I Trust You

As predicted, Roxanne handled the other firearms like she had been in a war, and I figured that was a real possibility. Captain Kirk asked, "Are you two ready for real fun?" Roxanne challenged, "Do you have anything stronger?" I started laughing, and Kirk said, "Okay, tough guy. I'll make you a deal. If you can get a kill shot on a target 2,500 yards away, I'll take half off your experience, but if you miss, you'll pay double. I'll give you three tries." Before I could interrupt, Roxanne blurted, "Deal." I gulped because I had a specific budget for everything and didn't want to use the money I didn't previously have allocated. I wanted to object, but I needed to trust Roxanne. We walked up to a shooting stand with three long-range rifles waiting, each equipped with a long-range night vision scope. Before Kirk could say anything, Roxanne made a beeline for a rifle taller than me. Kirk pressed a button on the wall, and a manikin in the distance lit up and stated, "Good choice. Get set up and fire when you are ready. Roxanne easily picked up the 50-pound rifle and set it up how she wanted it. " Roxanne lay prone, still, and poised. She took a deep breath in and let it out. When she got to the end of her breath, she fired. I couldn't help but notice her perfectly shaped butt jiggle caused by the Spartan kick of a recoil. It was so far that Roxanne had to aim above it, and it was the longest 5 seconds of my life.

Watching the bullet fly through the night sky was like watching a quarterback throw a hail marry and having 3,000 on the game. Right before the round was about to connect with the manikin, Roxanne mind-connected with me, and I could see the bullet tearing the manikin's head off. As projected, the bullet connected with the manikin's face. Captain Kirk was flabbergasted, and I couldn't say I was surprised. Captain Kirk questioned, "You didn't tell me you were a professional sniper." Roxanne confidently responded, "You never asked me." Kirk laughed. "You certainly got the best of me. A deal is a deal. Let's try the machine guns before we wrap up and fly you back." We walked to a different stand, and a large belt-fed machine gun was waiting. Captain Kirk gave us a short introduction with the gun, and Roxanne requested, "Can Hank go first?" Captain Kirk nodded. The weapon had a bipod attached to it, and while the gun was on the counter, I aimed it down range and let it rip. Firing a belt-fed machine gun was always on my list, and I've crossed more items off my list in the few days of being with Roxanne compared to the previous 23 years. Roxanne said, "My shoulder is worn out from the recoil of the sniper. I'm done for the evening." Captain Kirk stated, "Okay, in that case, we can head out." Captain Kirk looked at me and suggested, "Between the discount and flying down the strip earlier, the price would be the same if I flew you two directly to your hotel." I figured flying directly to the hotel would save us the 30-minute drive, and I said, "Sounds like a deal." We climbed in the helicopter, Captain Kirk lowered his night vision goggles, and we took off into the night. The time flew by, and we landed on the helicopter pad of the hotel.

 A man in a bright yellow suit was waiting for us, and he assisted us out of the helicopter as it was still running. Roxanne and I exited, and the aircraft flew away. The man in the suit said, "I am Troy, and I will show you two to your room." We walked to the elevator, went down three floors, and Troy let us into our room. Troy handed us our room keys in a solid gold color that read VIP PREFERED and said, "This is your suite." I gave him 20 bucks, and we entered to find a massive water fountain in the front, an enormous kitchen we didn't require, and an enormous infinity pool with an adjacent hot tub. Roxanne exclaimed, "I've never seen a room like this! We don't need to leave the room at all." As appealing as that sounded, I had a few more things on my list, and eating was one of them. I said, "I have a plan for tonight, starting with us eating and ending in the hot tub." She exclaimed, "Let's see if the robots followed our orders. I'll look in the fridge, and you can check the safe." I nodded and walked up to the massive room.

I looked around and found a huge bathtub, a large bed, a safe, and a flat-screen T.V. I opened the safe and found the duffel bag with the lock attached. I returned downstairs and found Roxanne on the couch with the massive TV on and two bags of blood. I sat down next to her, and she handed me the bag. Roxanne turned the T.V. on; it was on the national news, and the headline read, "Fentnyll is Taking over Rural America." I was getting ready to ask Roxanne if we could watch something different, but then a dash-camera video started playing. The video was of the girl that bit me running across the road and my truck almost hitting her. We watched silently as the news anchor stated, "Bizarre occurrence in rural America. Two police officers are missing, one missing paramedic, and several missing civilians in what is being described as being connected to the same batch of fentanyl-laced methamphetamine." Roxanne asked," Is that the girl that bit you and your old truck?" I said, "Yeah, that happened on my way to work." I followed up, "Let's not freak out. We did a good job getting out of there and were close to getting to Mexico. Just a few more days." Roxanne prompted, "Should we leave now?" I said, "I think we are fine. The news anchor didn't say anything about the cops being dead. Once we leave Vegas, we should go straight there without hesitating, and we will make it." Roxanne said, "I trust you."