Royal Slime


I woke up once again in a great mood. I was excited about going dancing, which might've been the night Jimmy made a move. I got dressed in a French dress my mother passed on and put on some jewelry my grandmother owned. I got my purse and headed for the door but looked out the window to see if Larry could offer some advice, but he wasn't there. The dance hall was also a short walk away. It was a lovely night, and the sky was clear. As I got closer, I thought about how things would go with Jimmy after the dance. I rounded the corner and saw Jasmin and Jeff waiting. I skipped over and hugged Jasmin, then Jeff. Jeff asked, "Is Jimmy coming?" I said, "I hope so." Right on queue, "Jimmy walked up and said, "You look gorgeous!" Jimmy had on a handsome blue suit with a Swedish-made watch. I observed, "Where did you get that watch?" He answered, "My brother sent it back to me." His brother had been killed in Germany. I said, "It looks great on you, and I'm glad you have something to remember him by." He smiled. "Shall we head in?" I looked at Jasmin and Jeff, and they both nodded.

We walked into the hall, and my favorite song started playing. Leaping Through the Galaxy was my favorite song because it made me believe that this universe wasn't all bad and there was always a way to change one's life for the better. I grabbed Jimmy's hand, and we headed for the dance floor. He put his hands around my hips, but this time, it was a little harder than usual, and I wasn't sure if I liked it. He settled down and got into the rhythm. After the song was over, we all went and took a seat. Jeff said, "You looked great. It looked like you two have always been dancing together." The truth was I didn't know Jimmy very long. About a month prior, a kid stole my purse, and Jimmy was the officer who chased him down. When Jimmy returned the bag, I asked for his home phone number. This was the third time we went out, and I thought we were officially dating. We danced a few more songs and decided to get milkshakes. The four of us walked around the corner and into a diner. I ordered a vanilla shake, Jeff a chocolate shake, Jasmine a strawberry shake, and Jimmy a fig shake. I asked Jimmy, "Fig? I didn't know that was a thing?" He smiled, "It's something you have to ask for." We finished our shakes, and Jimmy asked," Do you guys want to go to a speakeasy?" I was hesitant, but Jasmine proclaimed, "That sounds fun!" I responded, "Sure. Let's do it!"

We left and started walking down the street. Jimmy grabbed my hand and said, "Do you love me?" I guessed, "I think so?" He smiled and proclaimed, "Hopefully, we can change that." We kept walking and rounded a corner, but Jimmy looked back quickly. I asked, "Are you okay?" He insisted, "Everything is fine. I thought I had seen a work friend." We made it to the door, and Jimmy knocked four times, followed by a three-second pause and two more knocks. The door slot opened, and a large man asked, "Password?" Jimmy asserted, "Dix.." The door opened, and Jimmy hugged the large man. The man asked, "Are these fine people your guests." Jimmy joked, "They are my prisoners."

Everyone laughed, and we walked in. As we all sat down in a booth where the seats were police car seats, I asked Jimmy, What does Dix stand for?" He explained, "This speakeasy is just for cops, and Dix stands for Detectives. The drinks are all named after police jargon. The Crime Scene is a Zombie, The Brass is like a Royal Slime, and The .38 Special is like a Dry Martini." I laughed. "I want to try the Brass." Jasmin ordered for her and Jeff, "Could you get us a .38 Special and The Crime Scene." Jimmy got up and said, "WIll do. I'll be right back."

Jasmin turned to me and stated, "This place is cool. Thanks for letting us tag along." I affirmed, "Thank Jimmy, but I'm glad you two came." I nodded and looked around the walls. There were handcuffs, batons, and framed pictures of different officers." Jimmy came back with all of the drinks carefully balanced. He passed them out to their respective owners and said, "Here you all go. The bartender was my old beat partner, so he put a little extra in our drinks." We all finished our drinks rather quickly because it was getting late. I offered to pay, but Jimmy pulled out his fancy wallet, and there was so much cash in it. I asked, "Where did you get all of that money?" He answered, "It was payday today." I wasn't sure if I believed him because there had to be at least 500 dollars. He paid, and we all left, and Jimmy said, "Do you guys want to come back to my place?" I groggily said, "I'm pretty tired, probably from the drinks. I think I'm going to go home." Jasmin said, "I think we are going to head home. The Crime Scene was strong." Suddenly, Jasmin and Jeff collapsed, and the street lights faded to black.