Dead! All Dead!

" Leader of the Axe Gang, Lu Dung. " Hoang Jian sized him up and his energy gave him great pressure. However, Hoang Jian didn't have to fight. Of course, he was no match for Lu Dung. He knew this clearly, but with the meches, the situation was under control.

" Come! " Liu Yang shouted with a loud voice, which sounded even clearer at night.

" It's Chief. He's in the assembly hall. "

" Come on. Something's happening. "

" Quick! "

Clomp, clomp, clomp…

Outside the assembly hall, the members of the Scorpion Gang were stirred and there came some intensive footsteps. They were all rushing to the assembly hall with their weapons.

" Attack. " Hoang Jian immediately yelled. " Go to Hell! "

Swish! Qin Yan attacked first. He sped forward like a cheetah with the alloy dagger on his right hand. He created a ray of light with the dagger and was aiming at Lu Dung's throat.

" Wonderful. " Lu Dung yelled and slashed. Their weapons clashed against each other in the air, creating some sparks. They were equally powerful.

Qin Yan then kicked Lu Dung's chest. Lu Dung backed away to avoid Qin Yan's attack and slashed with his sword at the same time.

Swish! Qin Yan dodged and stabbed the side of Lu Dung's waist with the alloy dagger. His attack was extremely fast. Lu Dung's clothes were torn and there was a wound on his body.

" He's fast. " Lu Dung glanced at Hoang Jian seriously. " Why did this kid find such a powerful man? He's only at the mid-stage of the elementary level and he made a level-1 Martial Artist work for him. "

" Chief Lu, let me help you. "

Liu Yang immediately rushed ahead. He waved his right hand and a dozen shadows flew out of his sleeve. They all sped towards Qin Yan.

Poof! Poof! Poof! Fang Ling jumped up and swayed her alloy dagger. She created rays of light in the air, slashing the shadows apart.

Sizzle… These shadows were all poisonous scorpions. When their dead bodies dropped, the ground was immediately corroded by the venom, which showed how strong their venom was.

" Toxic Palm! " Liu Yang attacked while his hands were surrounded by internal force and black glitter. There were some strong poisons in his hands.

Whoosh! Fang Ling stabbed with her dagger using her full power. A beam of light flashed and sped towards Liu Yanbing's hands.

Pfft! Blood splashed everywhere.

" Argh! " Liu Yang let out a cry. His hands were stabbed by Fang Ling's dagger even though he had the " Ice Silk Gloves. " on.

At the same time, Fang Ling was also repelled by Liu Yang's power and the poisons were stuck on her hand. Her arm was corroded, letting out plumes of smoke and some sizzling sounds.

" Hahaha. " Liu Yang laughed. " You'll die after being hit by my Toxic Palm, unless you have my cure. My Toxic Palm isn't that easy to deal with. Hoang Jian, you're going to die. I'll definitely make you suffer. Chief Hua, attack. " Liu Yang yelled.

"Alright." Hua Yan nodded. He had already heard of Liu Yang's Toxic Palm, which carried strong poisons. Whoever got hit would certainly die.

Hua Yan took out the whip on his waist. It was covered with spikes and was entirely red. When it moved, it looked like a dancing fire snake.

" Combat Art! "

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Qin Wan dodged to avoid Hua Yanji's attack and reduced their distance at the same time. He then flashed towards Hua Yan.

" Red Flame Whip! "

Hua Yan's eyes widened. Qin Wan's power was beyond hid expectation. At such a dangerous moment, he mobilized the internal force in his body into the whip in his hand. The whip then became like a giant python and it flashed forward.

Bang, bang, bang! Qin Wan gave a dozen punches in a short amount of time and his powerful energy was passed to Hua Yan through the Red Flame Whip.

Poof! Hua Yan spurted out blood and backed away with fear in his eyes.

He's strong!!

" Go to Hell! " Liu Yang shouted. He viciously rushed at Hoang Jian at the fastest speed as he saw nobody was around him, then he gave a punch.

Swish! Fang Ling put her alloy dagger in front of herself and blocked Liu Yang's attack easily. She then turned around and kicked Liu Yang away.

" You.. " Liu Yang fell on the floor and said in shock, " How did you do that? "

" Haha. " Hoang Jian chuckled. He would never tell them that Fang Ling was a mech.

The trump card Liu Yang was most proud of was quite useless in front of Fang Ling, but the corrosiveness of the poisons still raised Fang Ling's damage to 10%.

" Qin Wan, Qin Yan, Fang Ling, finish them as soon as possible. "

Hoang Jian heard that the sound of footsteps got closer. The members of the Scorpion Gang were on their way.

" Let us deal with them first. When my men are here, Hoang Jian will die. " Liu Yang said firmly.

"Alright." Hua Yan nodded.

After a long time of fighting, there were a few wounds on Lu Dung's body. He then used his Martial Arts tactic, " Tiger Downhill! " Lu Dung shouted and gathered his internal force. He sped forward like a tiger and slashed at Fang Ling from above.

" Go to Hell! "

Crack! Fang Ling didn't fall back. She turned to his side and blocked Lu Dung's attack with her left arm, which was then cut off.

Pfft! Fang Ling stabbed Lu Dung in his chest with the alloy dagger and penetrated his heart. Blood seeped out of the wound, dyeing Lu Dung's clothes red.

" You… You… " Lu Daoke's jaw dropped. He had never thought Fang Ling would be so fierce. When he looked at Fang Ling's broken arm, he saw some electric sparks on it.

She isn't human!

Lu Dung was trying to say something, but his heart was pierced and crushed. The spark in his eyes became dim and his body collapsed slowly.

" Chief Lu! " Liu Yang and Hua Yan yelled in fear.

After killing Lu Dung, Fang Ling immediately worked with Qin Yan to besiege Liu Yang. Liu Yang's poisons might be great for dealing with other Martial Artists, but it was useless when facing Fang Ling and Qin Yan.


In the end, after a few attacks, Qin Yan stabbed Liu Yang in his head with his dagger.

" Please! Please don't kill me. " Hua Yan, who was the only one that survived, immediately knelt and begged.

Bang! Qin Wan gave a punch without hesitation and crushed Hua Yan's heart.

Buzz! A grey light dot flew out of Hua Yan's body like a firefly and into Hoang Jian.

" Got a level-1 Soul Itoa! " A notification popped up.

" I only got one Soul Itoa after killing three Martial Artists of lower-stage level 1. The probability really isn't high. " Hoang Jian mumbled.

Meanwhile, outside the assembly hall.

" Go in there to help. " Twenty members at the headquarters led by the Chief Elder of the Scorpion Gang besieged the assembly hall.

And yet, when they entered the hall, they saw the dead bodies of Liu Yang, Lu Dung and Hua Yan. Their faces instantly turned pale.

Dead! All dead! The three leaders were all dead!