Clark said angrily.

"Son," Jonathan said softly. "I know you don't want to hear this, but relationships aren't all sunshine and roses. Once that fresh feeling wears off and the pressure really sets in about what you can do, I'm not sure Kyla would be able to withstand it."

"I wish I didn't have these abilities then. All they do is cause trouble for me and those around me." Clark angrily said.

"Clark, even if you didn't have abilities. Not all relationships are meant to last until everafter. Besides, I thought we got past your dislike for your own abilities." Leonardo said. "How did you regress in less than last year?"

"You don't know half the trouble of these abilities, Leonardo. Everything I do makes things worse." Clark said.

"Son." Jonathan reached out a hand.

Clark backs away clearly fuming at getting a lecture for his inferiority complex is spiraling out of control again. Not to mention fear and negative thoughts of having to be alone forever, since he felt like he shouldn't let anyone in on his secret. Which just made Leonardo sigh at the actions of as he can understand Clark's issue.

"Clark, stop self loathing so much. Not everything that happens in the world is your fault nor a cause of your powers. Yes, your secret is big and the fewer people who know, the safer you are. Not to mention the potential dangers they may be because of it, but that's just it, potential dangers." Leonardo calmly said. "There are thousands of car accidents each year, are you going to stop Jonathan and Martha from driving because of the potential accident each time they drive?"

Clark stopped for a long moment before he finally spoke. "No, but it is worrying."

"Everyone worries about something, son," Jonathan said. "I worry everyday, but Clark there is a line between worry and paranoia."

"Leo doesn't seem to worry much about my secret." Clark snarked.

"Clark, I worry a lot really, but that doesn't stop me from living my life no matter how shallow it is at the moment. It is why I repeatedly tell you to combine work and rest as well covering your tracks when you make a save. One day, someone is going to begin sniffing once your saves go beyond Smallville and they will track it back to you." Leonardo said. 

"But I don't want to leave Smallville." Clark said.

"Clark, in the future when you step onto the big stage be it for beacon of hope for the human race or the greatest terror the planet will know. While you may not physically be in Smallville, it will always be in your heart as your home. After all, you did grow up in Smallville with your understanding and loving parents." Leonardo spoke while lightly praising Jonathan.

"What if I don't want to step onto that stage?" Clark grumbled.

"Son, Leonardo is right, you will step onto that stage one day. Now I am not telling you to rush for that stage, but that day will come one day. After all you're sixteen, but that day will come." Jonathan said.

"How can two be so sure?" Clark grumbled.

"Because we see it." Jonathan said. "You are a good person son, and one day you will make a choice between helping others or hiding out on this farm."

"What if I don't want to make a choice." Clark asked.

"Clark, dual identities exist and I mentioned it before. One side of you, the Kryptonian side could be a hero, while Clark Kent your human heart can be your average American farmer or whatever job you chose." Leonardo said with a shrug. "Both sides are you, so don't stress too much as to what can be or past events. You just need to worry about the present, like what girl to kiss, what color a girls underwear is, are those melons-"

"What Leonardo means, Clark, is you can't let your fears stop you from living your life. While I believe Kyla could be one of your greatest friends, as for if she can withstand being your other half. I am far less confident about that and not to mention filling your head full of ancient legends."

"Legends of past Kryptonians that came to this planet by the sounds of it." Leonardo stated. "Not to mention a few with seer like abilities."

"Sageeth and Naman." Cark murmured. "What do you think of them, Leo?"

"Nothing, truthfully. From my understanding, they represent good and evil truth be told. However, that probably is not what you want to hear." Leonardo replied wondering why the topic shifted from this. "If you want to apply it to yourself, then it could also mean one inner struggle. From doing the right thing or listening to the devil in your ear."

Leonardo paused for a moment. "In the end, there are many ways to interpret this picture and legend, Clark. So my advice Clark since I doubt you will listen to my words. Just be careful how you go about this legend."

"Fine," Clark lightly gritted his teeth. "What are you two working on?"

"We are trying our hand at making some grape wine." Jonathan said. "Which reminds me, Leonardo cut this iron sheet here and fold it along the lines."

While Leonardo used his heat vision to do a simple clean cut and began to use the invulnerability and super strength to fold the iron sheet countless times. Clark kept asking questions.


Jonathan just lightly smiled. "It seemed like a fun project that Leonardo suggested."

Clark seemed to take light offense to that as he just mumbled about how strange his dad was acting. Since in his own view his father shouldn't be willing to go along with this idea. For everytime Clark had a strange whim, his father always said no or gave the look of not liking that idea. Then again, his idea was to play football or something that could potentially expose his secret.

"Isn't there some work you need to do?" Clark asked.

"We are almost done with this since it should be done after Leonardo puts the ring on." Jonathan said. "Now, since we have a minute, Clark, we will be talking about that cave."