Weapon Mech.

" Detected items that can be converted to energy points. Would you like to convert? "

" Sure. " Hoang Jian confirmed, " What do I keep them for? Money? I don't lack money. I lack energy points. "

Buzz! White light flashed. The ganodes, wild roots and fleceflower roots were gone and " 30 " energy points were added on the panel.

" The ten-year herbs can only be converted to a few energy points. "

Hoang Jian mumbled, " I can make two meches of lower-stage level 1 with 30 energy points, or I can upgrade Qin Wan to the middle-stage. "

" There's still too little energy points. "

" Build two level-1 ' Cold Weapon Meches. ' " Hoang Jian said.

He knew that he was only at the lower stage of the elementary level, so he must protect himself. Having only one mech was far from enough. Besides, Hoang Jian knew his strength was his biggest weakness. He could only make meches in the " Super Machinery Army, " but not things like " Enhancement Drugs. "

Of course when he reached the upper stage and unlocked the " Research Meches." he might be able to develop technological products like " Enhancement Drugs. " but it was impossible for now.

Luckily, Hoang Jian was in a super fantastic world where he could practice Martial Arts and become a Martial Artist. If he kept enhancing his strength, he could totally get rid of this weakness.

He had to create meches, look for resources, enhance his Martial Arts level, continuously improve himself and finally form a flawless mech army, and create a harem of beautiful ladies. This was Hoang Jian's goal.

Swish! A virtual screen popped up. There was an illusory human figure surrounded by countless light dots, which were filling the figure to make it more realistic. There was also an " X2 " symbol next to the figures.

Two minutes later.

Buzz! Buzz! The human figures enlarged and became realistic.

" Cold Weapon Mech of lower-stage level 1, WE01. "

" Cold Weapon Mech of lower-stage level 1, WE02. "

" Greetings, Potentate! "

A man and a woman appeared before Hoang Jian. They were both wearing camouflage outfits like Qin Wan, and were tall and cold. And yet they were different from Qin Wan. Weapon Meches carried a weapon, but it was only an alloy dagger that was put on their outer thigh.

" Hm. "

Hoang Jian nodded. " I only have a few meches right now. For convenience, WE01, you'll be called Qin Yan. "

" Yes, Potentate. " Qin Yan saluted indifferently. She had short hair and a pretty nice body figure. Unfortunately it was a robot. Hoang Jian felt a bit sad.

" WE02, you'll be called Fang Long. " Hoang Jian said again.

" Yes, Potentate. " Fang Long saluted.

" Mech Type: Cold Weapon Mech

Level: Lower stage of level 1

No.: WE01 ( Qin Yan )

Skills: Controlling level-one elementary weapon

Characteristics: A mechanical creation that isn't afraid of dying, can't feel pain and is extremely loyal. It stops functioning only if its heart is broken or 90% of its body is destroyed. After it dies, it can be recycled for 75% of the energy points, 25% of the coins of the cost.

Condition to Reach the Next Level: 30 energy points. "

" Mech Type: Cold Weapon Mech

Level: Lower stage of level 1

No.: WE02 ( Fang Long )

Skills: Controlling level-one elementary weapon

Characteristics: A mechanical creation that isn't afraid of dying, can't feel pain and is extremely loyal. It stops functioning only if its heart is broken or 90% of its body is destroyed. After it dies, it can be recycled for 75% of the energy points, 25% of the coins of the cost.

Condition to Reach the Next Level: 30 energy points. "

" Their abilities are basically the same. "

Hoang Ji murmured and nodded.

Weapon Meches. These meches only had a " dagger " when they were first made. As their levels went higher, they would eventually get a " stiletto knife " or " long blade. "

Generally speaking, level-1 Weapon Meches had already mastered the use of four weapons and had extremely strong battling power.

Of course there were exceptions. For example, when making a hundred Weapon Meches, there might be some special elite meches that had weapons like " spears " or " crescent halberds. " These elite meches were much stronger, but there was only a slight chance of getting them.

" You'll go on a mission with me tonight. " Hoang Jian said.

" Yes, Potentate. " Qin Wan replied.

Hoang Ji didn't want to be beaten, so he decided to attack first and eliminate the Scorpion Gang, Axe Gang and Red Flame Gang. With the forces he had right now, he could totally deal with the gangs one at a time.

" Blood Energy Pills. "

Hoang Jian picked up the porcelain bottle, opened the lid and poured out the crimson pills.

Blood Energy Pills. They were elementary-grade pills that were suitable for elementary-level Martial Artists to refine their blood and body. However, even such a low-level pill was worth a hundred taels of silver, which was a hundred thousand yuan on Earth.

" Mu Huag and the others basically took all the assets of the Canary Gang as their own. They even cleared the warehouse of the gang." Hoang Ji said." Let's see what the Blood Energy Pills can do. "

Hoang Jian took out a Blood Energy Pill and ate it.

Gulp! The Blood Energy Pill slipped into his throat and entered his stomach. After that, it melted and a strong vital energy spread.

Boom! Boom! Hoang Jian felt like his organs were vibrating.

" Potentate. " Qin Wan yelled anxiously.

" I'm fine. Guard the door. Don't let anyone in. " Hoang Jian yelled.

" Yes, Potentate. " Qin Wan and the others nodded.

" Internal Energy Art. " Hoang Jian immediately posed and refined the vital energy inside the Blood Energy Pill with the Internal Energy Art.

Time passed.

An hour later the vital energy and medicine inside the Blood Energy Pill were basically refined by Hoang Jian's Internal Energy Art. Plumes of white smoke billowed out of his body and his face blushed.

The effect is great. It's indeed a Blood Energy Pill that's worth a hundred taels of silver. I'm already so close to entering the middle stage of the elementary level after taking one.

Hoang Jian felt the changes of his body and was thrilled.

" Again! " Hoang Jian took out the second Blood Energy Pill and threw it into his mouth. He squatted down and refined the pill with the Internal Energy Art.

An hour later.

Bang! Hoang Jian's body shook. His energy became stronger and he had successfully entered the mid-stage of the elementary level. The second Blood Energy Pill was completely refined as well.

" I've reached the next stage. "

Hoang Jian smiled. " Although I don't really have potential in Martial Arts, it's okay. As long as I have resources and medicines, I can still reach higher levels easily.

There are eight Blood Energy Pills left. I wonder if I can reach the upper stage of the elementary level after taking all of them. "

At midnight.

Hoang Jian had taken five Blood Energy Pills and his energy started to become unstable, so he couldn't continue anymore. He needed time to stabilize his blood. He still couldn't reach the upper stage after taking three other Blood Energy Pills, which was such a shame.

" Let's go. "

Creak! The door was opened.

Hoang Jian walked out, while Qin Wan, Qin Yan and Fang Long stayed close behind him. They left the Canary Gang and went to Houg Street. No one was on the street and it was extremely quiet.

In the sky dark clouds covered the moon and darkened the entire street.

" Let's deal with the Scorpion Gang first. " Hoang Jian said.