Chapter 58: I Won't Let Them Take You Again

I slowly rolled down my window, trying not to look like my heart was about to burst out of my chest.

Danté leaned into my window. His pierced eyebrow was raised and a curious smile played at his lips. "Why was my hacker getting out of your car?"

I gulped, my eyes fixed on his Adam's apple which bopped up and down as he spoke. "That's none of your business."

"It is my business if it involves one of my employees."

I couldn't tell Danté about my and Zero's discovery of ourselves being siblings. That might place Zero's identity at risk.

"I just needed him to help me decrypt something for my work. That's all," I answered, looking into Danté's eyes and hoping that he would believe me.

Danté looked skeptical. "It's weird for Zero to do 'kind gestures' for people outside of The Inferno. You must have him wrapped around your finger."

I shrugged. "Maybe I do. It still has nothing to do with you."