Hurricane Hank

During the time of my blackout, I had a dream. The dream consisted of having surgery. I woke up from the anesthesia to see my chest pried wide open. The doctor, whose face was covered by a mask, said to a nurse, "He's starting to wake up, and we are out of anesthesia." He looked at me and said, "Don't worry, hero. The silver bullet missed your heart. You'll be just fine. " I looked around the doctor to see a bunch of dead bodies, and I was on a table in the middle of an empty white room. The doctor said, "This IV bag will sting, but you'll feel 1000 times better." The doctor inserted an IV line and it started to flow with red liquid. My eyes fluttered open to see the doctor's male physique fade to female, and the mask disappeared to reveal Roxanne's beautiful smile. I woke up feeling similar to when my fangs came out for the first time, but multiplied that by ten. Roxanne said, "How are you feeling, hero?" I groggily said, "I feel like I've taken 20 scoops of pre-workout mixed with 100 milligrams of Melatonin." She smiled and asserted, "That's certainly one way to put it. You probably have many questions, but you need to rest, and I have some cleaning to do." I raised my head to see the massacre that had taken place. She lightly grabbed my chin and interrupted, "I'll handle all of this. I have to reset your ankle, so I'll give you some painkillers, sedatives, and another bag of fresh blood." Before I could say anything, "She slammed all the meds into the IV line and reset my ankle. I yelled, but my sound was muffled by Roxanne kissing me. I passed out, remembering how I didn't feel anything flawed in my life and felt the weight of ten pounds on my shoulders get chucked off.

I didn't dream this time, probably due to the onslaught of meds, and my eyes opened to find the living room cleared of bodies. It was dark outside, but all of the shades were closed. I heard a heart rate outside speed up slightly and got louder. The front door opened, and Roxanne walked in. She proclaimed, "You look better. How do you feel?" I grunted. "Better ish. I don't feel my heart palpitations anymore, and should because I haven't taken my meds yet," She resumed, "If you haven't figured it out, you were turned into a vampire when that kid bit you." She entered my room and came out with the container where I kept my meds. She continued, "You are not going to need these," and walked towards the bathroom.

I clamored, "STOP." She calmly paused and asked, "You don't trust me?" Usually, I felt a pressure-like feeling in my neck when it is time to take my meds, but it wasn't there even though it had been almost a day. She must have seen the relief on my face because she continued to the bathroom. I heard the pills drop into the toilet, and she said, "Us vampires have no health conditions and have no need for expensive medications. I'm going to dump out all of those supplements that made you so pretty because you're going to look the same but be as strong as an ox on crack. You'll never need a testosterone booster again" As I quietly watched, somewhat embarrassed, she went to the kitchen. She grabbed about 300 dollars worth of pre-workout, diet supplements, protein powder, and finally, the "Make you 18 again pills." She took the bounty to the bathroom and dumped out everything, hurting my heart, figuratively. All that money was wasted, but the good news is that I won't need to spend another 300 dollars.

She exited that bathroom and started walking towards me. I asked, "Where did the bodies go?" She answered, "I buried them out front about a foot under a dead squirrel I found. I took their gear to the lake down the road and threw their stuff off the bridge. The police have already come through the neighborhood and collected Thompson's patrol car." The good news is that none of my neighbors had cameras, and Thompson must have left his car a few houses down. I looked around a little more, and the house was spotless except for Roxanne, a dirty mess, and me, covered in blood from different people. I asked, "Why did you help me?" She exclaimed, "At the minimum, I would've been dead if it wasn't for you, so I owe you a major solid, and I.....really like you." She had a radiant smile, and I was lucky she saved my ass.

I continued, "I've had a crush on you for a while, if you haven't noticed, and was working up the courage to ask you out for drinks." She asked, "Why did it take you so long.?" I responded, "I was nervous you would reject me and make work awkward." She replied, "Not gonna lie, you getting your ass beat for me made you ten times hotter, so now is a perfect time?" I chuckled and asked, "Can I make us some drinks?" She smiled and stipulated, "Only if you come to take a shower with me because we are both nasty. I can't figure out whose blood is whose. " I smiled, "I'm not a fan of my enhanced smell ability. I feel like I crawled out of a dumpster fire behind a butcher's store." She walked into the bathroom giggling, and I headed to my kitchen to make my famous drink, Hurricane Hank, which combines white rum, dark rum, triple sec, grenadine, and alcoholic iced tea. After preparing both drinks, I headed toward the bathroom and entered. She turned the shower on and pulled her shirt off. She took the drink and said, "This better be strong." I said, "Only one way to find out. I bit the inside of my cheek to ensure that this wasn't some elaborate dream and that I seemed to be in reality.