You are not alone

Teri spoke in a flat tone, "To the two coachmen, I want you to run away. If you aim your weapon at me, I will kill you instantly."

The old lady laughed scornfully, "What can you do, blind boy? What are you waiting for? Kill him!"

The two coachmen drew their daggers from their belts and charged at Teri.

Teri sighed and extended two of his silk threads from his fingers. They pierced the coachmen's hearts in a flash. He withdrew his threads quickly and wiped the blood off his finger.

The old couple gasped and trembled, feeling a chill run down their spines. They were paralyzed with fear after witnessing the gruesome scene.

The coachmen's lifeless bodies fell on the ground, blood oozing from their eyes, chests, and mouths.

Teri touched his forehead and shook his head, "My hands are stained again. I did give you a chance, you just didn't listen. But what is the use, you're already dead. At least the old couple learned a lesson. I'm not a bad person, just understand me."

The old couple was about to run away.

"Don't move!" Teri shouted.

The couple stopped in their tracks.

"Move further and you will end up like the coachmen," Teri warned as he vanished and reappeared behind them.

The old couple yelped as he materialized behind them.

"Let's all go back to the house. I just need to ask you a few questions. I promise that I will let you live," Teri said calmly.

Selena appeared beside Teri, "I have checked the carriage, prince Ivive is still alive."

Teri nodded, "Please move inside, let's talk," he said to the couple.


In the house, the old couple sat across the table, looking down, panicking and glancing at each other as their hands trembled on the table.

Teri was standing with his hand behind his back, "Why are Mizak and prince Ivive in deep sleep? And is it the same with the other travelers?"

The old man widened his eyes as he turned his head to Teri sharply, out of fear, "It is just incense! A certain type of sleeping incense. They will be awake by tomorrow," the old man said nervously.

"And if they don't?" Teri asked.

"They will! I swear on my wife's life," the old man said as he raised his hand.

His wife looked at him but didn't say anything and faced downward.

"Second question, where were you taking Mizak and prince Ivive to?" Teri asked.

"To the south provisional lord's residence. Mizak is needed alive, while prince Ivive is needed dead or alive. The pay is huge," the old lady said as she panted.

Teri furrowed his eyebrows, "Why does he need them?"

"It's not the provisional lord that needs them but the crown prince. Their portraits are everywhere. It started spreading after the king died," the old lady said.

Teri placed his hands on the table, "The king is dead? When and how?"

"We only heard about the king's death recently, we don't know the exact day or how he died.

But what we know is that the crown prince will invite the king of Delmos for his coronation.

Rumors have it that the crown prince will become a vassal of the king of Delmos and you know what will happen to Alririt kingdom if he does that," the old lady said.

Teri bent a little and slammed the table with his hand as he gritted his teeth, "I know."

He clenched his fist on the table as he felt his chest become heavy with anger.

"I will kill him before he gets Alririt kingdom. I just need to see again, get stronger and know more about the power I carry. I will get my answers in Herl kingdom and I must kill the king of Delmos."

Selena, who was beside him, looked at him and patted his back. Even though Teri could not feel her touch because she was a ghost, she felt that was what she should do.

"Be calm, little brother. We will kill him, one day and we will surely get stronger," she said, reassuring him.

Teri calmed down and walked out of the house. He sat in front of the house on the ground and used his cloak to cover himself well.

He untied his blindfold and looked up at the sky. He still couldn't see well. "The moon didn't come out tonight."

"Yes, and there are no stars too," Selina said as she sat beside him.

"First elder sister, be sincere. Do you really think that we can win this fight? Being blind and not knowing more about my power restricts me. And what if the king of the former dynasty, Athelin, is dead?" Teri said.

"Are you not starting to see? In a matter of time, you will be able to see again.

And as for your powers, we will know them one day. We will know if Athelin is dead or alive when we get to Herl. You are not alone, little brother.

You've met people along the journey who are of great help. I, Mizak, prince Ivive, Melovine, and our little sister who is not so little anymore. So cheer up, little brother," she said as she smiled at him and placed her arm around his shoulder.


The next day, the air was fresh and cold. Bird chirps filled the silence. Teri had stayed awake throughout the night, ensuring that nothing went wrong.

The three ladies, Melovine, Kiera, and Elley, came out from the barn and walked towards Teri when they saw him.

"Hey, silver hair blind boy!" Melovine yelled as she approached Teri.

"Her spirit is really high," Teri mumbled.

In the carriage, prince Ivive and Mizak woke up. Mizak saw that he was tied up and wondered how he got tied up without knowing.

Prince Ivive helped him to untie the rope from his body and they both got out of the carriage.

Teri stood up from the ground, "Good, you are all awake and I know you all had a good sleep."

"Granny," Teri called and the old lady came out.

"Good morning, do you have three hats with a veil?" Teri asked.

"We don't, but we have up to three straw hats. I'm not sure why you will need straw hats during the winter," the old lady said.

"Would you be kind enough to give us?" Teri asked.

The old lady smiled fakely, "Yes, hold on." She said as she hurriedly walked inside the house and came out after some minutes with three hats, which she gave Teri.

"I am grateful. We will take our leave now, stay safe and live a good life," Teri said as he walked to Mizak.

Teri extended one of the hats towards Mizak, "Take it, you will need it when we get to the town." He said and Mizak took one of the hats.

"Your highness, take one too, you will also need it when we get to the town," he said and prince Ivive took one.

"Mount your horses, everyone, let's keep going." Mizak said and they all mounted their horses.

"How did I get tied up?" Mizak asked Teri who was behind him on the horse.

"Why don't I have a hat?" Melovine asked.

Elley turned her head and saw dead men on the floor, "Were those dead bodies there before?"

Teri sighed, "Let's start moving, I will explain later."

"Hyah!" Mizak yelled as he rode his horse and the other travelers followed him.