Because you can see

The snowy night wrapped its icy arms around Teri and Elley. The trees stood sentinel, their branches heavy with snow, and the ground crunched underfoot. The horse shifted restlessly nearby, its breath visible in the frigid air.

Elley's tears flowed freely, her anger a tempest. "Swords are at your neck," she accused, "and you let it happen. Because of what?"

Teri's gaze bore into hers. "And who wields those swords?" he countered. "Mizak and Prince Ivive? They're not our enemies, little sister. You know who our true adversaries are."

He gestured toward the horse. "Mount up. We'll talk as we ride back. It's bitterly cold out here."

Elley hesitated, then swung onto the horse. Teri took the reins, leading the way on foot. The snow crunched beneath their boots, and the wind whispered secrets.