Chapter 14: Learning to Fly

Chapter 14: Learning to Fly

I looked at the cliff with eyes filled with fear and anticipation, even though my heart was pounding rapidly. The wind was howling around me as if trying to push me away from the edge I stood on, but I couldn't back down now.

This was my only chance to learn how to fly, and I had no other choice. I knew that risk was part of the journey, and it had to be overcome if I wanted to grow and eventually outsmart William, the hero of the story.

"Are you sure we have to jump?" Mia said in a trembling voice, peering over my shoulder at the abyss. Her fear was clear, but she didn't dare object. Her eyes were nervously tracking my movements as I turned to her with a forced reassuring smile.

"Yes, Mia. We have to face our fears. There's no growth without risk." I replied cautiously, but she didn't dare respond beyond that.

I took a deep breath. My body felt heavy on the edge, and the ground beneath me was so far away it seemed like just a point on the horizon. But despite everything, I felt something strange inside me. The wind, despite its strength, didn't scare me; instead, it gave me an odd energy as if something big was waiting for me.

Then, finally, I decided to jump from the cliff.

It was a sudden and swift moment. I felt the wind pulling my body downward, but in that moment, something strange happened. I felt something in my body growing rapidly, my wings bursting from my back. With the first flap, my fall abruptly slowed, as if I was riding the wind itself.

"Oh my God!" Mia shouted from below. "How did you do that?"

I flapped my wings, soaring into the air for the first time. My wings were huge and strong, but it was a surprise to me. I was flying as though I had been doing it my whole life, but there was a strange feeling inside me that this ability wasn't enough yet. I needed to learn more to become a true flyer.

I descended slowly, landing gently with my wings stretched out like clouds covering the sky, their size larger than my body. I looked at Mia and said, "Flying isn't as easy as it looks. But this is amazing! It's your turn now."

Mia, who had been watching from below, stood on the edge. Her gaze was full of doubt and concern, but she didn't dare back down. "If you can fly, then I can do it too, right?" she said confidently.

Mia jumped after a moment of hesitation, but at first, it seemed like the wind was pushing her off course. Her wings were incomplete. However, after a few moments of falling, she felt a strange change. With the wind pressing on her body, her wings began to appear bit by bit, as if waking up from a long slumber. Then, her shiny red wings emerged, pulsing with power, and she flew through the sky with grace.

"I've become the Queen of Red Dragons!" Mia exclaimed as she flew above me.

I looked at her and said playfully, "You can't beat me, sister. We should train together." A chuckle filled my heart as I flew beside her.

The sky was vast, but there was a strange feeling of unease about the near future.

I said, turning my gaze towards the distant horizon, "We need to find the Dragon Emperor's tomb. That's our goal now."

I felt something strange as I flew through the sky for the first time. The wind was howling around me as if it were asking me to surrender to its power, but I was determined to succeed. My wings were huge and powerful, and with each flap, they lifted me to new heights. I wasn't just flying; I felt like I was part of the sky itself, as if I were in the place where all dragons belonged.

At that moment, I realized this feeling was the pride of a dragon.

But, with this feeling, I knew it was more than that. My life as a human had ended, and in order to live in this world, it required more than just flapping my wings.

Every movement I made, every action I took, would change and destroy the lives of many in this world.

In order to survive and change my fate in this story, I would have to exert a lot of effort and, inevitably, destroy many humans, beasts, and demons. This world only recognizes the strong, and I was born into it as a powerful creature. I would not give up my right to live in this world for any reason or person, even if that person was the hero of the story.

There is still much to do in this savage world.

To survive in this world, I must be more than just evil. I must live every moment in this world for the sole purpose of killing the heroes of the story, like William.

In this second, my mind raced quickly as I realized the path I had chosen. To change my fate in this world, to rewrite the destiny of this world, and to achieve that, I must embrace more than just flying and spreading my wings in the sky.

I had to become something darker, something more evil than anyone could imagine. This world only recognizes the strong, and I was born as one of its strongest creatures. I would not allow anyone to stand in my way — not even the hero of the story, William.

This world works according to the strong. It is harsh and unforgiving, and only the powerful survive. Since the moment I was reborn in this life, I knew my survival depended on seizing the opportunities that William and his kind would get. But surviving was not enough. I didn't want to live in the shadows quietly. I needed to ensure the world recognized me as a force to be reckoned with, one that could easily overwhelm anyone. There was no room for hesitation or mercy.

I had to be more than just evil. I had to be a predator to the heroes of this world.


The word count of this chapter is 1052 words.🥰😘