11. It's Karl Sinclair!

Author's POV:

Karl just came back to his house after buying curry for Pierette. He still have no idea why would anyone wanted to eat this kind of food. He remembers the first time he tried to eat the curry, he saw the hell fire.

Pierette was eating it happily. And Karl was thinking even if she offer millions to him he would never going to eat that hell's food again. He even once thought to torture his enemies by making them eat this spicy curry. Ha ha!

"What are you thinking Sinclair?" Pier asked with her mouthful, giving a quite unladylike look.

"I .... nothing.. why?" He - like always - paused when she called him by his surname. He always wondered what his name would sound like in her voice.

"Umm.. it's just that you kept staring at my plate so I thought you wanted it too. You want to share."

"Hell no!"

Pier tried to hide her smile. She loves to tease Karl, only sometimes, whenever he seemed to be in a normal mood - which was a rare possibility but still she never let the opportunity go in vain. A tiny bit of her wonder if there was something he gain profit from..



She was staring at her cellphone as if she was memorizing something.

"What are you doing?"

"Nn... nothing." She stammered while making sure Karl can't see the screen of her phone.

Karo stare at her a little more than a second she thought that he would snatch her cellphone at any moment but...

"Okay then." She was surprised when Karl steps back.

'Maybe he finally learned how to give some space and respects to others privacy.' Pier was talking to herself.

While on the other side of the room Karl was sitting and waiting for her to go outside the room or to the bathroom or literally anywhere.. so that he can check her phone secretly.

He noticed Pier's behavior all day. She was secretly exchanging message with someone. At first he was kinda jealous but then he noticed that she seems quite worried and kept mumbling to herself. Something is troubling her, but what?

Kark was lost in his thought when his phone vibrates. Screen shows a new message.

From Kence:

"Golden advice:

It'll be better if you bring some HELP to handle Vin."

What the hell! Karl was going to put his cellphone away when his phone vibrated again. Another message.

From Klement:

"Hey Karl!

I don't know about you but I'm sure Pier wanted to see Vin in his college uniform.

Robert told me that she keeps texting him all day, asking about Vin and some other college stuff...

Pierette asked for Vin's schedule for not just that she even asked for the blueprints of our college. Can you believe that!

So I was just wondering if you can bring Pierette too. That would be a win-win for everyone. Then you don't have to handle Vin much, maybe after seeing Pierette, he would followed you on his own.

Just think about it."

After reading the message Karl glance at Pier who was still engrossed in her cellphone. So this is what Ken was talking about. Karl left the room just to laugh hard. Because his Pier was freaking memorizing the whole college blueprints for that crazy Vin.

How long she wanted to take care of his first cousin's sanity?


Early morning:

"Hey Pier. Wake up."

"What... what happened? Are we under attack!?"

"Wha- No. Nothing happened. Just get ready we have to go somewhere." Karl said.


"Main Villa."

"Wh...why? What happened? Is young master okay?" Her eyes flew open.

"Yeah.. maybe.. I don't know." Karl shrugged.


"Come on get dressed we are going to see crazy cousin and then drop him off at college." Karl explained unlike his personality.

For a second Pier couldn't believe on her ears. Is she heard right? Is it a dream? Is Karl has a fever or something?

"Come on.. hurry up... lazy bones." Kark snapped his fingers few times in front of her face.

Pier's eyes brightens and she smiled from ear to ear and ran for her closet as fast as she can just in case Karl changed his mind.



Karl was patiently waiting in his car for Pier and his crazy cousin to come while Vin throwing his usual tantrum.

As expected Vin came with his guards carrying him from everywhere, he was kicking in the air like a stubborn kid.

Pier's photo, Pier's photo, Pier's photo...

He tried to keep his cool while chanting the same words in his head over and over again.

'I can't believe I am waiting for the crazy cousin!' He closed his eyes to relaxed himself a bit.

Pier sat with Vin in the backseat. And Karl almost went blind when he tried to see them through rearview mirror, as sunlight reflected Vin's Golden outfit. Karl almost threw him outside the car, hell with the deal with Klem. He will just send someone to steal that photo.

He sighed under his breath.

Pier's photo, Pier's photo, Pier's photo...

He reminded himself for the thousandth time.

But as always they didn't last for more than two minutes and started fighting. It's all because of that crazy Vin. He always speak some nonsense about taking Pier back as if he own her, 'as if that's ever gonna happen'. But still it makes him angry.

Karo was mad at him, and in his madness he started driving rashly just to scare the hell out of his crazy cousin. Mu Ha ha ha.

He knew that Pier is quite used to as well as strong enough to endure this but for that lousy idiot... He kept screaming like crazy. Kark was satisfied as hell but Puer look disappointed so he has to threw all the fun outside the window, and slow down the driving speed.

Then - like a psychiatrist - she had to deal with not only Vin's unsettling condition but also his crazy outfit.

Sye proves to be a really great help. She makes Vin obedient and more humanlike. Karl can't do that alone for sure.

They were arguing like kids. Suddenly bloody Vin ran out of his car. And then Pier followed him. And Karo was on the edge of loosing all of his patience. 'should I just shoot my crazy cousin...! Maybe not because that would make my Pier sad..' he thought to himself and took a deep breath before running out after them.

When Karl came his crazy cousin and some random guy was arguing. Actually it was one-sided argument because for some reason Vin was quiet... Something was off.. about the situation...

Then Vegas saw a.... Girl!

That guy was shouting, Vin remain silent, and Pier - like a responsible adult - was ready to take action. But she doesn't want to make a scene so he just stand besides Vin and smiled awkwardly. Then Karl had to step in.

It's not even ten minutes and his crazy cousin found himself trouble. Great way to start first day of college!

Now he know why Klem asked him to take crazy cousin with him. As soon as that stupid guy seen Karl he ran for his life. Well that's good.. Pier looked at him and smiled because she knew the ghost that scared that guy off.

Now only these three and that girl remains. Karl and Pier was standing as if they were waiting for Vin to say something first. Then Karl noticed his line of sight.

'Is he checking that girl out?' Karo didn't have any idea how to react at first, then it hit him.

Bloody love at first sight!

That girl stand in front of crazy cousin and smiled at him. 'Is she wooing him? Maybe not...' Vegas thought. She was smiling like... Pier!! Then she tried to brush her front hair a little, Vegas noticed her hand.

'Don't tell me that fool from earlier hurt her! If only I see him again.. wait why would I care...?' Karl was thinking, still observing people in front of him.

"Does my sparkle burn your eyes?" That came out of his crazy cousin's mouth. Karl was slightly impressed 'what a pick up line!'

"What are you mute or something?" He said again. Bloody King of idiots. Karl almost slapped his own forehead. 'That's not how you talk to someone you're interested in. stupid!'.

Pier tried to stop him while smiling awkwardly at the girl, weirdly enough that girl didn't seems to mind, she even smiled back at Pete and turned to leave. Vin seemed a little uneasy as if he doesn't want that girl to leave. Woah!

"Where are you going you ungrateful brat!" Vin yelled and hearing this Karl almost almost cut his voice box out with his pocket knife.

That girl stopped and said thank you but she didn't seems to be thankful at all, she didn't even look at his face. Haha! Serves you right!

"Who gave you the permission to leave...." Vin shouted again but this time way too loud that the girl almost tripped.

What happened next was a quite spectacular sight. She yelled back at crazy Kevin Hart leaving HIM speechless. People around them also stopped in their tracks to watch. Karl low-key wanted to record everything in his cellphone. But then he saw a CCTV camera. He make a mental note to take the footage of this out-of-the-world dramatic scene and then played it in home theater of Knight villa.

When the girl was done scolding, Vin came back to his normal self, if that's okay to say. He was blabbering like a spoiled child and Pier was making him stop.

"... interesting..." Karl said out loud. He didn't realize that he was smiling at her this whole time. She heard him and.... smiled back at him. Woah! That's something new. Except Pier and Casper no one gives him smiles, not a genuine one at least.

Pier was still trying to calm crazy Vin down. Then the interesting girl looked at Karp and promised him to say HI in the future if they ever met (which they definitely would) then she turned to Pier while smiling at both of them. Karl almost burst out laughing when she ignored his crazy cousin while giving him a beautiful pokerface. That was enough to burn Vin alive.

What a memorable day!

But before she was gone she whispered something to crazy cousin. Karl was not that curious to know what had she said but after watching Vin's reaction both Karl and Pier was dying to know. The way Kevin was staring at her back.... for some reason he wasn't look like the same crazy cousin who goes around shouting all day long.

Karp was finally felt happy that he came. Both Klem and Ken have no idea what they had missed. As for crazy Kevin Hart... Well he met his match at last. And for that unique girl... her life is not going to be peaceful anymore.
