"Jared"Emily called

Immediately Jared appear her room, "yes my queen you called for me"

"Yes"the reason why I called you is because I will be leaving for the palace tomorrow so you should make arrangements

"Yes my queen"

"Ava and Julia I need your presence here" I mind linked them

"Yes my queen they bowed" I need you to prepare my bath, today is my last day here so I need some relaxation.

They both bow...

Few minutes later

Ava came out of the bathroom and said "my queen your bath has been prepared"

"I see" I said walking into the bathroom and settling in the bathtub closing my eyes...

My queen do you need anything else, Julia asked

"No you can leave" I told her then she bowed walking out of the door and locked it behind

As soon she left I opened my eyes thinking about everything that has happened, how my life has turned into a mess..

Humph tomorrow is the day when I will start a new life that has been destined for me..

After bathing myself I walked out of the bathroom my pyjamas has been set already but my maids, I wore it immediately and I lay on the bed closing my eyes dozing off.. today has been a long day for me I guess...


The queen is coming back to the palace tomorrow after many years, the wait is finally over... I sigh

At least the queen would start her revenge and also retrieve the artifact the silver pack realm took from us..

After checking the whole palace for mistake in the preparation but I found none thankful...

I smiled after remembering the witch I took to the dungeon, then I started walking towards the dungeon looking more excited my prey is about to face my wrath...

I must say she is really pretty but what she has done is not forgivable so I must forget the thought of her pretty face, but who would have sent her and she even even have the audacity to befriend the queen when she has other motive.

As soon I walked into her cell, she was begging for mercy, she was chained by me, she can't cut off the chain even if she used a powerful spell because the queen was the one who made it.

So are you going to tell me who sent you or should I force it out of your mouth..I asked her

No I can't tell you, she said firmly without looking guilty..

"Ohh I see" I said taking a dagger stabbing her with it..

Ahhh, she shouted coughing out a lot of blood

"WHO SENT YOU" I asked again

I can't tell you even if my life is on the soon she said that I pierce her nails removing it

I'm going to torture you till you can't take it anymore, I told her, grabbing her hair cutting it off..

"My hair" she shouted

I can see you can shout, I should shut you up. I smiled smirking.

I tightened the chain that was used to hold her legs and hands...I walked to where i kept all the weapon. Which one should I use next I asked her, taking the dagger again walking toward her..

I stab her neck, then I laughed.

Arrghhh, she shouted losing her consciousness

You won't die yet, not when you haven't told me the culprit. I told her...

You know you can just tell me who sent you and your punishment will be minimize...

I will be back soon, I told her walking out of her cell while she was unconscious...


So you mean that the queen will be back tomorrow from the human world, Rukai asked a girl who was bowing down.

Yes my queen, and I also want to tell you that berita has been caught she was kept captive in the dungeon, but she didn't say your name

Okay, she said

But I bet if she could last long in the jail, I mean she is being tortured by the most ruthless wizard, the queen right hand man JARED.

As soon she said that name, I gritted my teeth.

My queen, my queen, she called..

Yes, you can return to the palace now and you must report any detail going on in the kingdom..

"Yes my queen" she bowed disappearing in thin air..

JARED, JARED, JARED, Rukai shouted.

You choose you torture one of my own I will surely have your head beheaded, I shouted angrily...


I was taking into the dungeon by the queen right hand man, he walked into the a cell and chanted some spell, before I knew it there was chain around my legs and hands, I was literally standing..

I tried cutting it off with a lot of powerful spell I know, but I can't. "Why?" I asked myself

Then he walked out of the cell..

Few hours later he came back and asked me who sent me, I can't possibly reply that the queen of the silver pack realm sent me because my life is really on the line...

He stab me, I shouted I haven't came across this type of pain before, he asked again who sent me

I didn't reply, he pierce my nails removing it..he told me that he will torture me till I can't take it anymore, after saying that he grab my hair cutting it..

No not my precious hair..with that I shouted really loud.. "My Hair"

I can't see you can shout he said, then he took a dagger and stab my neck with it, immediately I passed out...



Today is the day I leave for the palace, I wonder how it looks like..

Ava and Julia are already here but tyhe said that I can wear a casual dress that as soon as I walked into the kingdom my dressing would change and I believe them..

My mom was already sobbing and I felt bad for her, immediately I hugged her tightly and told her that I would come visit her...

My queen it is time to leave, Jared said

Then he chant some spell and a black hole open, Ava and Julia walked in first, then I walked in, followed by Jared disappearing in thin Air...