Chapter 59

"So because he ate the blueberry muffins I sent, you came to my house?"

In a nice house, Leonardo was at the kitchen table snacking on blueberry muffins while Aurora listened. To her it felt dumb since he spent so much time chasing a guy who could move faster than the naked eye can see. Since in her opinion, Leonardo didn't have much of a chance of catching the guy, if his story holds true and this Bart can move that fast.

"It seems like a nice trip after teaching him a small lesson after I caught him." Leonardo nodded. "Besides, it was just a small detour on the way back and it's been a while since I saw you."

"You saw me yesterday?" Aurora pointed out. "So where did you catch him?"

"I finally managed to catch him down in Chile." Leonardo grumbled. "The guy got a slipper pair of fast sneakers, I will give him that."

Aurora just shook her head at hearing this. It really sounds like he was bragging about catching such a person. Yet, she just smiled until her mother walked in.

"Aurora dear, please don't leave your panties on the floor. I told you time after time to put them in a basket." Chloe said huffing. "Oh, hello Leo, didn't expect to see you here."

"Just on a small detour on my way back to Smallville. I couldn't help myself and needed a recharge of good blueberry muffins." Leonardo smiled.

"Only muffins?" Chloe smiled.

"Well, there is another type I would like but she said no." Leonardo let out a dramatic sigh.

Chloe just shook her head. "You remind me of someone."

Chloe didn't clearly state who this someone was, but the way Aurora frowned slightly. Leonardo had a good guess on who it was. After all, there really is only one person who can get such a reaction from Aurora despite no name being said. That was her father Lucifer.

"Well, I got no muffins, but I do have buns." Aurora said, sending a small look at her mother.

"I needed to go shopping for a few groceries anyways. I will be back in a while." Chloe smiled, making the girl huff.

"Aren't you supposed to say no and shout not under my roof?" Aurora cried dramatically. "You used to be so strict, now you just shrug and let it go."

Chloe just smirked at her. "After your grandmothers from both sides, your father, Maize, and Trixie. Not to mention I was your age once. All I ask is you be safe as I don't want a grandchild from you for a couple more years."

Aurora just huffed, clearly outplayed by Chloe it seems. For some simple battle of wits were at play it seems. Since Chloe played along with Aurora's idea of being a little rebellious, thus making the girl sigh and give up. Being a rebel is hard when the opponent doesn't resist.

"Honey, you are technically an adult and can make your own choices. Naturally you will have to live with the consequences." Chloe replied with a shrug. "Besides, it's not like it's a bad consequence. You just have to nurture and care for the child for the next twenty years or so. Which will drive you crazy and I will get a grandchild to spoil."

"Mother!" Aurora roared with her cheeks being tinted red.

'Well, at least she is honest.' Leonardo thought to himself. 'Unlike the Kent's that basically want both I and Clark to be monks at times. Just because we are different species and may hurt others if we aren't careful.'

Glancing down at his watch, Leonardo figured it was time to leave. "I should be getting back, so I will see you two later."

"Bye, Leo." Chloe waved as Aurora gave him a peck on the cheek.

The two were still bickering as they shuffled through a series of different topics that began it.


Shooting off into the sky, once he was away and entered an alleyway. Leonardo flew back at a moderate pace as he didn't see the point of rushing. He took the time to think about his current life.

While his life took a massive shift in trajectory, he figured it wasn't a bad thing. He recalls his old life of just wading through the days just typing at his computer writing fanfictions. The nights he would leave work in frustration due to the ones running the shift unable to make up their minds. Then his inability to actually talk with women, something he struggled with all his life, truth be told.

To him who struggled in talking with others due to his shy and quiet voice. He recalls the many times he annoyed or just outright angered them. Mainly due to saying a bad truth about the guy they liked or were dating with. Something he would scratch his head on since he didn't know or talk with them half the time.

Now, however, he is more active and outgoing though he feels terrified on the inside. Which he guessed was his coping due to a sudden shift in the environment. He is slightly famous due to the amount of books he publishes. The amount of money he earns is padding his pockets nicely, though he doesn't tend to spend it on himself much.

'What do I even want to do in the future?' Leonardo thought.

He was conflicted about himself and what he wanted to do in life. Granted a few possible futures were off-limits due to Clark throwing a fit. Not to mention once Clark takes to the skies as a hero, his face will be plastered everywhere. Hence going into the entertainment industry is probably a bad idea due to their similar looks.

While the two were different, they do look very similar and if one puts them together. It would blow their entire identity. Hence, that wouldn't work, not that he had much interest in becoming an actor or entering such an industry.

Breaking him of his thoughts, Leonardo heard a few gunshots rang out. Looking at the city below him, he quickly found a group of armed women rushing into a bank. Scratching his head a bit, he scanned the area since the bank was fairly empty in not only employees but money.

However, he decided to intervene since the leader of this crew aimed at the bank teller. Hence, Leonardo put away his glasses and straightened up as he slammed onto the concrete outside the door drawing everyone's attention.

"Put down your arms and no one will get hurt." Leonardo said calmly.

"Who is this kid?" one of the women asked, confused. "A hero wannabe?"

"Who cares, pop him." another said, turning their guns.

"Please lay down your weapons and surrender," Leonardo said once more.

A few bullets to his chest was his answer as the flattened bullet tips fell to the floor. Which just made him sigh a bit with a little regret. Only a little, since in a whirlwind he dismantled the guns in the six women's hands and knocked them out. Right before he tied them up with zip ties.

"Well, I did ask nicely," Leonardo said.

"Bastard, once I get free of these I am going to kick your ass." The leader shouted.

The woman wasn't nice looking as she had quite a few gray hair and crooked teeth. Well, the remaining teeth she had remained with her sagging skin. Much like the rest of the women after he did a quick look over all the women. Her body was falling apart due to heavy drug abuse and for quite a long time too if he guessed.

"Please calm down. It's useless to struggle because the police are on their way." Leonardo heard the sirens coming their way.

Turning his head in the direction of the few bank tellers and the manager. Leonardo checks to make sure they are fine before he asks.

"Everyone fine?"

Nodding their heads in stunned silence. Leonardo nodded to them and left quickly as he didn't want to get mixed up in this anymore. Then once he was out he vanished from all eyes and took off into the sky once he was out of view. Since he only displayed a tough body and quick speed in the bank.