One Day I'll Tell You

As I took my shirt off and saw Roxanne without her clothes on, despite my dreams coming true, I couldn't help but think about how the hell I was going to live on. My thoughts were interrupted when Roxanne turned around and put her hand on my chest. "It's going to work out how it's supposed to, and if I can do it for 87 years, so can you." Before I could ask her how she knew I was catastrophizing or address why she was robbing the baby's cradle, she kissed me again. I gently put my hands around her hips, and she cooed, "I love how you're so gentle." I grew up in rural America, where all students were expected to attend a class that taught boys proper etiquette toward women and genuine manners. We both got in the cramped shower, but I enjoyed the claustrophobic environment. The gore, dirt, and human fluid washed down the drain. Roxanne asked, "How did you get the scars on your legs and chest?" I answered, "One day, I'll tell you." She nodded.

The water was the perfect temperature and caused my genitals to relax. She took a proper gulp of the drink and sputtered, "I think I just grew some hairs on my chest." I put my hand on her chest and said, "I think you are in the clear." She giggled, then we started kissing, and I moved my hand to her breast. She quietly moaned into my mouth and retaliated by grabbing my penis, which was now at full mast. She used one hand to stroke my penis and the other to lightly caress my abs. My stomach was a sensitive place for me, and I groaned. She pulled away and said, "I didn't know that guys could moan." I uttered," compliments to the chef." She smiled, then kissed and lightly nibbled on my chest, which was at eye level with her. She kept moving further and further. I had to brace my arms on the shower wall, and panic drank the rest.

She got down to my penis and slowly licked the tip. My entire body locked up, and she started to suck. She had one hand on my balls and the other one on my abs. I had a dry spell regarding women and hadn't cleared the pipes in a while. I focused on continuing this experience by trying to remember the equation for velocity, but Roxanne pinched my ass. I looked down and saw her beautiful, expressive eyes. That was the end of me, and I came. I expected to wake up with soaked sheets, but I felt her swallow. I thought, "Holy shit, where did she learn that?" She smiled and whispered, "You liked that hero?" I shakily responded, "That beats the 20-cent raise I got after a year at the hospital, and I worked hard for that." She smiled and yanked the back of my knees, causing my legs to give and crumble to the floor. When I collided with the tile floor, my ass cheeks loudly slapped like a drum cymbal. Roxanne seemed to enjoy the power move, and before I could gather what had happened, she was in my lap with her arms around my neck. I thought, "Fuck, she was fast." She slowly started to grind in my lap, and I took this opportunity to move her wet hair away from her face. I always wanted to do that and expose her cute dimples. We started to kiss again as she was grinding. I thought there was no chance in hell my dick was going to wake up after getting milked like a fat cow, but it started to rise to the occasion. I started to adjust to insert my penis into her, and she tensed up. I asked, "Are you a virgin?" She shyly answered, "What gave it away?" I confidently answered, "I froze up my first time, too." She sat with an embarrassed look." I continued, "We don't have to go full committal here, and losing your virginity in the shower isn't the most romantic experience on earth. You did a solid job in the first half." She giggled, and I asked, "Can I try something less invasive?" She nodded. 

I carefully rearranged us to where her back was flush against the wall, and I slid my face between her legs. I slowly and methodically began to kiss around her entrance and message one of her erect nipples. My tongue eventually made it into her entrance, causing her to moan quietly, and after a few minutes of trying to find the right spots, she started to gyrate her hips back and forth, indicating she was close. I removed my hand from her nipple and used it to massage her clitoris. She was moaning loader, and she came. I wiped the juice off my face, and she said while breathing heavily, "Holy shit. Where did you learn to do that." I said, "My ex got around a lot and taught me a few things." She giggled and said, "Thanks for being patient." I responded, "No worries. The way things are going, you and I will have plenty of time together." She leaned in, and we passionately kissed. I said, "I think it's time for bed." She nodded, and we got out of the shower. We got dried off and proceeded into my bedroom. By that time, my erection had retreated, and we cuddled up in bed. She said, "Sorry, I froze in the shower. I had everything planned out and panicked at the last second." I pulled her closer and said, "We can take this as slow as you need to." She said, "I won't make you wait too long. I promise." With that thought in mind, we both peacefully fell asleep.