The words replayed in my head "Derek killed your father" "Derek killed your father" over and over again. I sit there for what feels like hours listening to the words repeat in my head again and again. I start to feel my body heat up and I start to get angry feeling hatred for Derek. All I can think is I want to kill him and tear him apart, see the look in his eyes when he knows he's about to die, feeling myself getting angrier.
"Libby, are you alright?" I hear Peter ask me. But I don't answer " Is she alright?" he asks one of the elders and I feel one of them touch my arm and immediately stand up.
"Get her outside she's turning" I hear Teresa say, turning? I'm turning!?. I feel Peter pick me up and carry me out of the cabin, into the woods far away from the rest of the pack probably in case I hurt anyone.
"How can she lead us when she's merely a wolf herself, she's a pup" Jimmy says as soon as Peter leaves carrying Libby out the door.
"Then we will teach her our ways. She's our last chance,"Teresa tells him.
"That could take months. She's not one of us, she's not ready to lead a pack. Do you think any of the others will take her seriously when she just found out about us, just turned into a new pup "Jimmy tells her Teresa knew what he was saying was right but she would do anything to stop the hunters.
"I will teach her. I will take on the responsibility for her, if we have any chance of survival then i will do anything I can to make sure we do survive" Teresa tells him, quickly shutting him up.
Once peter feels we are far enough away from the pack he places me gently down on the ground and i curl up in pain feeling like my body is on fire then my bones start to break and i scream in pain it was like someone was breaking my bones over and over again feeling like it will never end.
"WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME !"I scream at peter.
"Your turning, what Teresa said to you about what Derek did most of all triggered your anger which triggers turning" he tells me.
"IT HURTS!" I cry out.
"I know but if you let it in and not fight it, it will go faster, you will turn and i promise you the pain will go away. Don't fight it Libby!" I do what he says and stop fighting and just let it in. He was right because shortly after, my clothes started ripping and the pain started to ease.
Suddenly I could see things more clearly and my senses were stronger. I could smell everything from the food being cooked at the bayou to mint chewing gum in Peter's pocket and i could feel the earth under my Paws!, Paws!? I have paws! And a tail and pointy ears and white fur!. I'M A WOLF!.
"Libby you're okay '' I turned to Peter. I could tell he saw the panic in my eyes and he tried to calm me down. i watch him get closer to me "you're fine,now run feel the wind in your fur and the earth under your paws the feeling is like no other" he tells me. I do what he says, turning around and running further into the woods feeling the wind in my fur and the earth under my paws. Peter was right; it was an amazing feeling it felt like…..freedom.
"Where is she Peter?" Teresa asks as Peter returns back to the cabin after leaving you.
"running , she turned, it went well" he tells her.
"Good what's good about it, the girl is still not ready, we will lose against the hunters" Jimmy interrupts Teresa.
"At least give her a chance, Jimmy, we don't know what she could do, she could surprise us" Luke tries to reason with him.
"Jessie should have told her from the start cause maybe then we would have a chance in this fight" Jimmy says to them banging his cane trying to get his point across.
"Come on Jim-
BOOM! .The sound of an explosion interrupted peter.
"What the hell was that" Teresa says
They hear people screaming outside the sounds of people in pain. All 5 of them rush out of the cabin looking around, seeing people running and screaming, some already injured from the explosion. Suddenly another explosion goes off injuring more people. After the second explosion goes off hunters start running in killing as they go. Peter gets angry and turns running to help the ones who can still fight.
After my run in the woods I finally turned back. I see Peter left some clothes in a bag hanging on a tree just a little away from the bayou. I quickly get changed heading back to the pack. All I can think on my way back is I can't wait to tell Peter all about it. stopping myself i realised I've grown fond of Peter. Reaching the bayou I hear people screaming so I run, I see people running some are injured others dead and the ones who can are fighting hunters oh god the hunters found us. I ran down the hill grabbing a knife I saw sitting on a cut tree log and helping the others. Most have turned, others still fighting in their human form.
I see a hunter running towards me so I do my best to defend myself by kicking him and hitting to get him to the ground. Finally he falls and I take my chance stabbing him in the chest watching him fall and see life leave his eyes. I look around and I see the elders surrounding a body and when I look closely I see it's Jimmy, one of the elders No! They killed him looking back around. I see them about to kill the last hunter.
"STOP!" I yell and everyone seems to freeze, turning back and looking at me "Don't kill him!" They step away from the hunter as I walk closer.
"Libby fox we've been looking for you" he says as the blood drops out of his mouth he looks nearly dead so i get all i can out of him just in case he does die.
"How did you find us? Who sent you?" I asked him.
"Derek told us where yer little hideout was, Rico has a message for you, give up the dagger and we won't kill your little best friend" rea! They have her. I growl at him not being able to control myself. I take the knife that was in my hand and plunge it into his heart watching his life slip away.
"Take his body where his friends will find him "I tell the two wolves who stand beside me. I watch them pick up his body and carry it away." wait! '' I walk over to them and I carve something on the dead man's forehead knowing Derek will know I did this. I nod at the two men to let them know to carry on and they walk away putting the body in the back of a car and driving away.
I look around seeing scared faces looking at their dead friends, some crying on the ground beside them and I think I need to give these people hope again, something to fight for because it might be the only way we will win this war. So I stand up on the back of a truck.
"You don't know me!" I watch them turn their attention on me.
"But I know you knew my parents, Jessie and Lewis fox, your former alphas, my mother told me that i could lead this pack. But I won't lie, I'm scared and I have no idea what I'm doing. I know that's not what you want to hear, but it's the truth. I made a promise to myself that those hunters will not get away with this, they took everything away from me and you, that made me angry and I see that anger is what made me strong and every hunter we come across we will kill them like they killed us and we will leave there body's for Rico to find and that! That will be our message to Rico!". I watch them locked on to what I'm saying.
"I promised my mother that I wouldn't let her or my fathers death be forgotten and that I'm gonna avenge them. And make those hunters pay for everything they took from me. I know you're all scared but if we come together as a pack, if you put your trust in me I will not let you down and I promise you I will grant us peace like my father wanted for all of us!" silence was all that was, all you could hear was the birds in the trees. Finally one by one they start dropping down on one knee showing that they are with me.
"They're gonna pay for what they did to you mom i promise".
"That's half of my crew they killed!" Rico slams his hand on the desk. After the body was left where Rico and his men would find it. Rico got mad finding another one of his men dead. "You told me she couldn't fight!" He points at Derek who stands in the room next to Jenny and a few other hunters he knew this was your doing because you left a message on the body that only Derek would understand.
"Does this look like someone who can't fight uh Derek, i mean what does that even mean" he looks down at the smiley face that was drawn on the man's forehead" he stands staring at Derek waiting for an answer.
"It's Libby, that's her way of telling us that this was her doing that she's coming for us next, she always drew smiley faces on paper or in messages when she would text me. she knew i would understand it, they must have been training her" he tells Rico.
"No Jessie put her in self defence classes when she was eleven she was there for about a year and she got bored of it but Jessie thought a year was enough to learn at least something so she did not make Libby stay there" Jenny speaks up beside Derek.
"Why did i not know about this "Derek says in shock that he had no knowledge of this.
"She kept it a secret not wanting anyone to know but I caught her one day on her way to bring Libby to a class. It was obvious she was up to something because she was being very suspicious when I caught her and she had no choice but to tell me" she tells him.
"Great so now she's a professional killer who draws smiley faces as her vendetta sign. I think you forgot to mention, Derek that she's a psycho!" Rico says.
"She's not, she's out for revenge Everything that has happened to her in the last twenty-four hours, finding out about this world i'm pretty sure by now she knows her mother is dead and if she's with the wolves they probably told her i killed her father,and probably know i'm working for you so i think you would want revenge to" Derek tells Rico.
"But all that doesn't matter now because we have something Libby will come for and when she does we kill her and take the dagger so all we need to do now is wait for her to come". Jenny tells the boys and they all smile at one another.
Night came quickly. We gathered all the dead, putting them on wood decorating it with flowers and letting them float in the water as we set them on fire letting their ashes roam free. We all stand by the lake watching them burn saying our silent goodbyes. Peter stands beside me and I can see the hurt in his eyes. Feeling like I have enough, I've watched too many people die in the last twenty four hours and I can't watch anyone else die, I turn to walk away until Peter grabs my arm.
"Where are you going?"he asks me.
"I have a hunter to kill," I tell him, pulling my arm from his grasp and walking to the cabin to figure out a plan. Walking in I see the remaining elders sitting around the table mourning their lost friend.
"We need to plan on how we will kill these hunters; they won't take anymore of us after tonight. They have hunted us for years. Now it's our turn to hunt them, they will know fear, it's their turn to be scared". and they all give me a nod.