Chapter 52: New Prosecutor

A few days had passed until Gavin was finally satisfied with me getting out of bed and moving around.

He had been staying at Danté's house the whole time, and Danté was arranging for him to stay at a safehouse for a while until they were a hundred percent sure that he was safe from The Riot.

Apparently, the place wasn't too far from The Blue Flame, so that I could go see him regularly for check-ups.

He had suggested that I go to a hospital and see a doctor, but I couldn't risk it. They would ask too many questions that I could not give them answers for. So he settled with the idea of treating me himself to the best of his ability - even if he wasn't as skilled as a doctor.

Nick and Damian was fine again. I realized how weird men were - they fought everything out and then everything would be alright again.