Chapter 27: Timid Detective

"Please, Sir. Let me join the case," I begged Sergeant Marx.

I've been improving a lot in shooting and Danté was going to teach me some physical combat tips as well. Nick kept saying that he would help, but Danté told him to go do the work he was supposed to do for the gang.

Those two kept arguing whenever I saw them. And every time I felt like I was stuck between them.

Damian kept clucking like a fricken chicken in the background, not helping me out of it or explaining to me exactly what he found so incredibly hilarious.

I tried to keep fit by jogging every day, as per Danté's instruction, because "when you can't fight you need to get the f*ck out of there. You'll need to be able to outrun your attackers."

While I was improving physically outside of work, I tried to improve at work as well. I made sure to handle as many cases as I could, no matter how small.