The old couple

The sun had set, and the six weary travelers walked while holding the reins of their horses. Prince Ivive spotted a cottage and suggested, "We should ask the owners if they can let us spend the night, even if it's in their barn."

Teri sighed, "Prince Ivive, your highness, we can sleep outside as there are no inns nearby, only green grasses and trees. It won't be your first time, so why do you suggest it?"

Melovine started walking to the house with her horse, "Why ask questions? Let's just check it out."

Mizak glanced at Teri, "Teri, should we go or not?"

Selena appeared beside Teri, "I'm uncomfortable with the idea, but let's just go there. We will be on alert."

Prince Ivive smiled, "Your elder sister agrees, so let's all go," he said as he walked to the house with his horse, and others followed him.

"Stop there, what do you seek?" a voice said. An old lady came out with an old man who seemed to be her husband. Their clothing was that of commoners.

The woman glanced at Prince Ivive and Mizak and then looked at her husband.

Prince Ivive greeted, "We are just travelers, and we wish to seek shelter in your abode. Even if it is just your barn, we will be glad to sleep there. I am__."

He was cut off by the old man, "Prince Ivive, the 4th prince," he said as he and the old woman bowed.

Prince Ivive was surprised that they knew who he was, so he glanced at the other travelers and then at the old couple, "You know who I am? How did you know?"

The old woman and the old man glanced at each other.

"Well__," the man was speaking, but he was cut off by his wife.

"Your portrait! We have seen your portrait. Not just yours, but the other three princes and the two princesses. They are sold in the market at every province," she said with an unrealistic smile as she glanced at the old man.

Prince Ivive nodded with a smile, "Oh, it makes sense now."

Selena, who was standing beside Teri, watched the scene with a keen eye. She spoke to Teri in a low tone, "Something is off about them. They keep glancing at themselves as if they are communicating with their eyes. This is not being nervous in front of a prince; rather, it looks suspicious," she said while staring at them.

Teri replied in a flat tone, "I can't sense any dark energy from them or any strange energy, so they are just mortals."

"We are grateful for your kindness," Prince Ivive said as he shook their hands.

"Well, don't just stand outside. Come on in," the old woman said as she motioned them while she walked towards the house with the old man.


The travelers sat across the table, and the old woman asked Mizak, "What is your name, the young man beside the blind boy?"

"Mizak is my name," Mizak answered.

"Ahhh, Mizak. Would you like some bread?" the old woman asked.

Before anyone else could answer, Teri spoke calmly, "No, thank you. Offering us shelter is already enough."

The woman looked at Teri and smiled. "But what about your friends?"

"We are fine," the rest chorused.

"The old man is in the barn. There's nothing suspicious with what he's doing," Selena said as she appeared.

Prince Ivive turned his head to Selena and glanced at Teri.

The old man came back into the house, and they glanced at him.

The old woman smiled fakely, "I've prepared a place where you can all sleep. Unfortunately, we have only one free room, so some of you have to sleep in the barn. My husband has already made the place comfortable, and there are garments to keep you from the cold."

"Thank you. We're grateful," Teri said as he stood up, and the others stood up to walk outside.

The old woman walked fast and stood in front of Prince Ivive before they could come out from the house. "Your highness, the others can go and sleep in the barn, but you and your friend Mizak should stay in the free room here."

Prince Ivive was bewildered as he glanced at Mizak and the others before he turned his head back to the old lady. "You do not need to worry. I can stay in a barn."

The old man walked and stood beside his wife. "I do not wish for you to stay there. Accept our kindness, your highness!" the old man said as he and his wife kowtowed to Prince Ivive.

"I am__," Prince Ivive was talking, but Teri cut him off.

"Your highness, it is best you stay here with Mizak, so please accept their kindness."

Prince Ivive and Mizak furrowed their eyebrows as they looked at Teri.

Prince Ivive smiled and looked at the old lady. "Then we shall stay here."

"We are grateful!" the couple said as they stood up.


Melovine, Kiera, and Elley were resting in the barn, covered with a garment to keep them warm. Melovine complained, "Too bad I'm not a royal. If I were, I could have gotten preferential treatment. But I don't get it. Why is Mizak also getting preferential treatment? I don't think the old couple knows that Mizak is a noble," she said while lying on the hay.

Kiera looked around, searching for something or someone, and sat up. "You're thinking about why Mizak got preferential treatment, but why don't you think about where Teri is? Wasn't he here with us?"

Melovine turned her head to her. "You just noticed? How slow. If you want to know, he is keeping watch outside."

Kiera stood up from the hay immediately after hearing the news. Melovine and Elley sat up and glanced at each other, then looked at Kiera.

"Where are you going?" Melovine asked.

"I believe it's none of your business, Lady Melovine," she said bitterly.

Melovine scoffed, chuckled slightly, and stood up. "Hey, healer, I know you like Teri, but this is not the time to act on your love. He is watching alone because he wants to watch alone. Don't try to be clingy."

Kiera scoffed as she turned to Melovine. "Clingy? Why would I be clingy? I'm simply watching with him. I cannot fight, so this is the least I can do.

Or is Lady Melovine insecure? Does she think that Teri will fall in love with me and not her, despite the fact that she acts shameless and throws herself at him?" she said as she narrowed her eyes at Melovine.

Elley and Melovine glanced at each other and laughed. Elley, who was sitting up on the hay, laughed and fell back on the hay.

Melovine laughed as she spoke, "Oh, I understand you now. Sorry, healer, I'm not interested in Teri. He is yours. I'm simply telling you that now is not the right time for your love."

Kiera was offended by their laughter. She swallowed and turned back towards the door to walk out, but Elley came from behind and knocked her out with her hand, and she fell on the floor.

"Elley,when did you reach there?",melovine asked.

"She is crazy",elley said.


I perched on a tree branch for what seemed like an eternity, struggling to keep my eyes open. I had to stay alert, but the night was so peaceful and quiet. Selina was keeping me company while we watched.

Suddenly, I heard the creak of a door and the shuffle of footsteps.

"The old man is going to the barn," Selena said.

I was about to fly down and follow him, but Selena stopped me with a gentle tug on my sleeve.

"Wait here, I'll go see what he's up to."

I nodded she vanished into thin air. I stayed on the branch.

Selena reappeared beside me, "He just made sure they were asleep," she said.

"And were they?" I asked.

"They were. And so were Prince Ivive and Mizak. Prince Ivive was snoring like a pig. I called his name several times, but he didn't even stir," Selena said.

I scoffed. "After I told everyone to be on guard, they're enjoying their slumber."

I heard the sound of a carriage approaching the house. I heard the sound of two people coming out from the house coming out.

I heard the voices as the spoke an notice two people were the old couple. Two men stepped out of the carriage with swords

"A carriage is here, and the old couple are talking to the coachmen. Hold on, I need to get closer to hear what they're saying," Selena said as she disappeared again.

She came back a few moments later.

"Two men carried mizak and prince Ivive out from the house and put them in the carriage.I don't know why they are not conscious of themselves.

They talked about carrying mizak back alive but killing prince Ivive ,since he is wanted dead or alive",she said as she appeared.

As soon as she said those words, I flew off the branch and soared towards the ground.i felt selina reappeared beside me.

The coachmen were about to drive away, but they stopped when they saw me hovering in front of them.

"Who's that?" one of them asked.

I heard the old couple and the coachmen come out of the house.

"Oh, seems this one wasn't inside, you dummy!" the old woman said as she slapped the old man on the head.

"Ouch! Let's just go. He can't do anything. He's blind. Or should we sell him?" the old man said.

"Nobody wants a blind boy as a servant. Let's just kill him," the old woman said.

And I curved a smile at the end of my lips.