12. It's pretty Pierette!

Author's POV:

Vin left after giving his golden jacket to Pier. 'What is he going to do NOW?' That's what came to her mind after watching Vin gone. For some reason Karl looked like in a good mood. 'Now what is HE going to do?' Her left eye twitch.

Why do she always end up getting the uneasy feeling whenever these two does out-of-the-character things!?


"Let's go Pier." Karl said while putting his hand on her shoulder, causing a startling shock.



They were going back to home. Something was bothering Pier. That girl from earlier, something about her... but what? She's a psychiatrist but for reason she doesn't know how to comprehend her thoughts.

"Pier.... Pier... PIERETTE?" Karl shouted and hit the brakes. She came out of her thoughts, eyes widen.

"Wh... What?" She first look outside then at Karl. She thought they had an accident or something.

"I was calling you non stop! What's going on in that head of yours? Huh?" Karl asked.

"...nothing." She lied making Karl furrowed.

"Are you sure?" He pressed

"Yeah.. what was you telling me?"

"I was saying that after dropping you off I have to go back to Knight villa."


"Nothing important, just to meet Klem... about some small deal.." Karl told her half truth. And started the car.

"...okay..." She was staring outside thinking about Vin and about .... that girl. It's was first time that Vin was trying to save someone. And that someone was no other but a GIRL.

Vin didn't asked her to call for some help to beat that guy. He didn't even shouted like crazy at that guy. He kept staring at the girl. She doesn't even look like some celebrity or model or something so that can't be a reason for Vin to look at her. Then why? He even tried to start a normal conversation with that GIRL!

It's supposed to be Young master's first day but why is everything end up being Pier's first. The way Vin looked at her back when she was leaving, as if he wanted... something.

Pier didn't notice anything extra ordinary on that girl, except the Literature notes that she was holding. But that's not important... What was more surprising that she didn't even looked interested in Vin, maybe that's the reason behind Vin's uneasiness.

Young master's whole being was shouting rich, rich, rich... And not to mention his handsomeness. Maybe the girl was not okay in head. She was way too normal but at the same time not so ordinary.

"Stop the car!" Pi said suddenly.

Karl hit the brakes without even asking why. And looked at her in question.

"I wanted to eat at that shop." Shw pointed at a food shop.

"No way. That's a cheap place. If you are hungry I'll take you to a better one." Karl said.

"No I wanted to eat there. Taste is what matters to me.. and what's wrong with having something cheap." Kark made a face. "Well if you don't wanna come.. you can go first to meet Master Klement."

"Are you kidding me! How can you..." Karl was still saying while frowning but she opened the door ignoring him and step outside. "What the... Pier wait.."

"Don't worry after eating I will go back. See you later. Drive save." She was smiling but Karl looked mad. Looking at his angry face Pier dared to smile widely



She ordered two palates of fried rice, one spicy and one mild. She was sitting on a table outside the food shop. She looked around a little, but her eyes was set on the medical store across the road. If her calculations were right, it'll be the first place to confirm her suspension.

Obviously she's not here just to eat. She looked around for any fimiliar car. Every passing minute makes her more nervous. She was tapping her fingers on table unconsciously.

"Are you really not gonna tell me what going on?" A fimiliar voice said behind her, making her smile, all the nervousness of seconds ago disappear.

Karl sat in front of ger, he gave a look to his surrounding. 'Why would anyone wants to eat here with all this annoying traffic sound, smoke and dust?'

Pier was smiling at him, he raised an eyebrow but smiled anyway.

A young boy came and placed two plates in front of them. She said thanks but her eyes were fixed on her food.

"Were you that hungry? Your eyes are literally sparkling..."

"Hungry! I'm starving. And believe me food here is amazing. I have eat everything on their menu." She blurted out. Karl narrowed his eyes..

"You eat here? This place is right in front of my college. When do you came here? With whom? I mean crazy cousin never really came to college in his first two years and I don't think I have seen you with Klem." Suddenly a nice breakfast turned into an interrogation. She realized her folly.

"Ummm.. I didn't came with anyone...." She closed her eyes and took a breath "...actually I used to come here when I was working for young master.. I came to attend some of his classes. As you already know what his guards go through that." Karl lifted an amused brow.

"But I was his personal psychiatrist so I have to come here to see what troubles him that he won't agree to come here to study. And I have seen..... You."

She almost whispered the last line but he heard her. She felt nervous after explaining and Karl kept staring at her. That's it now that he knows how far she once went to help young master, he's gonna flip the table.

"So you used to sit here and eat?"

"Of course not. I just buy food and then eat in my car before returning to the Knight villa."

"... I see." Karl said shortly.

Huh!!? what was that!?

That's it! No arguing or shouting! No table flipped!

"No need to stare at me like this I'm not mad at you. You can start eating. Well if you are staring because of my handsomeness  then be my guest." Karl smirked making Pier laugh.

He's not the same Karl anymore.. She gave him his plate. He just shook his head.

"I have ordered this one for you. Less spicy. Try it it's good."

"You knew...." Karl smiled.

"...that you are not gonna leave? Yes!" She grinned, like a professional psychiatrist.

"Mind-reader!" He rolled his eyes, slightly mocking her profession.



They finished eating but she didn't want to leave yet so instead she asked Karl to buy some juice.

Well juice was just an excuse, there was something else that she wanted to...

"Oh nooo way!!" She mouth fell open when she saw a fimiliar ca right in front of medical store. She had an inkling that something might be...

"Is that first cousin's car?" Karl said making Pier jump in her chair.

"I have to go and check." She looked first left and right before crossing the road.

"What are you doing here Paul?" She asked as soon as she entered the medical store.

Hearing her voice Paul startled then he turned around and saw Karl's face. Poor Paul wasn't expecting to see him at all so almost had an heart attack, he placed his hand on his chest to see if it's beating properly. This strange Duo almost make him passed out.

"Hey Pier what are you doing here?" Paul asked after calming down himself a little.

"I was at the food shop across the road and saw you coming.. so what's up?"

"I don't know. Young master asked me to come and buy some medicine. I didn't have any idea what to buy."

"Is he hurt?" Her eyes widen in shock.


"Then why..."

"I have no clue."

"Where's he?"

"At college.. waiting for me."

"What about his class?" She looked at her wrist watch.

"He sent Rob in his place."

"Of course he did." Karl smirked.

"But why?" Pier asked.

"He said the class is too far...and he can't walk."

"..." , "..."

Hearing this both Pier and Karl left speechless.

"What do I do now..?" Paul felt jittery.

"Let me help you." Karl offered out of the blue. He bought some medicines, both Pier and Paul exchange befuddled looks.

"Here." Karl gave the paper bag to Paul who was looking at him in awe.

"Let's go Pier!" He place his hand on her shoulder who was looking at Paul "Is everything okay?" Karl narrowed his eyes.

Pier first look at her ex-coworker Paul then back at Karl.

"Sinclair.." She started to say.




"I promise I just..."

"No way.."


"No means no.."

"... Sinclair!"


Karl and Pier was having some kind of conversation. And Paul was looking left and right like they were playing table tennis.

"Paul you can go!" Karl ordered.

"Yes Mr. Sinclair."

"Paul stop!" Pier said.

"Pier you are going home and that's final."

"I will...but after doing what I have to do."

"PIERETTE!"  Vegas finally lost his cool and shouted.

"You don't have to shout."

"Then don't make me!" Karl glared at her then shouted at Paul "Why are you still here? JUST GO! damnit!"

"Yes Mr. Sinclair." He gave an awkward look to Pier before opening his car door. She looked at him making some kind of eye contact.

"Pier let's go!"


"Pier... Don't make me repeat."

She started walking. Their car was on the other side of the road. She followed Karl quietly. She was making a sad face.

Karl was smirking to himself as if he won something. Without knowing that it was pretty Pierette he was dealing with...
