Battery Acid


After she finished her story, I sat there and thought about how hard it must have been. I still had some questions but was afraid to ask. She had just divulged her most precious secret to me, and I didn't want to seem ungrateful. I said, "I'm glad you fought this long." I leaned in and kissed her. She declared, "It was worth it." She continued, "Text your boss and tell him you are sick for the weekend, and I'll do the same. We must do what I did in New York and get out."

I asked, "What needs to happen?" She responded, "Everything with our names on it can be tracked." I thought for a second and said, "We clearly need to leave, and I should sell this house. Get us some money for us to get to Mexico." She asked, "How hard is it?" I said, "Not at all. It was given to me in a will, and we could get a cash offer. I'll trade in my truck to get something newer, and it'll buy us thirty days not to register it. If someone comes looking, they'll have to work extra hard." Roxanne contributed, "That sounds like a plan. I'll head over to my place and grab my things. When we trade in the truck, we can sell my car. I have a collection of stuff from over the years that we can sell along the way." We both got up, and I asked, "Do you want me to come with you?" She assured me, "I'll be okay. We have to split up if we want to get everything done quickly".

She hugged me and said, "I'll be back in a few hours. Do what you can with the house, and tomorrow we will deal with the cars." I kissed her goodbye, and she left. I sat down at my computer and looked for a real estate agent. I found the guy I had in mind. His name was Porter, and he used to work with me at the hospital. I sent him an email "Hey, Porter. It's Hank, and I want to sell my house for a cash offer only. I will sell it furnished and want it listed for 500,000 dollars. My house was recently assessed at 600,000 dollars, and also attached is a copy of the assessment. Thanks, man. Have a nice day." Right away, a new email arrived, and it was from Porter. "Good morning Hank. I can certainly help you with that. Clean the place up and take decent photos. Send the photos to me within two hours, and I should be able to get it up on the market. I heard about the mess at the hospital and understand if you need a new start." I took the photos, sent them to Porter, and texted Tim to tell him I wouldn't be coming in for the weekend. I also texted Chester and Jacoby. I stated, "Hey, fellas. I'm done with the hospital. Some unexpected consequences have arisen from getting bit, and I need a fresh start. It was a fun few years, and I enjoyed working with you two. Have a nice life, and don't get bit."

I saved some money because I wanted to take a summer vacation, the first vacation I would've taken in a long time. Between the trade-in value for my truck, Roxanne's car, and the vacation money, if needed, we would have enough money for a new truck. I stopped for a second and thought, "I enjoyed saying we." I finally had someone I could rely on and fight the world with. Forever, it was me, myself, and I. I began to pack everything I owned into the bed of my truck and collected the bag of gear that the hunters had. The bag contained guns, crosses, silver knives, and books. I picked up a book with a label on it that said "codes." The book had phone passwords, addresses, and the code phrases they used to communicate. I had their cell phones, and no one had tried to reach out to them yet. I put their bags in my truck and returned to my room. I checked my room and found the spoon the old man had given me. I picked it up, and it felt like I dipped my hand in battery acid, causing me to drop it. I picked it up with a cloth and went out to the work shed I had.

I cut off the handle and attached a wooden handle. I also made a little sheath for it. I figured my effort would make Roxanne laugh, and we both needed a little dumb humor. Two hours had passed when I had the truck packed, photos sent to Patrick, and spoon weaponized. When I had everything value-packed, and I stashed the spoon of mass destruction under the front seat of my truck, I heard a heartbeat coming up to the door and smelt female perfume. Roxanne opened the door and said, "Hey. I have all my stuff ready to be moved into your truck and am ready to go." I responded, "I sent the photos to Patrick, and he will do his thing. I found a book that you should read through." I tossed one of the books the inbreds had, and she caught it. She read aloud, "How humans can procreate with the unnatural." She joked, "The only ass those inbred fuckers got was themselves or their sisters." I laughed and said, "One of them had the hots for you, but since you snapped his neck, I figured the feelings weren't mutual." She smiled and walked over to me. She hugged me and whispered, "You're the one for me." She pressed, "You're hiding something, aren't you." I giggled because I had booked a special experience for us in Las Vegas and said, "I am, but you are just going to have to wait to find out." She smiled and kissed me."