Chapter 37: Doing Dumb Things

I don't know how long we've been sitting in this parking lot, but I was surprised that Damian was still awake.

"Sorry about all that," I apologized. "I don't know what has gotten into me."

Dae was leaning with his head on his fist. "You have nothing to apologize for. And I would've just left you alone in the car to cry it all out, but that just felt wrong. So I stayed."

I cringed. "That must've been very awkward."

He chuckled. "No, don't worry about it." He watched the rain splashing on the windshield. "I'm not good at handling others' emotions, so I'm bad at comforting people. But one thing Hannah taught me is to never leave a girl to cry alone, because your presence can be comfort enough."

I followed his gaze. "How's things between you and her?"

"There is nothing. We agreed to not let things go further between us."

"I'm so sorry," I sympathized. "It really sucks if the one you like doesn't like you back."