Chapter 63: Planted Seed

"Well done," Luke said, out of breath as he came to stand next to me. "You've changed a lot since high school."

"I've picked up a few things along the way," I answered, sheathing my gun.

Those things that I picked up included a few friends in the mafia, a few death threats and near death experiences; but most importantly the skills I learned from Danté.

Dehya and the other officers were arresting Tyler, who was swearing loudly and grunting as they cuffed him.

"I feel like you should have been the person in charge of this case," said Amy. She wasn't even out of breath.

I waved her off. "No, please don't say that. You're the best leader for this case. I'm only following your orders."

"You don't have to stare yourself blind at ranks," Luke said. "You guys are partners in this case. That makes you equal."

I was about to protest, when Amy smiled and said, "You're right." She held out her fist to me. "Partners?"