Jang Hall

" Officer Su Jing. " Hoang Jian said with an unfriendly and upset tone.

That guy just broke in directly. Luckily, the Combat Mech had completed.

Qin Wan stood in front of Hoang Jian and stared at Su Jing fiercely.

" Who are you? " Su Jing asked.

Su Jing ignored Hoang Jian, as he had never cared about him. And yet, he was shocked by Qin Wan. He stopped there and sized Qin Wan up, but he couldn't feel any energy of a Martial Artist on him. So, he thought that Qin Wan was an ordinary person.

Qin Wan was a mech. He wasn't a real person, so he would certainly not have the energy of a Martial Artist.

" Qin Wan is my new bodyguard. Is there a problem? " Jiang Li said coldly.

" A bodyguard. " Su Jing said.

Su Jing knew Hoang Jian only wanted comfort, but Qin Wan seemed to be a guy who dared to work hard. He was thinking of training Qin Wan into a good fighter when he had the chance. " No problem, for sure. "

" Didn't you say that you were changing? Why are you still wearing this? " Su Jing asked.

" Oh, I already changed. " Hoang Jian shrugged. " This looks fine. It's simple and elegant. "

" Then let's go? " Su Jing frowned,

" Officer Su Jing, the elders must be a bit impatient now. Let's not waste any more time. We should go to Jang Hall as fast as possible. I can't wait to become the leader of the gang. " Hoang Jian smiled and said.

" Alright, alright. " Su Long also smiled.

' If you wanna die so quickly, I won't stop you. ' Su Jing thought himself.

They left the house together.


After a while Hoang, Qin Wan and Su Jing arrived at Jang Hall of Canary gang.

At the entrance there were two members of the Canary Gang.

" Officer Su Jing, Master Hoang Jian. " They bowed.

" Hm. " Officer Su Jing nodded arrogantly.

" Nice, nice. " Jiang Li said with a smile and he patted on their shoulders. " It's so hot today. Thank you for guarding the door under the sun. "

" This is our job. " The two of them were flattered.

" Work hard. When I become the leader and develop the Canary Gang, I'll improve the welfare of our members. By then, you'll be able to eat whatever you want. " Hoang Jian said.

" Thank you, Master. " the two members said with gratitude.

" Haha. " Su Jing snickered. It was easy for Hoang Jian to say something like that, but in this world, nothing was more important than strength.

Then Hoang Jian, Qin Wan and Su Jing entered Jang Hall and shut the door.

" Master seems really nice. If he really becomes our leader, our life will be better. " First member said

" What are you thinking? Master is too weak. The elders won't agree with this. He may not even be able to survive. " Second Member said.

" Everything would be better if Chief was still alive. " First member said.

The two members of the gang then stopped talking.


In Jang Hall.

Hoang Jian looked around and saw Xia Yao kneeling on the floor. There was a main seat in front, right in the middle, which was the leader's seat. Three people were sitting a bit lower than that seat.

Chief Elder, Mu Huag, was sitting in the middle, while Elder Ding Yung and Elder Fang Zung were sitting on the left and right respectively.

There were also five officers of the gang on both sides.

This is only a gang with a hundred members and nine of them are elders and officers, which occupy almost one-tenth of the total number.

Hoang Jian thought.

" Elders, Master Hoang Jian is here. " Su Jing bowed.

" Thank you, Officer Su Jing. Take a seat. " Mu Huag raised his right hand.

" Thank you, Chief Elder. " Su Jing nodded respectfully and sat on his own seat.

" Master Hoang Jian, Brother Hoang Huahoug died in an accident and you're his biological son. According to the rules of the gang, you're supposed to succeed as the leader. " Mu Huag said slowly. " Are you willing to do so? "

Around the hall. Everyone looked at Hoang Jian with disdain and they seemed to be watching a movie.

Xia Yao knelt on her knees with her head down. She was trembling and she dared not to look at anyone.


Hoang Jian looked around him and laughed in his mind. He thought that his father was too unreliable. None of the members in the entire gang were loyal. Otherwise. He wouldn't be in a situation like this.

Once Hoang Huahoug died, none of the senior members of the gang were willing to help him. They even tried to set him up. This showed that these people had no emotions and loyalty at all. All they cared about was their interest.

Thinking of this Hoang Jian felt relieved instead. If these people still cared about the past, it would be hard for him to kill them. Right now, he didn't have to worry about it.

" The Canary Gang was established by my father, Hoang Huahoug, and he was also in charge of the entire Cang Street. As the son of the former leader, I must take over his place and help the Canary Gang improve. " Hoang Jian looked at everyone else and said firmly.

" Haha, great. You're indeed Brother Huahoug's son. I'm touched by your ambition. " Ding Yung laughed sarcastically.

" Haha. " Fang Zung smirked.

The six officers remained silent.

" Chief, please take a seat. " Mu Huag got up and pointed at the chair on the top.

" Hm. " Hoang Jian nodded and walked towards the seat without any hesitation, while Qin Wan followed him closely.

In the Jang Hall, everyone looked at Hoang Jian.

In the end Hoang Jian walked to the leader's seat and smiled. He then turned around, glanced over everyone and sat down.

This kid really dares to sit there.

Don't worry. Let him be happy for a while.

He'll get what he deserves

The officers all looked unfriendly.

" Chief Elder, I'm now officially the leader of the Canary Gang. You should give me the ' Chief's Tablet. ' " Hoang Jian looked at Mu Huag.

Mu Huag smiled and glanced at Officer Su Jing. " Of course, you can have the ' Chief's Tablet. ' "

" Give it to me. " Jiang Li reached out.

" Wait! " Officer Su Jing immediately got up and yelled. " Elders, officers, don't you think that Master Hoang Jian isn't quite suitable to be our leader? He's only at the lower stage of the elementary level and knows just a few tricks. Such a person will only lead the Canary Gang into a decline. "

" Officer Su Jing is right. "

" Strength is the most important thing. "

" Hoang Jian is too weak. He's simply not enough to be our leader. "

" I agree. "

" Elders, we object to letting Hoang Jian be the leader of the gang. "

The five officers got up with exactly the same opinion, as if they had discussed it beforehand. This was too obvious. Their real intention was exposed and they finally began.

" Ahh-haa… " Jiang Li yawned and didn't care at all, as if he was watching a movie. He seemed to be saying, ' Please enjoy your show. I'll not disturb you. If the show is great, I might even clap. '

" According to the rules set by us and Brother Huahoug, Hoang Jian is totally qualified to be the next leader. " Fang Zung couldn't hide his smile anymore, as if his evil plan had succeeded.

" Our rules also stated that officers and elders can object to the new leader. Chief Elder, what do you think? " Ding Yung looked at Mu Huag.

" Let's vote. "

Mu Huag said, " Please raise your hand if you object to letting Hoang Jian be our leader. "

After that.

" Me too. "

" Me either. "

" And me. "

The six officers all raised their hands one after another. Fang Zung heaved a sigh and also raised his hand firmly.

" You must listen to the people. " Ding Yung also raised his hand.

Mu Huag looked at Hoang Jian and found that Hoang Jian wasn't angry as expected. He was calm! Really calm!

This gave Mu Huag a chill down his spine. He felt something wrong.

Why is he so calm?

Mu Huag thought.

" Hoang Jian, since the six officers and the three elders objected, you'll not be our leader from now on. " Su Jing yelled, " I think Chief Elder is more suitable to be the leader. "

" Get down here. "

" Get down from that seat. "

" You don't deserve it. "

" Get out of there! "

" How can a loser be our leader? Do you really think you can do anything you want just because of your background? "

The officers shouted. They weren't talking peacefully anymore.

" Are you done with your show? It's lame. "

Hoang Jian stretched his body and got up from his seat. He started to look cold and vicious. " Since you've done performing, it's now my turn. "

" Shut up, Hoang Jian. Why are you pretending to be strong? You're only a loser at the lower-stage elementary level. If you don't wanna get down, I'll have to help you. " Su Jing grunted with viciousness in his eyes. He jumped up from his seat and rushed to Hoang Jian. His right hand was pointing right at Hoang Jian's heart.

" Go to Hell! "

In a blink, Su Jing was already right before Hoang Jian.

" Qin Wan, attack. " Hoang Jian said immediately.

" Yes, Potentate. " Qin Wan said.

Boom! Qin Wan punched and blocked Su Jing's attack. His strong energy instantly broke Su Jing's arm.

" Argh! " Pfft! Su Jing let out a cry and flew backwards at a high speed as he spurted out blood. He clashed against Xia Yao, knocking her down as well.

Bang! The door of Jang Hall was knocked open.

A punch! A punch and Su Jing flew a dozen meters away!

Everyone went silent! Only Su Jing's wails were left.