Silver Cuffs

As my eyes were still glued shut, I heard, "Hurry up and drag that pig in here!" My eyes fluttered open, and one of the two men announced, "Good morning, asshole." I looked around to gather my surroundings and I was tied to my office chair with my hands cuffed behind the chair. The first man backhanded me, causing me to bite the inside of my cheek, and said, "You're supposed to say good morning, sir." The second man, dragged a lifeless body through the front door, snickered and said "Hit his ass again." With a smile, he wound up his hand, and I spat blood on his face. The blood landing right in his mouth. He spat on the floor and ran to the bathroom to wash his mouth. The second man quickly dropped the body and pulled out a machete, making the classic sound in every movie. He ran towards me, but the first man ordered "No! Not yet!" The second man put the machete on my neck and growled, "Fine." The first man returned and said, "Let me properly introduce us. I'm Randy, and that is Derrell." Derrell had now brought a second body into the room. The two bodies were Officer Bowers and Officer Thompson. Thompson looked like he was breathing, but Bowers's face had been depleted by a shotgun shell. He continued, "If you haven't figured it out, you were bit by something that isn't human, and you have become one of them. Unfortunately, for the greater good, you and these two officers have to die." I could only ask, "What the hell did you shoot me with, and what am I?" He said, "You, my friend, have been turned into a vampire, and you were shot with a family recipe of garlic, silver shavings, and a dead man's blood. Those cuffs are pure silver, so you are not going anywhere. " The silver cuffs explained why my wrists were on fire.

He continued, "Who else have you come in contact with? You can tell me, or I'll have to force it out of you." I said, "No one, you stupid inbred fucktard." He snickered and then jammed a silver knife in my thigh. I said with gritted teeth, "I'm gonna tear you to shreds." Suddenly, I could hear Randy's heart rate quicken, and my mouth felt weird. Randy grabbed my phone and said, "Unlock it, and I will put you out of your misery." I snarled, "Go fuck yourself." He said, "The hard way it is." He jammed a syringe into my thigh. I yelled in agony. My leg felt like an aerial firework was jammed in it and set off. Derrell took a break from arranging the bodies to ask, "How does that holy water feel?" I was now in the denial phase of this experience. I announced, "You two are psychos and cop killers!" Randy walked to my bathroom smiling and ripped the mirror off the wall. He walked over to me and held the mirror in front of me. He pulled out a small pocket knife and lightly cut his arm, which began to bleed. The voice bellowed, "DRINK HIS BLOOD!" I felt a wave of energy-filled wrath come over me like I just took ten scoops of pre-workout. I looked in the mirror and had two large fangs protruding from my mouth. He whispered, "Whose psycho now?" While looking at me, he walked over to Thompson, who was still out, and shot him in the head. I yelled, "FUCK YOU!" He got in my face and screamed, "YOU GOT THEM KILLED BY GETTING BIT." Before I could bite his face off, there was a knock at the door.

Randy growled, "Don't say a fucking word, or I'll kill Roxanne." Officer dipshit also put her in the report, and the two inbreeds were hunting everyone down who had any knowledge of this disaster. I elected to stay quiet for the moment, and Randy looked in the peephole. Randy proclaimed, "It's just Wendell." I prodded, "Your mother got around, didn't she?" That snarky comment earned me a shotgun blast full of rock salt straight to my chest, which made my chair and I fly back. My head bounced off the floor, and I regretted my comment. Wendell asked, "How did you two get that big fucker tied up?" Randy proudly proclaimed, "The family recipe times two worked like a charm." Wendell responded, "Jesus, How long did that put him down for?" Randy said. "Five minutes. Did you find Roxanne and Jester?"

Wendell said, "Should've given him a triple dose plus another one." I interrupted while staring at my ceiling, "You didn't learn what quadruple means in 10c?" Wendell walked over, peered at me, and snapped my ankle. I screamed and felt my fangs pop out again. I had guessed right about which hick county they were from. Wendell said, "Holy shit. Once we lop his head off, we can get a couple of grand for those big ass fangs. Chester is still at work and won't get off for a few more hours. Roxanne had just left quickly, and I tried to follow her. She was headed in this direction, but I lost her on the connector." He got behind me and lifted my chair back up.

Randy looked at me and said, "Pretty boy must have asked her to come over. The moron here hasn't fed yet. He probably wants to kill her for his first one," Derrell suggested. "Maybe we could let the girl go or even talk her into hunting with us. She could be useful to us and feed us cases." Derrell continued to ramble, but I heard a fourth heartbeat near my back door. I thought that there might be a fourth one of these dipshits, but I listened harder, and the heartbeat was much slower than the other three. I heard the fourth heartbeat speed up, and suddenly, I heard the squeaky latch on the back door scream as the door was kicked open. I only saw a flash of long brown hair making a beeline for Derrell and Wendell, who were wrapping up arranging the bodies to make it look like I had killed the officers. Randy's eyes popped out of his head, and he drew a revolver. He shot me square in the chest, sending me flying back in the chair and landing on the floor. I heard two loud snapping noises from across the room and a scream from Randy, followed by his blood spraying all over me. I started to black out when I saw a blurry figure looking at me. Before I blacked out, I asked, "God?"