Is this a trap?

The lord of crows' crimson eyes blazed with fury. "Kiera lacks the core for battle," he spat, his feather blades poised for bloodshed. "Which other herlian dares defy me?"

Kiera, her gaze shifting between Elley and the lord of crows, marveled at the impossible. "How is that possible?" she murmured, her confusion etched in furrowed brows.

The lord of crows redirected his attention to Elley. "Is it that little girl?" he sneered. "You court death."

Teri, fueled by desperation, ascended. "Kill me first before you touch my sister!" he shouted, determination in every syllable.

But just as the battle hung on a precipice, a new figure walked in—the illusionist, still wearing Darlene's stolen visage. Her eyes locked onto the lord of crows. "Lord of crows!" she called out.

His gaze bore into her. "If I hadn't sensed your power," he retorted, "I'd have killed you already. A new look again, illusionist?"

"Stop this ," the illusionist implored. "Leave!"