Chapter 83: Scheme

Memories can be blissful; reminding you of beautiful moments in your life that made your heart jump with joy.

But memories could also be cruel; when happy memories could bring a pang of regret and sorrow, accompanied by the unavoidable feeling that you would never be able to experience those memories in waking life ever again.

I wanted to curse at the memories of me and Nick, which were resurfacing with the goal to cause me pain. 

The time when we played the piano back at Danté's mansion in Amber City, our fingers flying across the keys with light-heartedness and joy as we laughed in pure glee.

All the times in which he stood up for me back when Danté was still just the scary leader of The Inferno - a monster who was using me to get revenge against my father.

When no one trusted me, Nick did. He was the first person to see my true self.

He was the first person to love me.