Love Stricken Vampires

When the truck was fully packed and the house clean-ish, we decided to get moving. It would take an hour at Porter's and then another hour with the truck. I asked Roxanne, "You ready to get moving?" She responded, "Let's get this chapter started." Chapter was an intriguing word because my life had become one monotonous segment with no end in sight. I responded, "I think this is a new book." She smiled and said, "What should we name it?" I thought for a second and suggested "The Diary Of The Two Love-Stricken Vampires." She blushed. "Do you love me?" The dreaded L word. I had severe trust and commitment issues because I never understood what love meant, and saying it made me gag. I could'nt described why I had fallen so hard for her so quick. I smiled, "I love you more than life itself." She hugged me and said, "I can't wait for that surprise later." As we left the front door, she asked, "Do you want to say any final words?" I pondered, "It's been a good time, but greener pastures await or, in our case, warmer beaches." She alarmed, "Oh, I forgot something." She ran back inside, and I heard the fridge open. She returned with two open beers and said, "Almost forgot these. We should make a little toast." I said, "To warmer beaches." Roxanne repeated, "To warmer beaches." We toasted and finished the beers. I climbed into the truck, and Roxanne got in her antique car. There was a pit in my stomach, and I was worried Roxanne would drive away, but her car sniffed my tailpipe all the way there.

We both pulled into the lot and parked. I got out, and Roxanne asked as she walked up, "Are you ready?" I stated, "Yup, you don't have to come in if you don't want to." She said with a furrowed brow, "We are in this together, aren't we?" I realized I had just stuck one foot in the grave and needed to tread lightly. I confessed, "I don't want many people to know about us because I don't want anyone to take you away from me." Her brow unarmed, and she put her arms around my shoulders. She whispered, "No one is going to separate us." She then kissed me, and we walked into the office together, holding hands. Porter looked up from his computer and pondered, "Oh, Roxanne. I didn't expect to be here." I couldn't think of how to respond, but Roxanne stepped in. "Henry and I are dating." Porter gleamed, "That's wonderful. Henry, I have the paperwork ready to go. Do you have the deed?" I nodded and handed over the document. Porter said, "Wonderful. Roxanne, do you mind waiting while Henry and I head to the other room to review the document?" She said, "Henry. Are you okay with me staying out here? " I responded, "Yeah. It will only be for a few minutes." She smiled and sat on the couch. Porter and I headed to the other room. I knew a father-son conversation was about to commence. Porter asked, "Henry. You are not selling your house because of Roxanne. Right?" I knew that Roxane was listening and needed to watch myself. "Roxanne is the catalyst to what I've always wanted. I've always wanted to travel and live free but, most importantly, with someone I love." Porter admitted, "I can't argue with that. Just sign all these, and you two can get out of here. I read the paperwork, and it said the money would be in my account within three days. I signed the paperwork and filled out my bank account information. I asked Porter, "Do you need anything else?" He responded, "Nope. The money will be in your account within five days. Eventually, you will have to pay taxes if you don't use it to buy another property." I responded, "Thanks, Porter." We both walked back to the front, and Roxanne asked, "All done?" I responded, "Yup, let's get moving."

We both got into our vehicles, and I texted her the address, which was a 45-minute drive away. Even though her car was riding my ass the whole time, I missed her being right next to me. As I drove, I thought about how excited I was to cross off things from my bucket list. So much has happened within a short time. I checked my phone because I had neglected to use it for the last few days. I saw a text from Chester and Tim. Chester's read," Hey, dude. It seems as if you have already made rash decisions, so the time to tell you not to do anything stupid has already passed. The only thing I can say to you is to be careful." I texted back via talk-to-text, "I will do my best. Watch out for yourself. Your hunch was right." Someday, if I made it all out of this, I wanted to tell him everything, but the wounds were too fresh. Tim's text read, "Hey Hank. I understand you probably aren't coming back at all. If that's the case, write a letter of resignation. Thanks." I decided to let that sit for a second because this might all fall apart. Before I could daydream about anything besides my current predicament, the GPS reminded me that my exit was less than a mile away. We got off the highway and pulled into the car lot. The new truck was sitting out front, shiny and ready to go.