Chapter 51: Don't Ruin The Furniture!

"What the f*ck?" Nick gaped. I couldn't decipher his expression, it was like a hundred emotions in one, where fury was the leading one.

Looking at us from the angle where he was standing, it probably looked like Damian was kissing me.

I was about to try and explain the situation, when Damian turned to Nick. "Nick, great timing. She burnt her lip and--"

I don't know how it happened so fast, but within a second, Nick had pulled Dae away from me and shoved him into the dressing table. Bottles of expensive perfume flew and shattered on the floor, along with some makeup products that Danté bought me a while ago.

It made a loud commotion, along with the loud bang that the table made against the wall as Damian's back made contact with it.

My heart was beating at a thousand miles an hour, and my hands were cupped around my mouth in horror.