A suspicious matter

 {{A suspicious matter}}

(chapter 13) (part One)

Because of this word, he started climbing the tower

But the author mentioned that the Golden Storm King and the Demon Emperor knew everything and the reason for Walliam's death, yet they would not talk about it to anyone.

Well, this matter was a mystery that was not solved anyway in the novel, even though many readers gave their thoughts, but the writer denied all their guesses.

Anyway, this matter is no longer important to know

It took a year for the Black Serpent to recover from all its wounds, and my friendship with him deepened. He told me that his ancestors descended from the Black Serpent that penetrated the world.

The black snake penetrated the world. It was a terrifying monster in the ancient era. Legend says that it was able to kill 3 emperors at the same time and succeed in defeating them.

 He is one of the emperors of the Beast Race, but legend says that he suddenly disappeared before the War of the Emperors began, and from that time on, he did not appear, and neither did his descendants. They were unable to awaken his lineage, and he was forgotten in long history, as was the clan to which he belonged.

 The World Penetrating Black Serpent Clan fell after his disappearance and this clan disappeared from time immemorial.

Well, I know where he is. In fact, he is not dead yet and is still alive and in perfect health.

Anyway, I know the secret of awakening the World Penetrating Black Serpent Bloodline through reading the novel in my first life, but I want this old snake to become my servant. After that, I will tell him the way to awaken it.

If he agrees to serve as my servant, I will teach him how to awaken the world-piercing Black Serpent's bloodline, as well as the location where his ancestors are located.

Well it depends on the old snake's choice.

Anyway, during this past year, my body grew and my weight became between 1.8-4.5 tons, and the length was 3.7-4 meters in head and body. What surprised me most was my dear spear. It grew to 150 inches and its thickness at the bottom also reaches 16 inches.

Although this is the size of my weapon, I do not have any sexual desires. I think it is impossible for me to feel feelings of desire for the opposite sex before the age of marriage.

While my sister's weight ranges between 2 - 3.5 tons and her length is 3.4 - 3.6 meters, head and body.

With this large size, we cannot fly. How disgraceful we are to the dragon race. Well, we did not need to fly, so we did not learn how to fly.

So I decided that today we will learn how to flap dragon wings and then fly. Well, I will look for a very high location and jump from above. This is the best way to learn to fly. It is a very reliable method, although it is dangerous.

Anyway, the old snake knows every inch of this continent. It wouldn't be difficult for him to find a very high place so we could make a suicidal jump off him and learn how to fly.

Speaking of continents, the world of the ancient tomb is divided into four continents and each continent has its own unique characteristics.

The Forest of Death is located on the Continent of Destruction, where legend says that the first battle between the races took place in Dakhla in the ancient era, which is why it was given this name.

Well, if I want to tie the battle from the memories I got from my bloodline, with the legend of the battle that happened between the races in the ancient era, if I think about it this way, I think I have found evidence of the existence of the tomb of one of the Emperors of the Dragon Race.

 This grave may be located on this continent somewhere.

Well, all I have to do is search more deeply within the Continent of Destruction, and I will find him anyway.

Now I have to go to where the old snake lives, and I will think about this matter when the appropriate time comes. At present, I cannot even fly, so I must forget this matter of the Dragon Tomb so that I can become stronger.

Mia, come on, it's time for us to learn how to fly, instead of living like ground lizards, we'll become flying lizards.

Mia said: Okay, I will follow you.

Mia said: Well, I will follow you, but brother, what do you mean by ground lizards? We will become flying lizards. I am the queen of the red dragons. I am a beautiful and powerful female dragon, and I am not a vile lizard. Brother, do you consider yourself a dragon or a vile lizard?

Little sister, I am not like you. My situation is a bit complicated, so I cannot give you an answer to this question at the moment.

Mia said: What do you mean by a different situation than me? Aren't you, like me, born as a dragon? Or do you mean that you consider yourself a lizard?

Well, even if I explain to you, you will not understand my situation, and you will misunderstand my situation, so I will tell you when I see that you are ready.

Mia said: Oh, well, I'll wait...

after three days

It has already been three days since we emerged from the forest of doom.

After walking for three straight days, the old snake brought us to a giant cliff, like a tower of gray rocks raising a salute to the sun. When my hand touched the top of the cliff, I glanced at the old snake, who nodded before looking over the edge.

The ground was very far below, and the cliff was astonishingly high, and seemed to be in a cylindrical shape. "Damn, this is going to be a long fall.

^~^The number of words in this chapter is 1012"🥳"


The reason for my delay in publishing the chapters: One is to motivate and encourage me with your comments. Two: I have academic tests.

Believe me, as long as the interaction is greater, my activity as a writer will increase whenever I get new chapters

I will enjoy writing and creating and you will enjoy reading

That's all, see you in the next chapter, bye😘