Unlocking Mech.

" Opening Potentate Panel. "

Swish! Something appeared in front of Hoang Jian's ( Giang Zhou ) sight, but it's was transparent and didn't affect on what he saw.

" Potentate Panel

Potentate : Hoang Jian ( Giang Zhou )

System : Super Machinery Army

Interface : Military Units

Window : Types of Army Units.

Types of Infantry Mech ( Expandable ). Types of Navy Mech ( Non-Expandable ). Types of Air Mech ( Non-Expandable ). Types of Space Mechs ( Non-Expandable). Types of Special Mechs ( Non-Expandable ).

Soul itoa : 0. Energy Points : 0. Coins : 0. "

" This is a.. System. " Hoang Jian said with surprise tone. Once he heard system voice, he thinks like he was hallucinating.

This is real. This is actually a system.

Hoang Jian took a deep breath, and calmed down himself.

Then I'll be able to solve this problem. With this system, not only that..

Hoang Jian was passed... To be honest, he was thinking that, the type of mechs Hoang Jian unlocked at later on this system will be powerful right? Like in movies. To think that he become excited about explore it.

" Show me, the types of Infantry Mech. " Hoang Jian asked, as a controller of this system.

" Types of Infantry Mech :

Level 1 Mech : Combat Mech ( Unlocked. ). Cold Weapons Mech : ( Locked. ). Firearms Mech : ( Locked. ). Intel Mech : ( Locked. ). Biochemical Mech : ( Locked. ) "

Right now, among five mechs. Only Infantry Mechs could been seen, while other remaining other four mechs are locked. Besides, only one type of the Infantry Meches were unlocked, remaining four types of Infantry Meches are locked.

" Master, are you in there? " Someone was at door, since Xia Yao was reported to elders about Hoang Jian, they sent Officer Su Jing. He knocked and asked.

Hearing the rough voice, a brawny man immediately appeared in Hoang Jian's mind.

It's was officer Su Jing. Why he is here so fast?

" Convert into Energy points. " Hoang Jian said in hurry, with that herb in his hand.

" Successful converted the wild root. 15 Energy Points added. " System voice heard in his mind.

" Create a level-1 ' Combat Mech. ' " Hoang Jian was issued order his Potentate of System. ( Potentate means Ruler. )

Above Mech type window, there is a virtual screen popped along with a human figure. And in front of him appeared a illusory human being. With countless light dots were filled that figure. That light was to bright, then Hoang Jian was covered his eyes, then this light slowly dimmed, and that figure making more and more realistic. It's need a minute to complete that process.

" Master, it's about time. You should come with me to Jang hall. The elders and other officials are waiting for you. " Su Jing said in hurry voice.

" Officer Su Jing, I'm change my clothes in here. After all, I am going to be the leader of the Canary gang, and it's a big deal for everyone. I must wear something appropriate, or Canary gang will lose face. Am I right? " Hoang Jian was made a excuse to buying time himself.

" Haha, okay, be quick. " Su Jing laughed and said with mocking tone.

He thought ' This kid really thinks, he can be the leader of gang. Fine, I will let you wear whatever you want, so you can die looking better. I'm only respecting our former leader. '

A minute later.

" Combat Mech complete. "

Buzz! The illusory figure turned into something real, and it became like a normal person.

This was like a fantasy.

In front of Hoang Jian, there was a man as tall as Hoang Jian was. He looked around 20 years around, and with no expression on his face. He was a green camouflage hat, outfit and brown shows. He was wearing in standard military uniform. But wasn't carring any weapons.

" Potentate, I'm CM01, a combat mech at lower stage of level 1. " He stepped a little distance, and saluted to Hoang Jian.

Hoang Jian was bit startled, but then he was astonishing by this, that was appeared in front of him, this feel pretty good to him.

Of course, this mech in front of him wasn't a real human being, but a mechanical creation. It's just look liked exactly a normal human being.

" CM01 is doesn't sound good. " Hoang Jian " From now on you'll be called Qin Wan "

" Yes, Potentate. " The Combat Mech, Qin Wan said with nodded.

" What's your current level. " Hoang Jian asked.

" Potentate, I can fight with ten martial artists of upper stage of elementary level at the same time, and I can beat those of lower stage level 1. When I exert myself, I can kill two of them and myself. " CM01 Qin Wan replied.

Even though mechs were mechanical creations, they had intelligence program in them. They might not be very smart, but they could be still have simple conversations and could understand orders.

I think, higher level the mech type was, the more advanced their program was, and more intelligent they were then lower level mech.

" Let me see. " Hoang Jian opened CM01 Qin Wan's information window.

" Mech type : Combat Mech

Level : Lower Stage of Level 1

NO : CM01 ( Qin Wan )

Skills : Level 1 elementary combat art Characteristics : A mechanical creation that isn't afraid of dying, can't feel pain, and extremely loyal. It's stop functioning only if it's mechanically heart broken or 90% of it's body is destroyed. After it's dies, it's can recycled for 75% of the energy points, or 25% of coins cost.

Condition to reach next level : 30 energy points. "

Qin Wan strength was out of Hoang Jian expectation. It's could deal with martial artist at the lower stage of level 1.

In fact, his father Hoang Huahoug was only at the lower stage of level 1, but he managed to established the canary gang, and rule the Huahoug street. The three elders were only at upper stage of elementary level.

" Qin Wan, you need to stay close to me, and protect me from now on. " Hoang Jian said.

" Don't worry, Potentate. Your safety is our top priority. We'll do everything, we can to protect you even if it's costs our life. " CM01 Qin Wan said loudly. Practically screamed.

" Alright, Alright. " Hoang Jian felt even better now.

Boom! Su Jing pushed open the door.

" Master, what are you doing? Why are you taking so long to get changed? Also, why did I hear someone else in the room? " Su Jing came in and asked Hoang Jian.