Chapter 60

Sitting in the stands alongside Jonathan and Martha. Leonardo watched the football game before him unfolding. The sight of the football being thrown or ran back and forth on the field. He was lightly cheering for Clark when he began to notice something off with the players.

Plays he watched them run dozens of times without incident were now being messed up. The balls falling out of their hands, players tripping and so on. All minor accidents that seemed inconsequential, but oddly put the odds in the away teams favor. A team that even the players themselves felt only had a slim chance of winning this game.

"Something is wrong." Leonardo whispered to Jonathan who looked confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I watched the Clark practice and the plays they are doing dozens of times. Rarely if ever did the players trip or drop the ball like they have been doing during the game." Leonardo frowned. "Once or twice might not be noticed, but each time put the other team ahead in score."

Jonathan looked unconvinced as unbelieving someone would rig a highschool game. However, Leonardo frowned as he watched Clark begin to trip. A trip that would send him into the opposite player and remember Chloe mention something about an exchange student and gambling bookkeeper.

Entering his superspeed, Leonardo raced down to the field and interrupted Clark forward momentum. Thus when the two players collided besides some light bruising, Clark didn't break the other person's bones by accident. Thus allowing Jonathan fears to be realized, thus after fixing that up, Leonardo returned to his seat within milliseconds.

Thus in a tumble, Clark scored a touchdown winning the game but just barely. Which allowed the Crows to advance to the championship.


After the game and returning back to Kent Farm. Leonardo frowned as he looked at notes he might have borrowed from Chloe about their latest exchange student. In which he frowned as she didn't give him the information he wanted. So he just balled up the papers and threw them into the trash can in the barn loft.

The notes given were his grades, classes and hobbies. Many of which looked like they were pulled off a three second search engine search. Since he doubted Mikhail Mxyzptlk's hobbies include flower pressing and knitting.

'Chloe, you are a piece of work.' Leonardo sighed.

He should have guessed that when he asked her for the papers, she wouldn't give him the real information. She gave them over without much issue nor really asked why he wanted them. Hence, after reading them, she must have thought he was going to steal her story or some nonsense.

'Why would I write articles when I could just write fiction books.' Leonardo rolled his eyes at this thought.

In the end after thinking for a while, he recalled that using a jammer on a frequency would disable his abilities. It is just he was unsure if the so called abilities were the same as in the show or if that it would work. Unlike the show where there is television magic to help the hero wrap up the villain, he didn't have much of that since it is not a television show.

'I will just head to the Fortress to look into this. It should hold some more knowledge than the internet.' Leonardo decided.

"Leo!" Clark called out upon walking into the barn.

"What's up?" Leonardo asked.

"There is a town event being held in a couple days. Mom wants to know if you're interested in going. Apparently they are opening a few slots for people to join and mom thought it might be fun for you." Clark said.

"What is the event?" Leonardo asked, confused.

"Murder Mystery. The event will arrange a fake crime scene and amateur detectives and authors will try to solve it." Clark explained. "It was brought up by a group of elderly at the retirement home as they all seem to get into a television show with the same premise."

'I should be able to hopefully deal with the jinx if it likes the show in the next few days. So it won't be an issue.' Leonardo thought.

"Alright, it sounds fun." Leonardo agreed. "I will be heading to the Fortress for a while."

Clark gave a strange look but shrugged. "Ok."

"Oh, and Clark, practice flying. It's time for you to seriously learn."

A sigh was heard as Leonardo jumped out of the loft and shot into the sky heading north.


Inside the Fortress of Solitude, Leonardo held a weird expression. Displayed before him were a few similar abilities and alien races that held such abilities. It was just when he looked at the alien races, it felt they looked more like demons in religions.

"Jor-El, what are the chances of one of these species having offspring with humans?" Leonardo asked.

"Unlikely, my son." Jor-El replied. "The chances of such DNA is highly unlikely and if such occurrence happens. The chances for abilities are even lower."

"Sort of like mine and Kal's situation huh." Leonardo mumbled. "It was a thought, but from the data reviewed most of these races just entered the space age in the last thousand cycles. So one of them coming to Earth in the past is highly unlikely."

"Kryptonian DNA is known to be one of the most complex DNA in the universe." Jor-El said. "So compared to these aliens, they would seem like a breeding machine compared to you, my son."

'It seems like the universe is just giving Clark and Lois a reward for all the work Clark puts into saving the universe by the sounds of it.' Leonardo thought of the extremely low chance of children for him and Clark.

Leonardo continued to look at the information as he put the sad thought aside. While he did discover a few ways to block or interrupt such abilities. They were more focused on the species themselves. However, the show seemed to hit the nail on its head this time since if he can find the frequency he could disrupt them.

So humming a tune as he figured out a simple plan to just play a jamming frequency throughout the school speaker. It should disable Mikhail Mxyzptlk abilities. Hence after deciding on his plan of action, Leonardo just began to study more off handed information.

'It seems so strange for Krypton to study various species' mating rituals.' Leonardo thought as he dove into such topics.


When Leonardo returned to the Kent Farm. He found Clark face first in the dirt and a hole in the barn roof. Scratching his head, he wondered if this roof was cursed or something. Clark tends to fall through it often if he fights an enemy on the farm or when he is about to discover the power of flight. Though, after jumping and falling, unlike the movie Clark who discovered flight on his own as a teenager. This one didn't float before hitting the ground.

"I think we need to change your practice idea. Otherwise I don't know if the barn will be standing afterwards." Leonardo commented as he looked at Clark.

"I floated about four feet for thirty seconds." Clark grumbled as he picked himself up.

Clapping his hands, "Congratulations Clark, you increased the time by a little bit."

Clark just glared at his sarcastic words. It wasn't the first time he got such a response.

"Clark, you are making it out harder than it is." Leonardo sighed. "Just relax and don't stress about things. Just imagine yourself in the air and the world is your oyster."

Five minutes later, Clark put another hole into the barn roof. Which made Leonardo sigh since he will have to fix it, however, Clark almost has the ability to fly down. With just a few more practices and accepting such ability, Leonardo figured Clark would be soaring in the sky.