
Chapter 6

It's been days since Rea died the wolves put her to rest like they would when there own dies sending um out in the lake letting there ashes free even if she wasn't a wolf she made a print in the pack the wolves loved her even with the small amount of time that she was there they made her apart of the pack and were sad when she died.

"Has anyone heard from her" Peter asks Teresa as they sit out in the bayou there has been nothing but grief and silence in the pack since that day.

"No not a word I'm sure she will return when she is ready she has lost so much she needs to grief" Teresa tells him.

"How will we tell her they have the daggers?" Teresa shakes her head.

"We all need time Peter we have lost too much we will tell her when the time is right" Peter nods knowing she was right they have lost too much.


After i saw Rea's dead body i ran off turning, running further and further into the woods seeing my best friend dead the only person i had left in this world i couldn't take it so i left that was a week ago there all probably waiting for my return but i wasn't planning on going back i was planning to do something else. I couldn't watch another person die because of me so I decided I would kill Rico and Jenny alone. When i ran into the woods it wasn't for grief i went to hunt them down and i have, i found them at the same building i went to i thought they weren't very smart to go back they probably thought i wouldnt check the same place twice but that was where they were wrong i hunted them down and iv just been watching them for the past few days i saw they had the daggers. I decided tonight that I would kill them.

Once nightfall came I turned back to my human form throwing on the clothes I stashed in the woods along with a knife. I was careful about my movement making sure I made no sound. Stepping into the building I could hear them talking. It was mainly about me and how they would take me down but what they didn't know is I would give them a surprise attack making sure they weren't ready for it.

"So how do we do this because Libby will now have her guard up she will be ready for us especially now we have to be smart about how we do this" i hear jenny before Rico responds i make myself noticeable.

"No need to plan this because I'm already here" I watch the two of them jump around to face me. I see their faces shocked and scared but they try to cover it with a smile trying to be imitating but I can already see that they're scared they didn't expect me.

"Libby, how nice of you to visit" Rico says.

"Yes but unfortunately it's gonna have to be a short visit" with that i throw my knife impaling Rico in his shoulder and i watch him run off like a scared dog with his tail between his legs leaving my aunt alone.

"COWARD!" she roars as he runs out of the building.

"I guess he doesn't really care about you after all, well i guess i can kill you first, then i'll kill him" i smile at her i see she's shaking but tries to hide it. 

"He was always too scared anyway but me i'll take u down my self Libby" with that she runs at me. 

I stop her from touching me with a kick to the stomach watching her fall back but she gets up straight away i see that kick hurt her but she won't let it show she catches me with a right hook making my nose bleed and i growl seeing the blood on my hand so i hit her back drawing blood from her eye she tries to knock me down by kicking my back legs but i back kick her knee hard enough to break her leg i watch her fall and cry in pain holding her leg i take my chance kicking her in the face knocking her back.

"You betrayed your family, you killed your own sister and now you want to kill your niece why? Why did you do all this?" I ask her, hearing her cry out in pain.

"I was jealous Jessie was the one everyone wanted to be or wanted to be her friend she was so perfect i was left out because i was different i hated it so i turned i couldn't take it i didn't belong there the hunters took me in and treated me like one of their own" she cries out.

"That was years ago what do u have against me Jenny i did nothing to you and you destroyed my entire life YOU KILLED REA! WHY?!" I scream at her.

"I was ordered by Rico I didn't want to kill you Libby, I swear" she tells me. Liar.

"Bullshit i heard you planning how to kill me" i step on her broken leg and hear her scream out in pain once again i grab her by the hair wrapping my arms around her neck " i guess the only good thing about you not being a wolf is you will never see my mother on the other side again you will go straight to hell were you'll see Derek and Rico will be joining you soon" i tell her.

"No wait lib- but I snap her neck watching her fall out of my arms to the ground "goodluck in hell" i say walking off. I dont get far when I feel something sharp in my back drooping to my knees. I cry out in pain. I feel my back finding it was a knife i pull it out dropping it to the floor seeing my blood on it.

"Did you really think i would just run off ,no i left Jenny alone with you to give me time to grab my weapons" i feel another sharp pain in my leg i try take it out but he grabs my hand flipping me over to face him i see he has one of the daggers in his hand as he raises it his jacket opens showing the other dagger in the waste of his pants " this is where you die Libby fox like your father and your mother and your dear old bestie Rea" the mention of my family angers me.

" You can't kill me that easily." I grab the knife that was beside me that I took out of my back stabbing him in the side he cries out in pain and drops the dagger. I grab it while grabbing the other from his waist as he drops to the ground pulling the knife from my leg and I take off running back to the bayou.


"I'm going out looking for Libby. I can't sit here for much longer waiting for her to return. She could be hurt and the hunters could have found her, "Peter says worried.

"Peter she- Teresa stops mid sentence staring at something.

"She what" he says and she points behind him he turns to see you bloody and beaten.

"Omg Libby!"he runs to you. He catches you as you are about to fall "Libby what happened" Peter asks me as we sit on the ground everyone else in the bayou runs over to use.

"I hunted down Jenny and Rico they were in the same building i killed Jenny and i thought Rico ran after i threw a knife at him but he came back after i killed Jenny he surprised me he stabbed me in the back and leg i stabbed him in the side took the daggers back and ran im not sure if he's still alive i didn't look back" i tell them.

"Libby why, he could have killed you Libby why would you do this without your pack we are stronger in numbers" Peter tells me I can see he's angry with me but i did what i had to do.

"I went alone because I wasn't gonna watch another person die because of me" I tell him, feeling the pain in my back and leg getting worse.

"A pack protects there alpha they die for them that is a pack Libby but you went off on your own instead if you died Libby you would be leaving this pack once again helpless without and alpha" i see the anger showing on his face and i do feel bad but i know he understands what i had to do.

"Alright peter we can deal with this another time she's bleeding out and in pain get her into the cabin where i can treat her wounds" Teresa tells peter he does as she says picking me up and carrying me into the cabin layinging me on the bed i didn't realise how tired and worn out i was.

"I'm sorry Peter" was all I said before I passed out.

Opening my eyes I look around seeing I'm in the cabin at the bayou. I set my eyes on Peter who is asleep in the chair across from me. I look at him. He's so peaceful I didn't realise how long I was staring at him until he spoke.

"You're staring" he says, opening his eyes to look at me.

"No i wasn't" i try to play it off but he just laughs.

"Sure you weren't" he says getting off his chair and sitting next to me on the bed as I sit up he pushes the hair from my face and tucks it behind my hair "you gave us all a scare you know, i thought you were dead Lib i thought i'd never see you again". I see the sadness in his eyes and I feel the guilt in my chest.

"I'm sorry peter but i couldn't watch another person die because of me im supposed to protect them not get them killed" i drop my head in shame but peter just lift my head back up.

"Just next time you have a crazy plan, maybe tell me first so I wont worry about you. I thought you weren't gonna wake up, you were out for the last week. Teresa said it was exhaustion your body needed the rest" i look at him speechless.

" A week?, i was out for a week what about Rico is he dead did i kill him or did he bleed out if he's alive did he attack the bayou or-

"Libby calm down breath, yes Rico is still alive i sent some wolves out to the building and all that was left was a pool of blood we've been looking for him the past week you were out but he went into hiding i was hoping to give you good news when you woke up, im sorry" i smile at him.

"No you tried, that's good enough but now that I'm awake i will hunt him down" i say trying to get out of the bed but peter stops me.

"Oh no you still need time to heal those wounds left a mark. What you need is a break. We can hunt Rico down another time. I'm sure he isn't far but right now the pack are eager to see you, to know you are all right" he tells me helping me up.

We walk outside i shield my eyes from the bright sun i watch as the pack notices my appearance and they all walk towards us they take a knee in front of me i look around knowing they were not angry at me for doing what i did i see they still believe in me and i'm happy that they do i look to see Teresa stand beside me.

"I have told them what you did for them," she tells me.

"They respect you more than ever for what you've done for them kid sacrificing yourself for your pack that is a true Alpha" Luke says stepping up beside Teresa.

" that is what you are to them now The True Alpha and with along other wolves who have heard what you've done and have come to join the fight hoping to join your pack Lib" john says joining us. he whistles revealing the wolves who were hidden in the woods have now made themselves noticeable to me with that they also kneel in front of me with the rest of my pack i look around at all of them who have come to join me there was so many.

"They all want me to lead them" I ask John and he nods.

"No wolves or alpha has done what you did word got around fast and they started coming in large numbers they want to be a part of your pack because they are sick of hiding too. they want peace just like us" he tells me and i look out at all the wolves who are infront me.

"Ten years ago there was word of another pack or so that's what i heard, my father and my mother Jessi and Lewis fox lost hope that there was no wolves left apart from this pack they spent their life trying to find more of our kind my father died trying to get peace between both our worlds but he died trusting the wrong people my mother died protecting me and it was her own sister who killed her like my fathers best friend did to him now i'm here to finish what they started ending a war and granting peace for our people we tried doing it this nice way but the hunters made it clear they only wanted war so we have no choice in fighting our way to peace. But we just got bigger in numbers. Stand!" I watch as they all stand back up. "We will take a few days to prepare then we will hunt down Rico and end this finally get the peace we deserve '' I see the smiles on all their faces. I turn back around, walking back into the cabin with Peter and the elders behind me.

"I think that went well," John says sitting down at the table.

" So what now Libby?" Luke asks me taking a seat beside john.

"Now nothing, we take a few days off, we need a break. Someone told me it would be a good thing before we head to war again we might as well have a bit of fun. "I look over at Peter and I see he's already looking at me with a smile.

"How about a barbecue" Peter suggested and we all agreed.

"Sounds like a good idea" Teresa says 

The elders all stood up and walked outside to alert the pack about the barbecue they were all pretty excited for it, So they all gathered the food and started cooking the meat we all had a bit of fun playing with the younger kids while we waited for the food to be done it was a eventful day i got to know the new wolves a small bit and they told me how strong i was for what i did for my pack. Once it was done we all set around the fire as nightfall came we talked and laughed Peter asked me to go into the cabin with him for a chat so i did once we got inside we sat down at the table.

"So what's up?" I asked him as we sat down. He didn't speak for a moment. He looked like he was gathering his thoughts and I wondered what he had to say must be serious so I waited for him to speak.

"Lib I know we still don't know very much about each other but over the weeks you have been here i've grown to like you more and more and now I think…." he stopped like the words were trapped in his mouth.

"Think what Pete, hey its me you know you can tell me anything" I reassure him.

"Libby i think i'm falling in love with you i worry when your gone for so long i think about you all the time, i-

I don't let him finish instead i kiss him i can tell he was shocked but soon returned the kiss "i think i'm falling for you to" i tell him as i pull away from the kiss and i lay my forehead on his it was true i get the feelings in my stomach everytime hes near just like him i worry about him to and he is all i can think about. He smiles at me and starts kissing me again. We do that for a couple more seconds until he finds the courage to grab me and bring me on to his lap soon enough he picks me up and takes me to bed making the end of the night eventful.