Unnatural Evil


I woke up and tried to move but couldn't because I was shackled to a beam. I looked around and saw Jasmin and Jeff chained together around another beam. I whispered, "Jasmin, are you okay?" She groggily said, "I think so. Jeff, are you okay?" She nudged Jeff, and he moved a little but didn't say anything. I said, "We must find a way out of here." Jimmy bellowed from the other room, "Good morning, honey, and good morning, breakfast." He walked in and walked towards me and said, "How would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?"

I asked, "Why would you do all of this? I loved you," He said, "You didn't seem so sure of yourself earlier, and since I got bit, I've learned to take what I want. The whole right versus wrong thing wasn't working out for me." I thought for a second and said, "That money and the watch aren't yours. Who did you steal it from?" He answered, "Some old man kept calling us because his neighbors were too loud. I finally got sick of it and decided he didn't need the money, his watch, or his life. It bothers me that you didn't answer my question. Will you spend the rest of your life with me?" I growled, "I will never spend the rest of my life with a liar and thief." Jeff coughed, and Jimmy stood up. "That's fine. I'll have to teach you a little lesson." Jasmin yelled, "No!" Jimmy backhanded her and then kicked Jeff in the stomach. I cried, "Stop! I will be yours."

Jimmy smirked. "That's more like it." He walked over and knelt in front of me. His nail extended, and he cut his wrist. He then pinned me to the beam by my throat and sliced my wrist with his finger. He rubbed our wrists together, and his fangs extended. The box that the vampire book came in had a silver knife with a thigh sheath. I thought it was weird, but I wore it every time I went out because New York City could be a nasty place. When Jimmy leaned in to bite me, I stabbed him in the throat with the silver knife I grabbed when Jimmy attacked Jasmin and Jeff. He screamed and went reeling back. The door flung open, and three men came running in. They tackled Jimmy and put silver handcuffs on him. One man kept Jimmy on the ground, one went over to Jasmin and Jeff, and the last one came over to me.

"Did he swap his blood with any of you?" I sheepishly nodded and started to cry. The man hugged me and said, "I'll be okay, sweetheart. Life will be different and harder for you, but it can be done." I cried, "Who are you guys?" The man answered, "We are brothers. I'm Mike." He pointed to the man on top of Jimmy, "That's Gabe." He pointed at the man near Jasmin and Jeff, "That's Ralph. We track down the unnatural evil in this world and try to help people one person at a time. You did well. We wouldn't have found you three without hearing him scream." He released my shackles and turned to Gabe. "Pass me the knife." Gabe took the knife out of Jimmy's throat and chucked the knife. Mike caught it and handed it to me. " Mike said, "Never let this leave your side. but change the handle to wood."

Jimmy growled, "I'm going to take that blade and cut off your heads." Gabe smashed Jimmy's face with the butt of a shotgun, put a black hood over his head, and put some military headphones over his ears. Mike looked at Gabe, "Deal with him." Gabe nodded and then dragged Jimmy outside. I heard some muffled yelling, and then a car trunk slammed shut. Mike asked Ralph, "How are they doing, " Ralph responded, "They are okay, just a little bruised up." Jasmin cried, "I'm okay, but my nose might be broken." Jeff coughed, "I might have a broken rib."

Mike said, "We will give you two a ride to the closest hospital." Ralph walked back in and said to Mike, "Heads up." He tossed Jimmy's watch, apartment key, and wallet. "Mike caught the items and handed them to me. Mike advised, "Right after we leave, go to his apartment. Do you know where it is?" I nodded. He continued," You'll have to live an unconventional life and may need to play a little dirty to get by. Go to his place and take anything of value. You'll have to leave town as soon as possible." He handed me a bag of blood and said, "Drink up. This is donated blood. If you can somehow get your hands on it, it's best for you, but animal blood will do." As I drank it, he said, "We give everyone one chance but never kill anyone except for self-defense. Meet us at the diner down the road a year from today to check in." I nodded. He helped me up, and I ran over to Jasmin and Jeff, who Ralph had un-shackled. I whimpered. "I'm sorry." Jasmin said, "You're the one who stabbed that bastard. We will help you any way we can." Mike interrupted, " Meet at that diner one year from today. " I nodded, and Jasmin nodded.

They all headed for the door, and Mike said, "Best of luck, kid." After they left, I walked to Jimmy's place. I got there and slowly opened the door with the key. I remembered Jimmy telling me he lived alone and had no pets. I walked in and turned the light on. There was so much fancy stuff, from watches to jewelry. There was also a pile of money. I found a suitcase and put the money in it. I kept looking and found a few guns. I found a revolver and some bullets. I put them in the suitcase. I left the rest of the stuff and returned to my dorm. I collected everything that fit in my bag, including my alarm clock, grandma's jewelry, and photos of my mother. I grabbed both bags and headed for the door.