Sneak In

Along the way, Hoang Jian tried to remember some information about the Scorpion Gang.

The leader of the Scorpion Gang, " Liu Yang. " was also known as " Scorpion. " Rumor had it that he was good at using poisons and had scorpions as his pets. Many Martial Artists of lower-stage level 1 died in his hands.

This was the information Hoang Jian had in his mind.

Clomp! Clomp!

Hoang Jian came to Scorpion Street with the three meches. It was quiet and nobody was there. He went ahead following the route in his memory.

Half an hour later Hoang Jian and the meches arrived at the Scorpion Gang. Two members of the gang were guarding the entrance, but they looked exhausted.

" Qin Yan, deal with them," Jiang Li said.

"Yes." Qin Yan nodded. He hid in the dark and quietly crept closer. He took out his alloy dagger, then slashed the neck of the two members of the Scorpion Gang.

A beam of light flashed.

Pfft! Pfft! Blood splashed everywhere.

" Mm. " The two members of the Scorpion Gang died silently. Qin Yan dragged the two dead bodies away and hid them in a dark corner.

" Let's go. " Hoang Jian said.

They climbed over the wall and entered the backyard, hiding behind a big tree. They looked around, but nobody was there.

Whether it was the Canary Gang or the Scorpion Gang, all gangs had control of a street and had their own businesses, including " brothels " and " gambling stalls. "

Generally speaking members of the gang had to take care of these businesses, so there wouldn't be many of them at the headquarters, though there might still be around thirty.

" Qin Yan, go catch that guy. " Hoang Jian said, " Remember to be careful. Lay low. "

" Yes, Potentate. " Qin Yan nodded and left immediately. He disappeared from Hoang Jian's sight and sneaked into the room.

It was a piece of cake for Qin Yan to catch a person as long as he was careful.

A few minutes later Qin Yan came back with a fainted member of the Scorpion Gang.

" Potentate, mission completed. " Qin Yan threw the guy on the ground.

" Good. " Hoang Jian said. " Well done. "

" It's our responsibility to help you, Potentate. " Qin Yan said.

Hoang Jian shrugged, then knelt down and poked the guy's face. The guy woke up after a while.

" You. Mm. " The member of Scorpion gang was about to shout, but Hoang Jian covered his mouth.

" Answer my question if you want to live. " Hoang Jian said. " If you shout, you die. "

" Hm. " The member of the Scorpion gang nodded quickly in fear.

" Where's Liu Yang? " Hoang Jian asked and released his hand.

" He… He's in the assembly hall. He invited the leader of the Axe Gang and Red Flame Gang to come over. They seem to be discussing something important. " the member of the Scorpion gang said. ' I… I've told you everything I know. I'm only a normal member. Please… Please don't kill me. "


Hoang Jian hit the guy's neck and he fainted again.

" I can finish the three leaders at once. "

Hoang Jian got up and said, " We're going to the assembly hall of the Scorpion Gang. "

" Potentate, one question. Do you know where the assembly hall is? " Qin Wan asked.

Qin Yan and Fang Ling looked at Hoang Jian together.

Hoang Jian paused for a while, then looked at the fainted guy and said, " Wake him up again. "

After a while Hoang Jian got the information he wanted.

" Brother. You can ask me anything you want. You... You can beat me a couple times more, but I don't want to waste your time. " the member of the scorpion gang said.

It hurts. My neck is going to break. He hit me so hard.

Boom! Hoang Jian hit the guy again. The guy rolled his eyes and was knocked out right away.

" You're just a slave. Why do you talk so much? " Hoang Jian said.

At midnight.

In the assembly hall of the Scorpion Gang, Liu Yang was sitting on the main seat.

" Scorpion, why did you ask us both to come this late? I bet it wouldn't just be for a drink. "

The leader of the Axe Gang, " Lu Dung. " sipped the wine as he put his arm around a sexy woman. His left hand had already slipped into her dress, which made her blush. Her fair, long legs were twisting around uncomfortably.

" Cut the crap and get back to business. " The leader of the Red Flame Gang, " Hua Yan. " frowned and glared at Lu Dung.

Liu Yang said, " After Hoang Huahoug died in ' Stone Village. ' there was no one to lead the Canary Gang. And yet, Mu Huag suddenly became a Martial Artist of lower-stage level 1 so we've never had the opportunity to take their territories away. However, the world is unpredictable. Mu Huag died today. Not only him, two other elders and the six officers of the Canary Gang are also dead."

Lu Dung's eyes popped out. " How do you know that? "

" I have an informant in the Canary Gang. " Liu Yang smiled.

" What happened exactly? " Hua Yan asked.

" Hoang Huahoug's son, Hoang Jian, was found a powerful fighter and killed Mu Huag and the others," Liu Yang said. " He's too young and reckless after all. He didn't think about the consequences. Killing Mu Huag and the others may be able to quell his anger, but this also destroyed the foundation of the Canary Gang."

" How can he support the Canary Gang alone? "

" Guys, what do you think? Our gangs can work together to take down the Canary Gang tomorrow. By then, we'll have equal shares of all the businesses on Hong Street and of the Canary Gang. Are you interested? "

" Haha, sure. Why not? " Lu Dung burst into laughter. " It's like a cake delivered to my door. I've always wanted the businesses on Hong Street, but I've never had a chance to get them. "

" Hoang Jian gave us such a great opportunity. He's truly our hero. I must cut off his limbs to express my gratitude. "

" But. " Hua Yan pondered.

" What are you worrying about? " Liu Yang asked.

" I'm a little worried about Hoang Jian's fighter. He killed Mu Huag and the others. We can't underestimate him. " Hua Yan said.

" Don't worry. " Liu Yang said confidently. " We're all working together. Even if Jiang Hoang Jian's fighter is a Martial Artist of mid-stage level 2, I'm certain that we can win. The Canary Gang will be destroyed and Hong Street is destined to be ours. Hoang Jian is also going to die for sure. "

" Really? I don't think so. "

Suddenly. Bang! A thunderous voice came. The door of the assembly hall was knocked open. The shattered wood fragments flew around the place, embedding into the walls. The punch was extremely powerful.

" Who is it? " Lu Dung looked over.

" How dare you break into the assembly hall! " Liu Yang got up and yelled.

" It's Hoang Jian! " Hua Yan recognized the man at the door. " It's really him. Why is he here right now? "

" Chiefs, I heard you talk about killing me and eliminating my gang. " Hoang Jian said with a smile. " You're making it hard for me. "

" Hahaha. " Lu Dung laughed with disdain. " I was just thinking who that was. You sure have guts coming here. "

" You've come at the right time. We can just kill you here, so we don't have to waste any more time. "

" Get out of here! " Lu Dung threw the sexy woman in his arms on the floor and pulled out the sword on his back. A hint of viciousness then spread.

The sexy woman crawled to the corner.