Emily walked into the principal office and greeted. Sir I would like to drop out from school because I notice that School is not really my thing, I'm tired..

"Why" the principal asked..

There is no reason in particular I would just love to drop out, and I'm here to seek your permission...

Can't you change your mind, your final exam is in months and you are one of our best student, "yes I know" I said, but that will not stop me from dropping out I'm really determined...

Okay as you say but have you thought about it thoroughly..."yes I have, if I haven't would I be here and more over one of my friend is gone and no body here will keep me company" she said rolling her eye

"Okay" the principal said and brought out a paper containing some information... I need you to sign here, he said and I took the pen from him then sign...

Is this the only document that I need to sign before dropping out, I asked

Yes and I hope you have a wonderful life ahead, he said, but if you can still come back before the final examination the school will accept you...

I don't plan on coming back I told him firmly, then I left his office. While walking in the hallway and I had some teacher murmuring, "she just dropped out i wonder what happened to her", when I heard that I smiled

"The next and new phase of my life just begin"..


Why didn't you tell me before you made a big decision of dropping out, my mom question me

Why should I need to tell you, I asked in return. I mean you know about my identity and it you knew that I would because a witch when I'm eighteen, and now I'm eighteen, I need to be responsible for once, I shouted angrily..

But you shouldn't have dropped out, I mean you can make the two work, you being a witch and also a student, she said softly...

I don't think so, I told her, because I'm not a normal witch I'm the queen of them all. And a kingdom without a queen will fall and now when they found out that their queen has been reincarnated after waiting for 10,000 years, what should I do, I asked her..but she said nothing in return

I think I made the right decision and I'm leaving for the palace tomorrow, I told her firmly without a bit of emotion in my eye and I walked away..

Ohh I just remembered, I turned back to look at my mom. Mom I wanted to ask you about the witch you met before you became pregnant, I have some score to settle with her before I leave

What do you mean, she asked...I said that I want to meet the witch, Is that so hard to understand..

Okay I will take you to her tomorrow, I don't need you to take me I mean I can easy teleport with a blink of an eye, she smirked...

This is not my little girl I gave birth to, she said.."yes" I'm not, I'm just reincarnated into your little girl's body and she died on the day I clocked eighteen..but her memories still remain with me...but you're still my mother I said hugging her but she didn't reciprocate

Okay tell me where the witch is I smiled, but she did answer me just looking at me blankly not knowing what to do...

Don't worry mom, I can make it easier I told her, I just have to look into your memories and with that I can see what dad look like since you never show me his picture..but she didn't bulge she thought I was joking I muttered and small smile appear on my face...

I muttered some spell and I watched how her memories is displaying, then I saw the witch she claim to meet and my eyes widen "Morgana" why her. I asked myself

I stopped looking into her memory and she fainted immediately and I checked whether she was breathing to my surprise she was and I lay her on the chair, in some few hours she will be awake...


I appear in my real form and I met her meditating, I know she felt my aura but she didn't bulge because I know she was the formal queen trusted advisor

Why are you here emily, she asked turned her face to me

I need some explanation, I told her

"About what" she asked

You remember about 19 years ago when a woman came here with her husband to seek for a child

"Ohh I just remembered,what about her?"she asked knowing fully what I mean..

I wanted to know why you asked for something in return..and why does it have to be a life..

I see you are the child they came to seek for, I thought you would be a normal witch how come you're the queen, she asked curiously

I was reincarnated into this body so why did you ask for a life in return why can't you ask for something else

Because I know some disaster would happen if he didn't sacrifice his life..

What do you mean, I asked

On that day when they came to me, I felt your father aura and I can tell he was a wizard but I can't tell if he knew or not and I didn't know where he was from, I tried to read him but I can't , it was like a strong force stopping me, that why I came up with that solution...

Okay I told her and about leaving when she said, "There is a lot of things going on that you don't know, if you don't find out your self, you will still be kept in the dark", "I have done my part you should do yours" the formal queen expect it from you that why she gave up her position...she smiled

I teleport back to my room and said, "I will find out what is really going on not only in my kingdom but also in the human world"