
Chapter 5

Opening my eyes I look around and I don't recognize this place. It feels like a dream. Am I dead? I stand up and walk around "Hello!" I shout it echos on.

"Libby?" I turned around only to be faced with my mother. I'm so confused. Is this a trick the hunters are playing on me or is this real and I am dead.

"Mom?" she starts to get closer and i don't know if i can't trust it's really her.

"Stop!" she asks "what is this, is this just a trick the hunters are playing on me or is this real" i ask her.

"No baby i'm real i don't know how i'm able to-"she pauses "omg Libby did you die?" She asks me i see tears falling from her eyes.

"I don't know, I think I got knocked out. The last thing i remember is peter calling my name then everything with black and i woke up here. Mom, what's going on?" i ask her

"You're not dead, you're unconscious and i don't know how you are here and how long we have left you could wake up any minute" i run to her latching on to her and she puts her arms around me hugging me tightly. I've missed her hugs, I've missed her. Once we let go I spit out everything that has been happening.

"Mom you were wrong about Derek he's a hunter he always was and jenny is one to they took rea and killed and elder they bombed the bayou killing half the pack an-

"And you killed half of them" I hear the voice behind me who finished my sentence. I turn around to see a tall man with grey brown hair with bright blue eyes just like mine. I feel as if I know him.

"Libby say hello to your father" my father? A smile grew on my face as I ran to him and I saw him opening his arms for a warm welcome.

"I've been waiting so long to meet you" he says as he hugs me tightly then finally lets go" look at you i've gotten so big i was right i told your mother you would look like your but i also said you would have my devilness i see it in your eyes" i laugh thinking that was the exact thing my mother said.

"I made Derek pay for what he did to you he suffered the same pain you did and i did kill half of the hunters but i let my guard down to fast and i got knocked out not a very good leader i suppose huh i thought i could be a good fighter like you and mom where but-

"No buts you are a great leader Libby and a good fighter we all get knocked down at times but we always get back up. Those wolves believe in you because you gave them hope again they will follow you no matter what now more than ever, you killed half of the hunters you did what i couldn't i thought our kind and there's could make peace but that's where i went wrong i trusted the wrong people letting them into my pack when i should of just trusted my own kind." I shake my head.

"No you had hope dad and that's okay the wolves know that and they still looked up to you they keep your spirit alive i wanted to do this for the both of you. I wanted to get revenge for what they did to you and I will make those hunters remember they killed the two most powerful Alphas there ever was "I tell the both of them.

"We know you will little wolf you will become the Great Alpha who ever lived you will be known as the wolf who granted us peace we love you Libby and we are so proud of my baby always remember that" i nod feeling tears roll down my face.

"I will" they both hug me tightly and I never want to let go.

"Libby? Can you hear me? Libby "I hear my name being called, opening my eyes again. I see Peter looking down at me with Teresa by his side both with worried faces " she waking up" I see a smile grow and Peter face.

"Oh thank god you're okay you took a hard hit" Teresa smiles in Relief seeing that i was okay i sat up and looked around i was back in the bayou. "Libby, are you okay?" Teresa asks, seeing the confusion on my face.

"I saw them" is all i say once i sat up peter and Teresa looked at each other in confusion.

"Saw who Libby?" she asked me.

"My parents, I was speaking to them. I could feel them as if they were real or was I just dreaming "I ask her hoping she would tell me I was right and they were acutely there.

" you were on the other side Libby since where supernatural we go over there until we find peace wolves who have unfinished business go over there until we finish what they started and once that is done they can find peace like your parents your mother and father wanted peace but that never happened so until you grant the wolves peace and finish what they started they won't find peace"i smile knowing what happened was real and i finally got to say goodbye to my mother.

"Rea where is she and the dagger? Did you get it? And what about Rico is dead or Jenny, where is she?".

"Libby. Breath, "Peter tells me as I was talking really fast so I took a deep breath.

"Sorry" i laugh

"Rea is fine, she's here sitting outside and yes Landon came back with the dagger and they are both in a safe place" Teresa tells me.

"Rico and Jenny on the other hand well they got away after you got knocked out Rico took off and Jenny well i don't know what happened to her when we looked she was gone" i growl knowing there still out there but i put that aside for awhile and go check on Rea so i get out of the bed with the help of peter and Teresa since i still feel a bit weak.

"I need to see Rea"I tell them and they help me outside and I see Rea sitting down talking to Luke, one of the elders. When she sees me she gets up running to me and hugging me tightly.

"You're okay oh thank god i thought you were dead" she tells me as she lets go of me.

"Nope i'm very much alive" we both laugh Teresa and peter left as we both sat down to chat and caught up i'm sure she has some question to what's going on. 

"So you're a wolf" she says after a few minutes of silence and i laugh.

"Yup, crazy i know but it's true i am a wolf" i tell her.

"How are you not totally freaked out by all this" she asks me and I just shrug.

"I don't know, I guess I always felt like there was something missing in my life and I guess this is it," I told her.

"It's mad thinking we were just two normal teenagers a few days ago now we find out about this world it's like everything we ever joked about and just laughed at was all real" i just nod at her.

"Is your family okay?" I asked her hoping she would tell me they were not harmed.

"Yes i wasn't at home i was on my way to you acutely i haven't heard from you in days and when i got there the house was destroyed everything was smashed there was blood and i just imagined the worse i thought you were dead that's when something hard hit me and everything went black and i woke up in that building with Jenny beside me,she told me everything she tried to turn me against you she said you and your kind were monsters". I shake my head.

"We are not the monsters they are. Jenny turned against her own family and Derek turned against my parents there, the real monsters Rea" she smiled at me.

"I know that i didn't believe her for a second i was just glad to find out you were alive Lib" she tells me and i hug her glad that she was okay.

"Libby!" I hear my name and I turn to see Peter waving.

"You know I think Peter has a thing for you he didn't leave your side once he didn't even eat we had to bring him food" i hear Rea say from beside me.

"Really" i smile taking in this new information peter has a crush on me good to know "i better go see what he wants will you be okay here" i ask her watching her nod her head"

"Yes i was having a nice chat with Luke anyway you go ill be alright" i hugged her one last time and ran off meeting up with peter.

"What's up?" I say as I reach him.

"Well i thought since everything that has happened i thought we could go for a run just to have a bit of fun before we go off hunting Rico and Jenny again what do you say" he almost seemed nervous when he asked me and i thought it was cute.

"I think that would be fun"I watched a smile grow on his face. We run off into the woods and turn.


"Do we know if she's dead I mean i hit her pretty hard i saw blood" Rico panics he and Jenny were the only ones who got out alive they both went into hiding after Rico knocked you out.

"Please you and I both know it's not that easy to kill a wolf, they heal pretty quickly, remember i say she's alive and probably on her way to kill us"Jenny tells him with an ice pack on her head.

"You're not helping, we need a new plan" he says pacing back and forth thinking of a new plan.

"With what team there's only the two of us left idiot, what are we gonna take on a wolf pack by ourself? Yes, I can see that going great"she says sarcastically.

"I am you boss you can't speak to me that way" Rico stomps his foot like a child.

"Look around you were the only ones left Libby killed the rest of us we might as well move to a different country because i'm pretty sure someone in her little pack told her we were still out here and she's definitely going to hunt us down if its the last thing she does give it up we lost" jenny tells him.

"No I will kill Libby fox if it's the last thing I do" Jenny rolls her eyes at him.


"I think that run was very much needed" I laugh as me and Peter head pack to the bayou. We ran for about two hours. We had great fun and we messed a little. Peter showed me a few more things I could do in my wolf form. I really enjoyed my time with Peter. I can see we're getting a lot closer and I get this weird feeling everytime i'm around him. I think I might be falling for him.

"I think it was to" we both laugh as we return to the bayou.

"Libby!" I hear my name. I look over and see Landon running at us. He looks concerned and I wonder what's wrong. Once he reaches us he's out of breath.

"Landon, what's wrong?" I asked him, worried.

"One of the wolves said they saw Rico and Jenny in an abandoned building. He said they looked like they were planning something" he tells me.

"Gather the wolves were going to them i will end this once and for all" he nods and runs off i was about to walk off when peter grabs my arm.

"Libby, it seems to easy hunters are not that easy to find i think this is a trap and where walking right into i think we really need to be careful" i know i should be listening to him but all i can think is what they both took from me and all i want was to kill them.

"I Don't care they have taken everything from me and if i know where they are i'm not letting them get away this time i will kill the last of them and i will make them suffer if u don't like it then don't come" i tell him i see the shock on his face and i immediately regret it but i can't let my emotions get in my way i have a job to do and i need to do it so i start to walk away leaving him there.

"I am staying because i wont get myself killed walking into a trap and the way your acting your gonna get us all killed these hunters are smarter than you and you playing their game walking right into their trap that's no leader Libby a leader protects her people not get them killed" i stop hearing his words but i don't turn to face him i just keep walking.

"Libby the wolves are ready"Landon runs to my side.

"Good let's kill some hunters"I tell him and we walk off meeting up with the rest of the wolves and we head out to the abandoned building.

Reaching the building it has all smashes windows its a wear house that looked abandoned since long before any of us were born that's how worn down it looked we carefully walk in not making a sound there big boxes everywhere i open one but only find it empty i see Landon open another but that's empty to.

"This place is empty there gone" Simon says has he comes back from searching the place was peter right was this a trap.

"Libby over here" I walk over standing next to Landon looking down at the table that was placed in the centre of the building i see a note i pick it up and read it.

Good luck getting back to the bayou in time.

Peter was right this was a trap they wanted us to find so we would come here leaving the bayou unprotected. The daggers he's going for them.

"GET BACK TO THE BAYOU THERE GOING FOR THE DAGGERS!" we turn running for the bayou trying to get there before any damage is done all i can think is i should have listened to peter he was right i'm no leader.

Reaching the bayou i see were to late the damage has already been done there smoke and fire everywhere they bombed the bayou people were already injured the wolves turned back helping the injured but i don't see any dead until i see peter on the ground i turn grabbing a jumper i saw on the ground throwing it on and running to peter.

"Peter" peter! Please wake up!. I see his body move slightly then his eyes open and I breathe out in relife " I'm sorry you were right I should have listened to you god I thought I lost you" I cry to him as his head lays in my lap.

"You can't get rid of me that easy fox" he weakly laughs then coughs a bit. I realised life was way too short and I've already lost so much so I did something I wanted to do for a while. I bent down catching his lips in mine. I can tell he was shocked at first but he kissed back. When I pull away I see him smile at me "what was that for fox" he says.

"I just realised life is way too short to not do things you want to do"i tell him running my hand through his hair "ju wanna sit up" i ask him and he nods so i help him sit up he grunts holding his side i see his in pain and i can only think this is all my fault if i had listened then none of this would of happened.

"Hey everything i said i'm sorry that was out of line" i shake my head stopping him.

"No you were right. I should have listened. None of this would've happened if i just listened to you,you were right i am no leader i can't even keep ye alive" i drop my head in shame peter puts his hand under my chin bringing my face to his.

"You are a great leader Libby these wolves don't blame you for this they still believe in you they follow you because you are not afraid of the hunter which show them they shouldn't be either that is what a leader is showing them that you have no fear" he kisses me once more and i smile into it.

"LIBBY! Over here!" i pull away from peter look over at Riley who called me so i stand up and walk over towards getting closer i see she's standing next to a body but i can't see who when i look at Riley her face is with sadness getting closer i make out the person dropping to my knees beside her.
