Chapter 57: Mother's Lies

I arranged for me and Zero to visit my mother on my day off.

It was a long drive to my grandparents' house, so Zero and I had long conversations about how our lives had been on our way.

He grew up in the best possible circumstances; with ideal parents and siblings. He had a nice home with a white picket fence and a dog. Everything was perfect and he was happy.

But all his life he felt like he missed out on some part of himself.

He was always good with computers - a quality that he clearly got from my mother. He started digging on his biological parents and found out that his father was a Korean man called Ji Wook Kim, who was on vacation, visiting Amber City's countryside. My mother was visiting my grandparents at the time, and they met at a bar.

They had a one-night-stand, conceiving Zero.

When I asked him what his real name was, he told me that I'll find out when he met our mother.