Days flew by and we planned out how to take down the hunters and how to rescue rea. Peter has been training me to fight. I took a self defence class when I was eleven so I know most things but I let Peter train me. I thought it was cute how excited he was to teach me. Over the last few days I also got to know the pack. Most of them knew my mother pretty well and told me all these kinds of stories about her and I would have listened for days. She sounded so strong and she knew how to be a leader.
But after all the training and planning, it was finally time to head to battle and Peter was at my side like he was ready for someone to jump out and attack me. That's what I've learned the past few days. Peter has recently been stuck to my side and I kinda liked it. I gave the wolves a choice if they wanted to come and fight or stay at the bayou. I wouldn't force those who didn't want to fight but luckily they all wanted to so we headed off.
Once we reached where the hunters were based, thanks to Teresa she knew everything about them and where they were at. I sent some of the wolves around the back of the building just in case someone tried to escape and left two at the front door. The rest came inside with me. It was like a mansion inside the building. They must be rich from all the wolves they've killed.
"Oh Rico! Come out, come out wherever you are!" I laugh walking around looking for any sign of movement in case they're hiding. I told the wolves to pair in two and spread out, search more ground and Peter stuck with me.
"Are you sure there even here?" Peter asks me.
"Oh there here, I can smell them, come on out I won't hurt you I just want to talk that's all!" I yell around. Then we hear people fighting in the next room" Gotcha" and we take off running to the next room. It was a sitting room with fancy couches and a big fireplace with a desk in the corner. When we get there I see Derek on the ground and Jake, one of the wolves standing on him to keep him down. I laugh as I watch him so weak with no help.
"Derek, so nice to see you" I smile, bending down to his level.
"Libby, I see you've found new friends,strong ones," he says. I look up at Jake.
"Get him up, tie him to the chair" Jake does as i ask, picking him up with one hand and ties him to a chair with rope that was on the desk. "Where are the rest, where's my dear aunt Jennifer?" I asked him, seeing his eyebrows raise in shock.
"So you know about Jenny then" he says i watch him move around trying to get comfy in the chair.
"I know everything, the night everything happened I came to your office. I heard you and Jenny talking about fooling me to trust both of you so I would give up the dagger. i know you killed my father, but what i don't know is what happened the night my mother was killed obviously one of you must of tipped off the hunters and i want to know why ye want the daggers so much" i look at him and see no emotion "the least you could do Derek is tell me the truth, you played me and my mother our whole lives" i tell him feeling like my voice was about to crack but i keep it together.
"A Lot happened that night, after i left to go back to the office" he speaks up after a moment of silence and i'm finally able to fill in the blanks i have been trying to piece together this whole time."When I got there, Rico was sitting at my desk with two hunters by his side. He told me it was time to get those daggers. I knew your father had them, but they disappeared a few days before I killed him. I've been a hunter my whole life. I come from a family of hunters. I've never been a wolf.
"So you played my mother from the very beginning, did she even know you weren't a real wolf, i mean how did you pull it off she must have known something when you didnt turn even once" i ask him.
"I didn't need to because I met your mother on the last days of your fathers life and when he died your mother never turned again. She put that life behind her when she found out she was pregnant with you and we grew closer as I helped her deal with your fathers death. She knew me and Lewis were close so she trusted me enough to let me in ". He tells me and I'm in disbelief how could he do all this. ruin a family, ruin my life of ever knowing this world.
"But how did you convince my mother and the rest of the pack that it was the hunters who killed my father?" I ask him to try to piece all this together as he tells me.
"That day he really was going to meet up with the hunters to try and make peace and I was right by his side, but it was an ambush he was heading for. your father always saw danger but he didn't see this coming he trusted me so much he never thought i would be his enemy after that i went back to the pack and told them what happened" he tells me.
"How did you convince them with not a scratch on you" i ask him
"Oh i was pretty beat up after lewis was killed, Rico beat me up to make the whole thing convincing and it worked i put the pack into the bayou to hide them because we couldn't take on the whole pack with no weapon to kill them. so until i found the daggers i put the wolves where i knew where i could find and headed home to your mother hoping she would tell me where the daggers were" i was about to say something when i hear a growl behind me,turning around peter was getting heated,
"Peter, stand down" I tell him, giving him my full attention trying to calm him before he kills Derek before I find out everything.
"I remember him now, when I was just a little boy the hunters would come on an odd time torturing us, leaving bombs and shooting us from a distance. But one day they actually came slicing us open like we were just meat to them. My father was one of them. I watched him get slaughtered by a hunter and he was right beside him laughing watching my father scream in pain!" He launches towards him, turning as he goes just about to claw him.
"PETER!"I said in a tone I didn't even know I had in me but it made him stop, even Jake got a little scared. Did I just use an alpha tone on him? He turns to me, stepping away from Derek "take a walk peter, cool off" he runs out of the room and i turn back to Derek"carry on" and he does.
"I met your father when we were sixteen in the woods. I remember shooting my arrow for a deer I saw but almost hitting Lewis instead. He would have been dead if he didn't catch that arrow. He was just out walking and I was hunting animals. My father told me to hunt animals. It was a way for us to learn how to hunt and use our weapons.
"Woah, hey are you alright i'm sorry i didn't even see you '' Derek says, dropping his bow and arrows which he nearly killed lewis with.
"Yeah" Lewis says catching his breath since he almost got an arrow to the head" that was close" he laughs handing back the arrow to Derek.
"Yeah, thank god for your fast reflexes" Derek says, taking back his arrow.
"Im lewis fox" he puts hand out.
"Im Derek light" he says, taking Lewis's hand and shaking it.
"we knew nothing about each other, we messed about enjoying our life, we became best friends after a while and were inseparable. But when my father saw me with him one day he knew what Lewis was and that night when i came home he told me everything, He used me to get to the wolves but when my father started a war with them it only ended in his death and it was by the hands of his father your grandfather Timmy fox there alpha". I scoff at him
"So you blamed my father for your fathers death when it was him who started this war. From what I hear it sounded like your father walked into his own death" i spit back he doesn't say anything he just continues with his story.
"Your father became the alpha of the pack. He didn't know I was a hunter so he trusted me with his secret. I used your father, learning his ways and getting the pack to trust me. Rico took over for my father and started leading the hunters carrying on in my fathers name. I was too young to lead them so instead I was Ricos eyes and ears. when your father met your mother i was jealous because she was so beautiful i wanted her to be mine, but she chose Lewis and that angered me so i went back to Rico and asked him to train me and tell me how to kill a werewolf he told me the only way to kill one was with the two daggers that ever existed he said if i could find them then he could melt the two and make one big knife out of them. It would have been the only thing that could kill a werewolf, that is why those daggers are so important". So now I know what the deal is with the daggers.
"Wait if those daggers are the only thing that can kill one of us, how did you kill my father?"I asked him.
"They are the only thing that can properly kill one but a wolf can't live without his heart" they ripped out his heart" i can barely even look at Derek
"so my mother trusted you but clearly not enough to tell you she had the daggers the whole time clearly you don't know how she got them, do you". I ask him
"No i don't" I laugh.
"Clearly she didn't love you as much as you thought she did but you didn't love her at all did you" i look at him watching his face soften.
"I actually did but avenging my father was my priority from the start. I didn't want her to get killed but Rico must have given different orders, ones I didn't know, "Libby, I am sorry about your mother". He says sympathetically.
"Shut up,I don't need your apologies. I want to know why Jenny is involved in all this, she was my mothers sister and it was her family you killed. why join your side". I ask him trying to figure it out.
"Jenny wasn't like her family and it made her feel different and the pack treated her differently. so she decided she had enough and joined the hunters but this was before i even met your father and when i learned about her we got close not close in that way but friends and we've been partners ever since" i shake my head that my aunt would turn on her own family.
"I have everything I need thank you" I was about to walk away when I remembered "one more thing,where is your little pack where is rea you might as well tell me cause I will kill you either way"I smiled at him.
"Rea is kept in Rico's office where they are all waiting for you Rico used me as bait there planning a trap, go up the stairs on your left you will see a black door thats where you will find them be careful, Libby i really am sorry i didn't want to hurt your mother or you" i see he really is telling the truth so i just nod at him. I whistle and Peter runs back into the room tearing apart Derek. All I can hear is his screams as I walk out of the room with Jake following behind me.
"Gather all the wolves here we're gonna kill them all" Jake nods running off gathering all the wolves. After a few minutes they all stand in front of me just at the bottom of the stairs ready to end all this.
"We need to be careful, it's a trap waiting for us so let's be smart about this,we're at our strongest when we turn" I watch them all begin to turn into their wolf form"let's end this"i say to them and we begin to walk up the stairs. Halfway up the stairs arrows flew out of the wall hitting two of the wolves. I hear their cries and watch them fall back down the stairs.
"Run quickly"i tell them and we all start running up the stairs others things start coming out us and we do or best to dodge them but a few aren't as lucky.As we reach the top i look down at the bottom of the stairs and see five of the wolves in the human form injured"Jake, Simon turn back take them back to the bayou bring them to the elders the rest of us will take out the hunters" they do as i say turning back running back down the stairs im sure there was no more things going to come out of the walls they pickup the ones who can't stand and the ones who can walk with them as the leave heading back to the bayou.
"Okay we need to be extra careful keep your eyes and ears open"i say and we start walking again but this time being more careful once we reach the black door i can hear heart beats. I step back"be ready for anything" i tell them in a whisper, lifting my leg i kick open the door i see hunters surrounding Rico and rea i see he has a knife to her neck with my aunt jenny at his side.
"Careful Libby or your friend dies"I look at rea seeing her scared face.
"Let her go, she has nothing to do with this. You want me now I'm here so let her go "I hear the wolves growl behind me waiting for my order. Before anyone can say anything an arrow is shot into Ricos shoulder letting rea go.
" rea run!" she takes off running past me. I look down at one of the wolves beside me "stay with her" I tell him and he runs after rea i turn back to Rico and his men I smile at them"kill them" on my order the wolves attack them. I head straight for Rico.
"You will pay for killing my mother and so will you Jenny" I growled at them.
"Lets see if those self defence classes did you any good" she smiles running at me with the dagger my mother gave to her she really does want to kill me i thought keeping my emotion in i dodged her attack kicking her back legs watching her go down i take my chance and grab the dagger bending down at her level" i guess those classes did me better than your fighting skills" i smile standing back up and grabbing her by the hair bringing her head down to my knee and knocking her out.
"Landon" i call to the wolf who has grey fur he comes over to me"bring this to the elders tell them this is the other dagger" i takes it from my hand into his mouth and running back to the bayou finally i think we're about to make peace but that thought quickly ends when i turn getting hit with something hard across the head and the only thing i hear before everything goes black is Peter calling my name.