It's the true saintess ability

"You are heartless,"Kiera's words hung in the frosty air, each syllable etching a crack in the fragile bonds that held their group together.

Teri met her gaze without flinching. "If you choose to be on your own and wander," he replied, his tone unyielding , "you are free to do so. I won't hold you back."

Kiera's breath misted before her, a visible testament to the emotional tempest raging within.

Teri gestured toward the house. "But," he continued, "if you make a choice to journey with us, then you can follow me inside. The choice is yours, Lady Kiera."

The others-silent witnesses to this fractured moment-shifted their weight, their eyes flickering between the two figures. Their breaths mingled with the snowflakes, and the others waitwe for Kiera's answer.

She glanced at the path leading out . Then her gaze shifted to the warmth emanating from the hearth within the house.