Chapter 36: The Scent of Rain

The air was cold outside on the balcony. My arms made goosebumps.

"It smells like rain," Elizabeth said as we reached the railing of the balcony.

"It's like that's all the weather wants to do these days," I said.

I noticed small dimples at the corners of her lips. "So, Venus? Do you know that Danté and I have history."

My nails dug into my palm. "Yes, he told me that you guys met up a lot."

She laughed so hard that she nearly dropped her glass of wine off the balcony. "You're so cute."

I faced her with a confident expression. "But that's not why we're out here, is it?"

Elizabeth winked. "You sure are more clever than you look." She swirled the wine in her glass. "I figured you had something you wanted to talk to me about."

I had to handle this situation carefully.